
My father sent me three sentences

author:Zhou Zhou 1314520

Just recently

Recently, after getting together with a few friends, everyone naturally turned to their respective parents. Talking about the advanced age of his parents, some of whom have passed away for many years, I can't help but feel a deep nostalgia in my heart. The years have passed, we have entered middle age, and most of our parents have entered the age of seventy or eighty.

In that era when patriarchy was prevalent, the influence of parents, especially fathers, on the family and their children was far-reaching. Thinking back to his father, those former instructions seemed to echo in his ears again.

I remember that it was the eve of the Spring Festival in 2005, and I had just worked for half a year after graduating from graduate school. At noon that day, the family sat around a table, and my father drank a few glasses of wine and said to me, "People, it's not easy. It's not easy for you, and now you finally have a job. His words revealed understanding and relief for me. At that time, I experienced many job changes and graduate school entrance examinations, and my life was as uncertain as autumn leaves. It wasn't until 2002 that he went to Jinan for graduate school and passed the exam three years later to enter the system, which was considered stable.

My father looked at me with anticipation in his eyes. He said to me solemnly: "You are now working in the government department, and I have a few words I want to give you." He raised his glass and paused for a moment, as if organizing the language. "I've been to class all my life, I've eaten public meals all my life, so I'll send you a few words, it's always a little useful to you. "Father's words are always so real and weighty.

He went on to say: "When you enter the government department, I will send you three sentences: you must have a warm personality, you must be hard at work, and you must have a clear relationship. His voice was slow but firm, and every word was deeply imprinted on my heart.

The father explained: "In terms of personality, I am still at ease with you. You have a good temper and patience since childhood. In government departments, it must be gentle and low-key. Suave and elegant, gentle and elegant. His words revealed his expectations and trust in me.

When it comes to work, my father said: "The work must be hard, and there must be real skills, hard skills and hard results." Your specialty is that you love to write, and in the party and government departments, it is not easy to become a pen in a unit. Our family has no background, and we can't go wrong when we work and business. His words made me more determined in my career direction.

In the end, my father said: "To have a clear relationship, it is necessary to handle the relationship with leaders and colleagues, respect leaders, and treat colleagues well, but we don't talk to anyone, and we are innocent for the longest time." "His words have given me a deeper understanding of workplace relationships.

Looking back now, although these three sentences of my father are simple, they contain a profound philosophy of life. They have always been with me and made me more determined and calm on the road of life. I am grateful to my father for his teachings and love. May he live a simple and beautiful life in another world.

Recently, when I got together with a few friends and was slightly drunk, everyone's conversation naturally turned to their respective families and elders. When it comes to parents, everyone is full of emotion, time flies, parents have entered their twilight years, and some have left us. And we are no longer the young teenagers we were back then, shouldering more responsibilities and expectations.

Back in those days, patriarchy was prevalent, and my father, as the pillar of the family, had a profound impact on us. And I often think of the profound advice my father gave me.

I remember that on the eve of the Spring Festival that year, I had just graduated from graduate school and entered the society for more than half a year. When the family was reunited, my father drank a few glasses of wine, and his eyes revealed his deep concern for me. He spoke slowly: "Life is a long road, and it is not easy. It's the same for you, and now that you have a job, it's a good thing. The words are simple, but they are full of affection.

At that time, I had experienced many career changes and the hardships of going to graduate school, and my life was full of uncertainties. It wasn't until he successfully entered the government department that he found a stable home. My father looked at me with anticipation and pride in his eyes, and he said to me solemnly, "You are now working in the government department, and I have a few words I would like to share with you. ”

He picked up his glass and paused for a moment, as if to gather his thoughts. "I've worked all my life and eaten public meals all my life. Now, I would like to tell you a few words that I hope will inspire you. "Father's words are always so solid and powerful.

He went on to say: "When working in the government sector, you have to remember three things: you have to be gentle, you have to be solid in your work, and you have clear relationships. I have always been reassured by your character, gentle and patient. In government departments, it is even more necessary to maintain this quality, be kind to others, and act in a low-key manner. As for work, you must be down-to-earth, diligent and hardworking, and constantly improve your business ability. Our family has no background, and we can only rely on our own efforts and strength to win respect and recognition. Finally, when dealing with interpersonal relationships, we must remain sober and independent, and do not cling to the powerful and do not follow the crowd. ”

My father's words were deeply imprinted in my heart. His teachings taught me to maintain a peaceful heart, a diligent attitude and a clear mind, no matter where I work or what challenges I face. Over the years, I have always kept in mind my father's advice and worked hard to establish myself in the workplace and grow in life.

Looking back now, I am even more grateful for the valuable teachings my father gave me. May he live a simple and happy life in another world. And I will continue to move forward with his expectations and blessings, and continue to pursue a better version of myself.

My father sent me three sentences

Recently, I had a small gathering with friends, and after a few glasses of turbid wine, the topic couldn't help but turn to their respective families and elders. When it comes to parents, everyone has an indescribable emotion, the years are urging people to get old, their parents are old, and some have gone west. And we are no longer the ignorant teenagers we were back then, shouldering more responsibilities and responsibilities.

Looking back on the past, when the patriarchal system was prevalent, my father was the backbone of the family, and his words and deeds were deeply imprinted in my heart. To this day, I often recall my father's meaningful advice.

I remember that on the eve of the Spring Festival that year, I had just finished my graduate school career and entered the society not long ago. The family sat around, and after a few glasses of wine, my father's eyes flashed with hope for my future. He said slowly: "Life is not easy. Now that you have a stable job, it's an important step. His words were simple, but they were full of meaning.

At that time, I had gone through many career choices and graduate school entrance examinations, and my life was full of twists and turns. It wasn't until I successfully entered the government that I found my position. My father looked at me with a look of relief and pride in his eyes, and he said to me solemnly, "You are now in the government department, and I have a few words to tell you. ”

He picked up his glass and pondered for a moment, as if to organize his thoughts. "I've worked all my life and know the ups and downs. Now, I want to tell you three things: peace of mind, pragmatism in work, and integrity in relationships. I have always been reassuring of your character, gentle and moderate. In government departments, it is even more necessary to be kind to others, not arrogant or impatient. As for work, it is important to be down-to-earth, diligent and dedicated, and constantly improve your professional quality. Although our family does not have a prominent background, with your talent and hard work, you will be able to win respect and recognition. Finally, when dealing with interpersonal relationships, it is important to maintain integrity and independence, and not to cling to the powerful and not follow the crowd. ”

My father's words were like a beacon that illuminated my path. His teachings taught me to maintain a calm heart, a pragmatic attitude and integrity no matter where I work or what challenges I face. Over the years, I have always remembered my father's advice and worked hard to shine in my work and grow and progress in life.

Looking back now, I am even more grateful for the valuable teachings my father gave me. May his spirit rest in heaven, and I will continue to work hard to live up to his expectations and blessings.

Recently, I got together with a few old friends and drank a few glasses of wine, and the topic naturally turned to our roots-parents. Speaking of them, everyone's eyes can't help but be filled with deep nostalgia. The years are unforgiving, and our parents have entered their old age, and some of them are separated from us by yin and yang. And we have already transformed from young teenagers to the backbone of the family and society.

Recalling the years when patriarchy prevailed, my father was the pillar of the family, and his words and deeds invisibly shaped our character and values. And I, often in the dead of night, recall my father's deep and wise words.

I remember that on the eve of the Spring Festival that year, I had just finished my graduate school and entered the workplace. When the family was reunited, my father's face flushed after a few glasses of wine, and he looked at me with anticipation and relief in his eyes. He said slowly: "Life is not easy. Now that you have a stable job, you have taken a solid step. Simple words, but with deep fatherly love.

At that time, I had gone through many career choices, and my life was full of challenges and uncertainties. It wasn't until later that I successfully entered the government department and found my direction. My father looked at me with pride in his eyes, and he said to me solemnly: "You work in the government department, I have a few words I want to tell you. ”

He picked up his glass and shook it gently, as if thinking about how to phrase it. "I have experienced ups and downs in my life, and now I want to tell you some of my experiences. First of all, the personality should be peaceful, not arrogant or impatient, so that you can keep a clear head in a complex environment. Secondly, the work should be practical, diligent and dedicated, and constantly improve their business capabilities. Finally, when dealing with interpersonal relationships, you should be honest and open, do not cling to the powerful, and maintain your own independent personality. ”

My father's words were like a spring breeze, and I felt warmth and strength. His teachings taught me to maintain a calm heart, a down-to-earth attitude and integrity no matter where I am. Over the years, I have always kept in mind my father's advice and worked hard to achieve results in my work and happiness in life.

Looking back now, I am even more grateful for the valuable teachings my father gave me. May he be well in the other world, and I will continue to strive to live up to his expectations and blessings.

Recently, I had a small gathering with my best friends, and after a few cups of tea, the topic naturally turned to the direction of home - our parents. When I mentioned them, my heart swelled up not only with longing, but also with a deep nostalgia for that time. Time flies, my parents have entered their twilight years, and some of them have been separated from us forever. And we have grown from teenagers to the pillars of the family and the backbone of society.

Looking back at those days of patriarchal authority, my father was the pillar of the family, and his words and deeds had a profound impact on me. To this day, I often recall my father's wise words in the quiet of the night.

I remember that during the Spring Festival of that year, I had just finished my studies and stepped into the door of the workplace. The family sat around, and my father had a few cups of hot tea, and his eyes revealed his concern and expectations for me. He whispered, "Life is a long road and full of challenges. Now that you have a stable job, you have taken an important step in your life. The words were short, but they were full of my father's deep love.

At that time, I had experienced twists and turns in my career path, and my life was full of uncertainties. It wasn't until later, when I successfully entered the government department, that I found my position and direction. My father looked at me with relief and pride in his eyes, and he said to me solemnly, "You work in the government department, and I have a few things I would like to share with you. ”

He picked up his teacup and took a sip, as if to gather his thoughts. "I have experienced ups and downs in my life, and now I want to tell you some of my experiences. First of all, you should have a peaceful mind and not be frightened, so that you can keep a clear head in the complex workplace. Secondly, we should work hard, keep improving, and constantly improve our professional quality. Finally, when dealing with others, you should be sincere, do not cling to the powerful, and maintain your independence and dignity. ”

My father's words were like a drizzle of rain that moistened my heart and made me feel warmth and strength. His teachings taught me to maintain a calm heart, a hard-working attitude, and a sincere attitude to others, no matter where you are. Over the years, I have always remembered my father's advice to strive for excellence in my work and stay true to myself in life.

Looking back now, I am even more grateful for the valuable teachings my father gave me. May he be safe in the other world, and I will continue to strive to live up to his expectations and blessings.

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