
From being cheated of money for singing, to helping him act in half of the entertainment industry, who is behind Dapeng?

author:Mola talks about the past and the present
From being cheated of money for singing, to helping him act in half of the entertainment industry, who is behind Dapeng?

In the bizarre entertainment industry, how many people have a dream of stardom, but shiver in the cold water of reality? But there are always some people who interpret with actions that dream is never an empty word.

Dapeng is one such example. This boy from a small town in the northeast, from an unknown editor, who stepped into his acting career and was cheated of money, and then to a film director who found half of the stars in the entertainment industry to play for him, What is the force behind this that supports him and allows him to move forward steadily in this circle?

From being cheated of money for singing, to helping him act in half of the entertainment industry, who is behind Dapeng?

Dapeng set sail and spread its wings and fly

Dapeng, formerly known as Dong Chengpeng, was born in Ji'an City, Jilin Province in 1982. This young man has had a dream of stardom since he was a child, but who would have thought that his road to the entertainment industry was like a roller coaster, with ups and downs along the way.

In the early years, Dapeng plunged into the ocean of music with full of enthusiasm. He signed a contract with a record company, thinking that he was only one step away from his dream, but who knew that he was ruthlessly cheated and lost 38,000 yuan.

This is undoubtedly a blow to a hairy boy who has just entered the industry, and he was dizzy, so he almost gave up.

From being cheated of money for singing, to helping him act in half of the entertainment industry, who is behind Dapeng?

But Dapeng is a Northeast man, but he does not admit defeat in his bones. He gritted his teeth, climbed out of the quagmire he fell, and with his own efforts and perseverance, he grew step by step from an unknown editor in Sohu to a well-known figure in the entertainment industry. Among them, how much suffering he endured and how much sweat he shed, I'm afraid only he knows.

The turning point of Dapeng came from the online talk show "Dapeng Bang Bang" hosted by him. This show can be said to be a clear stream at the time, and it is also unique in the online world.

With his witty, humorous and sharp "Peng's Quotations", Dapeng unveiled the layers of the entertainment industry and feasted the audience's eyes. As soon as the show was launched, it was in full swing and became a hit on the Internet.

From being cheated of money for singing, to helping him act in half of the entertainment industry, who is behind Dapeng?

Later, Dapeng made his own online hilarious short drama "DS Men" series. This drama interprets the life of urban young people from a unique perspective, which has made countless audiences empathize with and aroused widespread resonance.

The popularity of "DS Men" has made Dapeng's name resounding all over the country, and he has accumulated a large number of loyal fans, and the number of on-demand views has exceeded the 1 billion mark.

The success of "DS Men" is inseparable from Dapeng's accurate grasp of the role and keen insight into life. He incorporated his early experiences and observations into the script, creating vivid "DS" images.

These characters are either inactive in the workplace, or repeatedly frustrated in the love field, but they always have the strength to not admit defeat, that is, to get up even if they fall. This spirit is exactly the portrayal of countless ordinary people.

Another highlight of "DS Men" is that it breaks the traditional sitcom model and adopts a more flexible and online expression method.

From being cheated of money for singing, to helping him act in half of the entertainment industry, who is behind Dapeng?

There is no fixed duration and scene in the play, and there is no coherent plot, but it is composed of small stories, each of which is an independent unit.

This form is more in line with the viewing habits of online audiences, and it also gives creators more room to play.

Dapeng not only served as a screenwriter and director in "DS Men", but also played the male lead himself, which can be described as an all-round play. He poured his understanding of comedy and his love of acting into it, creating one hilarious classic character after another. Whether it is the cuteness of "Ma Xiaomeng" or the greasy of "Liu Baorui", they have left a deep impression on the audience.

The success of "DS Men" has opened up a broader space for his development. More and more celebrities are starting to come to the city, hoping to work with the new king of comedy.

Dapeng also seized the opportunity to enter the big screen on the basis of online dramas and launched the movie "Pancake Man", which started his career as a film director.

From being cheated of money for singing, to helping him act in half of the entertainment industry, who is behind Dapeng?


If "DS Man" is a famous work in Dapeng's acting career, then the movie "Pancake Man" can be said to be a concentrated explosion of the contacts and resources he has accumulated in the entertainment industry over the years.

"Pancake Man" should not be underestimated, it is star-studded and full of big names. The cast alone is dazzling. Deng Chao, Yu Quan, Wu Junru, Yue Yunpeng, Liu Yan and other dozens of stars appeared in the film one by one, which is simply a grand event in half of the entertainment industry. Such a lineup was a big selling point at the time, attracting countless audiences to the cinema.

But the success of "Pancake Man" is not just due to star effect. From the story to the jokes, from the acting skills to the special effects, this movie all reflects Dapeng's hard work and talent.

He has integrated his years of life insights and life experiences into the creation of scripts, creating vivid and interesting characters. Behind the hilarious scenes in the film are Dapeng's deep understanding and precise control of comedy.

From being cheated of money for singing, to helping him act in half of the entertainment industry, who is behind Dapeng?

For example, in the film, in order to invite celebrities to join, Dapeng used all kinds of strange tricks and staged an absurd comedy. He pretended to be a courier to deliver couriers, pretended to be fans to ask for autographs, and even pretended to be police officers to "arrest" celebrities, all of which reveal the ingenuity and wisdom of the screenwriter.

In addition to the dense jokes, "Pancake Man" also has quite a bright spot in character building. Each character in the film has its own distinct personality and characteristics, whether it is the down-and-out actor played by Dapeng or the female man played by Liu Yan, they all leave a deep impression.

And Deng Chao, Zheng Kai, Lin Gengxin and other big-name stars made cameo appearances, which added a lot to the film, and it was really a lot of fun to watch them ridicule and blacken themselves in the film.

From being cheated of money for singing, to helping him act in half of the entertainment industry, who is behind Dapeng?

And all of this was planned and executed by Dapeng, which shows how much effort it has put in behind the scenes. It is precisely with these well-designed bridges and scenes that "Pancake Man" has become a well-received and popular comedy masterpiece.

What's even more commendable is that "Pancake Man" is not only funny, but also conveys a positive energy. The protagonist in the film has grown from a frustrated little person to his own hero step by step, and this indomitable and never-say-die spirit has touched countless audiences.

Dreams are big or small, as long as you are willing to work hard, nothing is impossible. "Pancake Man" had a bumper harvest at the box office and word-of-mouth, and the film won 1.15 billion at the box office, setting a new record for domestic comedies at that time.

And Dapeng has also jumped from an Internet celebrity to a powerful film director. Since then, he has gained more weight in the entertainment industry, and more resources and opportunities have followed.

From being cheated of money for singing, to helping him act in half of the entertainment industry, who is behind Dapeng?

Later, he directed or acted in several high-quality movies, which were well received by the audience, and his friendship with Liu Yan also made people feel that it was a rare friendship in the entertainment industry.

3. The light of the disciples of the highest

Dapeng can be like a fish in water in the entertainment industry, in addition to his own talent and hard work, there is also an identity that has to be mentioned, that is, Zhao Benshan's apprentice.

This is not a joke, in the Chinese entertainment industry, being able to worship under Zhao Benshan's door is like picking up a golden job that leads to success.

In 2010, Dapeng's dream finally came true and officially apprenticed to Zhao Benshan and became his 53rd disciple. This was a sensational event in the entertainment industry at that time, after all, Zhao Benshan's status in the Chinese entertainment industry was in full swing and hot.

From being cheated of money for singing, to helping him act in half of the entertainment industry, who is behind Dapeng?

Everyone knows that all the apprentices under Zhao Benshan are stars, and it is difficult not to be popular. So Dapeng suddenly became the focus of attention, and everyone was speculating that this little-known young man had something outstanding about being favored by Zhao Benshan.

In fact, there is a story behind this. It turned out that as early as 2010, Dapeng had already had contact with Zhao Benshan on various occasions.

He often serves as the host in some activities, and every time he can conquer the audience with his wit and humor, Zhao Benshan gradually looks up to this young man.

In addition, Zhao Benshan happened to have a strategic cooperation with Sohu Video at that time, and Dapeng worked in Sohu again, and the fate of the two gradually deepened.

From being cheated of money for singing, to helping him act in half of the entertainment industry, who is behind Dapeng?

It is not enough to have the golden sign of Zhao Benshan, Dapeng also has to have real talent and learning. In the years he has been in Sohu, he has worked hard.

From an unknown editor, to later becoming the host of "Dapeng Bang", and then to writing, directing and acting in "DS Men", Dapeng has accumulated popularity and reputation step by step.

And the platform of Sohu has given him the greatest support. You must know that Sohu is one of the four major portals in China, and its influence in the media industry should not be underestimated.

It not only provided a strong publicity channel for Dapeng, but also gave strong financial support, allowing him to create without distraction.

And when it comes to Sohu, we have to mention its founder Zhang Chaoyang. This tycoon in the IT industry is also a noble man of Dapeng. Zhang Chaoyang not only stands for Dapeng on various occasions, but also often connects him in the financial circle and entertainment circle and provides various resources. With such a backer, Dapeng is like a fish in water in the entertainment industry.

From being cheated of money for singing, to helping him act in half of the entertainment industry, who is behind Dapeng?

Dapeng's success seems to be accidental, but it is actually inevitable. With Zhao Benshan's golden signboard, Sohu's powerful platform, Zhang Chaoyang's behind-the-scenes promoter, coupled with his own talent and hard work, it is not surprising that Dapeng is getting better and better in the entertainment industry. As the so-called "time, place and people", Dapeng can be said to have both of the three in order to break out of the world in this circle.

Of course, we can't ignore Dapeng's own efforts. From a small editor to a hot director, Dapeng has paid unimaginable hard work. He often worked all night to write scripts, filming for days and nights, and had to deal with various socials and activities at the same time. This fighting spirit is the foundation of his success.


Success is never an accident, it is a combination of opportunity and effort. With the golden sign of Zhao Benshan, the powerful platform of Sohu, and its own unremitting efforts, Dapeng can break out of the world in the entertainment industry. This is the way to success for Dapeng. There will always be people on the road to pursue our dreams who will lend a helping hand to us at critical moments.

But at the end of the day, it's ourselves who determine the height of our dreams. As Dapeng said, "What a dream is, a dream is something that makes you feel that perseverance is happiness."

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