
I didn't care about it for 30 years, but now I want "father-son love", Zhang Fengyi: Son, I will always love you

author:Xiaozo Naogon

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I didn't care about it for 30 years, but now I want "father-son love", Zhang Fengyi: Son, I will always love you

The controversy behind the confession in later years

When Zhang Fengyi suddenly said with red eyes and a trembling voice in an interview, "Son, I have always loved you deeply", it caused widespread controversy and heated discussions in the society.

Some questioned his motives, suspecting that it was just a sign of hypocrisy. For most of his life, Zhang Fengyi has always been cold and indifferent to his biological son Zhang Boyu, and even publicly belittled his image and ability, refusing to attend his wedding, a major event in his life.

Now that he is old, he suddenly reveals his "deep love" for his son, which inevitably makes people wonder if he has other intentions.

I didn't care about it for 30 years, but now I want "father-son love", Zhang Fengyi: Son, I will always love you

Some people also pointed out more bluntly that Zhang Fengyi has turned a blind eye to his son for a long time, which has caused Zhang Boyu's inner trauma. This late confession can no longer soothe the disappointment and sadness that have been precipitated in his son's heart for many years.

Zhang Boyu himself once sighed: "The unfortunate people in life have been trying to heal the wounds of childhood all their lives." It shows how deep the wound in his heart is.

In short, Zhang Fengyi suddenly publicly declared that he "loves his son" in his later years, which aroused heated discussions and questions from all walks of life. This not only makes people doubt his true motives, but also makes people feel that his belated confession can no longer redeem his son's disappointment in him.

Lu Liping's persistence and family breakdown

It goes back to a long, long time ago, and Zhang Fengyi's marriage experience with his ex-wife Lu Liping can solve the mystery of this father-son relationship.

I didn't care about it for 30 years, but now I want "father-son love", Zhang Fengyi: Son, I will always love you

Back then, Lu Liping was a movie star who was already famous, while Zhang Fengyi was just a small actor with a mediocre background. Unexpectedly, Lu Liping took the initiative to propose to Zhang Fengyi, showing her dedication to this relationship.

In order to marry her sweetheart, Lu Liping paid a lot of price - she gave up wedding photos, luxury weddings, and even had no conditions when she got married, completely focusing on her husband.

After marriage, Lu Liping was always virtuous and tried her best to play the role of a virtuous helper. In order to fully support her husband's career development, she not only took the initiative to give up her job, but also deliberately transferred Zhang Fengyi to Shanghai Film Studio to pave the way for his acting career.

I didn't care about it for 30 years, but now I want "father-son love", Zhang Fengyi: Son, I will always love you

Under Lu Liping's care, Zhang Fengyi's career finally gradually reached its peak.

However, at this time, family conflicts began to emerge. Zhang Fengyi became more and more neglected by the family, and put all the burden of housework on Lu Liping alone. Lu Liping was overworked, and her image was not as good as before, but Zhang Fengyi was not only inconsiderate when she saw this, but ruthlessly accused her of "not even being a woman".

Such words were undoubtedly like a sharp sword, which deeply stabbed Lu Liping's self-esteem.

Finally, after a fierce quarrel, Zhang Fengyi ran away from home directly, which completely led to the breakup of this marriage. Lu Liping learned from the pain and had to file a divorce request with the court.

I didn't care about it for 30 years, but now I want "father-son love", Zhang Fengyi: Son, I will always love you

At the time, their son, Zhang Boyu, was only three years old and lived with his mother after the divorce. This decision completely changed the trajectory of Zhang Boyu's life, and he lacked the nourishment of his father's love for a long time in the future, and his heart was empty and lonely.

The son's desire to be noticed

After the divorce, Zhang Boyu has always longed for his father's love and recognition, and an insoluble longing for his family has developed in his heart.

He traveled thousands of miles to call his father Zhang Fengyi, trying to attract attention, hoping to get a trace of care. However, what is often exchanged for is Zhang Fengyi's cold reprimand, "Go back and study hard, don't be delusional about being an actor", "Can you actually be the leading actor"...... Every sentence is like a sharp knife, piercing deep into Zhang Boyu's heart, ruthlessly cutting his dreams and self-esteem.

I didn't care about it for 30 years, but now I want "father-son love", Zhang Fengyi: Son, I will always love you

Even so, Zhang Boyu still has a glimmer of hope. He wrote, directed and acted in stage plays, participated in the graduation show, and invited his father to watch it with great expectations, hoping that this would allow him to see his progress and efforts.

But every time he was invited, Zhang Fengyi always refused bluntly, always ignored his son's affairs, and was not willing to spend half of his time on this matter.

Even the wedding, a major moment in Zhang Boyu's life, Zhang Fengyi, as a father, had no news and turned a blind eye to his son's grand event. All this made Zhang Boyu completely desperate, he realized that he was destined not to get his father's love, and his heart was sour.

I didn't care about it for 30 years, but now I want "father-son love", Zhang Fengyi: Son, I will always love you

He has longed for his father's love since he was a child, and he no longer has any illusions.

Family conflicts in the later stages of marriage

Back in the later stage of Zhang Fengyi and Lu Liping's married life, the contradictions between the two deepened day by day, and the family atmosphere became increasingly tense.

During this time, Zhang Fengyi's criticism and accusations against his wife Lu Liping became more and more severe, and he hurt people at every turn. He often relentlessly accused: "You are not even a woman now."

Every time she heard such words, Lu Liping, who was overworked and distorted in her description, felt a double blow, and she often fell into the despair of crying silently.

I didn't care about it for 30 years, but now I want "father-son love", Zhang Fengyi: Son, I will always love you

As a movie star with a successful career, Lu Liping has paid too much in order to fully support her husband. Not only did she take the initiative to give up her job, but she also deliberately transferred Zhang Fengyi to Shanghai, paving the way for him to act.

And at home, she has done her best to help the virtuous and carry all the housework. However, such a good wife and mother are often mercilessly ridiculed and hurt by their husbands.

Finally, after a tense quarrel, Zhang Fengyi ran away from home directly, which completely led to the breakdown of this marriage. Lu Liping learned from the pain, and her heart was like ashes, so she had to file a divorce request with the court to end this oppressive married life.

I didn't care about it for 30 years, but now I want "father-son love", Zhang Fengyi: Son, I will always love you

At that time, their son Zhang Boyu was only three years old and lived with his mother. This decision completely changed the trajectory of Zhang Boyu's life, and he has been lacking the nourishment of his father's love for a long time, and his heart is unbearable.

The difficult process of reuniting father and son

After the divorce, Zhang Fengyi always turned a blind eye to his biological son Zhang Boyu and ignored his desire for father's love. Even at the important moment of Zhang Boyu's wedding, Zhang Fengyi, as a father, was still absent, which made Zhang Boyu completely desperate for gaining his father's love, and his heart was sour.

When asked why he did not attend his son's wedding, Zhang Fengyi went so far as to give a ridiculous explanation, believing that a small banquet for both men and women was enough, rather than 27 lavish banquets to celebrate.

I didn't care about it for 30 years, but now I want "father-son love", Zhang Fengyi: Son, I will always love you

What is criticized is that for a long time after that, Zhang Fengyi still ignored his son. Until one day, he inadvertently saw Zhang Boyu interacting with his stepfather Sun Haiying on TV, and a burst of anger and injustice suddenly burst out in his heart.

He angrily called his son and reprimanded Zhang Boyu for being "treacherous and ungrateful."

It seems that Zhang Fengyi has never been able to let go of the contradiction with his ex-wife Lu Liping, and has transferred all his dissatisfaction to his son. He really couldn't tolerate Zhang Boyu's closeness with his stepfather, but he never reflected on whether he had given his son the care he deserved.

I didn't care about it for 30 years, but now I want "father-son love", Zhang Fengyi: Son, I will always love you

Fortunately, as he grew older, Zhang Fengyi seemed to begin to appreciate the importance of his son in life. He not only took the initiative to invite Zhang Boyu home for dinner many times, but also personally accompanied his son to exercise, trying to repair the regrettable rift in the father-son relationship.

Some people are more straightforward, pointing out that Zhang Fengyi's long-term neglect and injury to his son has caused Zhang Boyu a lot of trauma in his heart. Tonight's confession of insecurity can't soothe the disappointment and resentment that has accumulated in his son's heart for many years.

As Zhang Boyu himself said: "The unfortunate in life spends their lives trying to heal the wounds of childhood." He was never able to forgive his father for those hurtful words back then.

I didn't care about it for 30 years, but now I want "father-son love", Zhang Fengyi: Son, I will always love you

In short, Zhang Fengyi suddenly publicly declared that he "loves his son" in his later years, which aroused heated discussions and questions from all walks of life.

It is difficult to believe that his motives are sincere, and there is even more reason to suspect that this is just a selfish expression of his coveting a happy life in his old age.

After all, in the past, he was almost 100% indifferent and disregarded for his own son.

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