
If you can endure the pain, you can bear it? Wrong! This is the early warning signal that the body sends to you

author:Dr. Wong of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology

In the medical corridor, pain is like an uninvited visitor, making people involuntarily pay attention. Many times, our reaction to it is to ignore, to endure, or to wish it would go away on its own. But what would you think if I told you that this practice could be gambling with health?

Let's take Mr. Zhang as an example. A workaholic who is usually out-and-out often ignores the dull pain in his chest, until one day, this heart-wrenching feeling makes him collapse in the office. The diagnosis was a heart attack. Mr. Zhang's story is not an isolated case, but reflects a common phenomenon that we often choose the wrong way to cope with pain.

If you can endure the pain, you can bear it? Wrong! This is the early warning signal that the body sends to you

Scientific interpretation of pain

Pain: The body's early warning system

Pain is more than just a feeling, it's a built-in early warning system in the body to alert us to a possible problem in a certain part of the body. From a biological point of view, pain acts as a protective deterrent, preventing us from continuing to hurt ourselves. For example, the pain of touching a heat source quickly causes us to withdraw our hand and avoid more severe burns.

Acute Pain vs. Chronic Pain: Different Signals, Different Meanings

Acute pain: usually sudden, such as a cut, fracture, or inflammation, and is of short duration but may be of greater intensity. Its appearance often means that the body has suffered some kind of acute injury or inflammation.

Chronic pain: It is persistent and can last for months or even years. It can be caused by a long-term illness, such as arthritis, or it may not fully recover after an injury. Chronic pain not only affects physical health, but can also trigger psychological problems such as depression and anxiety.

The dangers of pain: a signal that should not be ignored

Ignoring pain means ignoring the body's warnings. In the short term, it can lead to exacerbations that require more complex treatments. In the long term, chronic pain can be a major factor in quality of life, leading to limited daily functioning, depressed mood, and even social difficulties.

Ignoring the dangers of pain: the body's silent cry for help

If you can endure the pain, you can bear it? Wrong! This is the early warning signal that the body sends to you

Pain, the body's first alarm, is often misunderstood as a temporary reaction to overwork or a minor problem. However, this perception is the beginning of many people's progress towards more serious health problems. Pain is not just a feeling, it is an important message from the body, indicating that there may be a disease or injury within us.

Short-term consequences: Makes treatment more difficult

As a direct consequence of ignoring pain, health problems that could have been managed with simple treatment can become complex. For example, mild back pain can be caused by poor posture and can be easily resolved with prompt physical therapy and posture improvement. But if left unattended for a long time, it can lead to serious problems such as herniated discs that require more complex treatments, such as surgery.

Long-term risk: a hidden quality-of-life killer

Long-term neglect of pain, especially chronic pain, has a profound impact on an individual's quality of life. Chronic pain can lead to persistent discomfort, interfere with sleep, reduce social activities, and even trigger depression and anxiety. Studies have shown that the quality of life of people with chronic pain is significantly lower than that of the general population, and they are limited in terms of mood, physical functioning, and social activities.

Pain coping strategies: take timely action to prevent problems before they occur

In the face of pain, the right coping strategies can effectively avoid the above risks and maintain a good quality of life. This requires not only the active participation of individuals, but also the support of the healthcare system.

Seek medical attention promptly: the first step that should not be overlooked

In the face of persistent discomfort or sudden, severe pain, prompt medical attention is key. A professional medical assessment can help identify the cause behind the pain and develop an effective treatment plan. Delaying medical attention not only exacerbates the pain, but can also miss the best time for treatment, leading to worsening of the condition.

Lifestyle modifications: Prevention is better than cure

If you can endure the pain, you can bear it? Wrong! This is the early warning signal that the body sends to you

Improving lifestyle habits, such as proper sitting, exercising regularly, and maintaining an appropriate weight, are effective ways to prevent pain. For example, regular moderate-intensity exercise builds muscle strength and reduces pain caused by muscle tension or strain.

Pain management: a multidimensional and integrated strategy

Pain management is not just about eliminating pain, but more importantly about improving quality of life. This may include multifaceted efforts such as medication, physical therapy, psychological counseling, and more. Psychological support is especially important for people with chronic pain to help them develop a positive attitude towards life and learn pain management skills.

Pain is not a trivial matter, it is an important signal from the body, which needs to be paid attention to and dealt with properly in time. Ignoring pain can lead to long-term physical and mental health problems, so it's crucial to adopt the right coping strategies in a timely manner. By seeking medical attention promptly, making lifestyle adjustments, and managing pain comprehensively, we can better prevent the negative effects of pain and protect our health and quality of life.

If you can endure the pain, you can bear it? Wrong! This is the early warning signal that the body sends to you