
Still don't dare to provoke Putin, NATO Secretary General advised Zelensky: Vote

author:Don't eat ice cream

At the recent celebration of NATO's 75th anniversary, Ukrainian Foreign Minister Kuleba stepped into the Belgian venue with full expectations and anxieties. The purpose of his trip, in addition to celebrating this important historical moment, is more important to seek the firm support of NATO countries for military aid to Ukraine. However, as the celebration came to an end, Kuleba's expectations burst like a soap bubble, replaced by disappointment and resentment.

At the celebration site, although the representatives of various countries were smiling on the surface, when talking about Ukraine's request for military aid, they avoided the important and made vague remarks. They keep saying that they support Ukraine, but when it comes to concrete actions, they seem hesitant and even pushback. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky is watching all this remotely, and he is anxious, repeatedly urging Kuleba to make substantial progress as soon as possible.

However, the reality is always cruel. NATO's attitude has made the Ukrainian side desperate, and they are even beginning to wonder if these so-called allies are really willing to help them. Against this background, public opinion in Ukraine has also begun to split. Some argue that cooperation with NATO should continue and seek more support, while others advocate abandoning illusions and seeking other ways to resolve the current dilemma.

Still don't dare to provoke Putin, NATO Secretary General advised Zelensky: Vote

At the same time, the attitude of the United States has also attracted widespread attention. As the leader of NATO, the United States has always maintained a delicate balance on the Ukraine issue. On the one hand, they do not want to see Ukraine completely collapse, because this would give Russia a huge strategic advantage, and on the other hand, they do not want to get too involved in this conflict so as not to provoke a larger crisis. Therefore, the United States has always maintained an ambiguous attitude on the issue of military aid, neither refusing nor committing.

Against this background, Trump's rhetoric undoubtedly added fuel to the fire on the Ukrainian issue. His proposal for Ukraine to give up its territory in exchange for peace immediately caused an uproar. Proponents argue that this is a pragmatic solution that will end this endless conflict as soon as possible, while opponents argue that it is a betrayal and abandonment of Ukraine by the United States and will plunge it into a deeper predicament.

Yet, whether or not Trump's plan is viable, it reveals a profound question: In whose hands is Ukraine's fate in this international strife?

Still don't dare to provoke Putin, NATO Secretary General advised Zelensky: Vote

Judging by the authenticity of the story, the scenarios and plots described in this article are all constructed based on real-world international political dynamics and the plight of Ukraine. NATO's hesitation, America's ambiguity, and Ukraine's plight are all true portrayals of the current international political landscape. Therefore, this article has a certain credibility in terms of authenticity.

From a logical point of view, the article gradually leads to the plight and focus of controversy in Ukraine by describing the scene of the NATO celebration and the attitudes of all parties. The whole story has a clear and logical coherence, which allows the reader to clearly understand the development of events and the change of positions of all parties.

In terms of details, the article is also quite well done. Through the description of the psychology, words and deeds of the characters, it vividly shows the complex mentality and coping strategies of all parties in the face of difficulties. At the same time, the article also skillfully uses golden sentences, famous sayings and popular words, which enhances the expressiveness and appeal of the article.

Still don't dare to provoke Putin, NATO Secretary General advised Zelensky: Vote

However, it is these authentic details and in-depth analysis that make this article full of depth and controversy. It provokes us to think about international relations, national interests, peace and war, and so on. In this era full of uncertainties and challenges, how should we face and deal with these problems?

To sum up, this article has successfully aroused readers' attention and thinking about the Ukrainian issue through a real and vivid storyline and in-depth and comprehensive analysis. It allows us to see a complex and ever-changing international political arena, and it also makes us think about how to find our place and value in such an environment.

I believe that Ukraine's predicament does not exist in isolation, but rather a microcosm of the complex interweaving of international politics. In this contest without gunpowder, Ukraine seems to have become a "pawn on a chessboard", and its fate is drawn by the game of great powers. As the popular saying goes, "a weak country has no diplomacy", and Ukraine's experience has made us deeply realize that in the international arena, strength is the last word. However, this does not mean that Ukraine should abandon resistance and efforts to seek peace. On the contrary, they should be more convicted and united to find their own way out. After all, history has proven countless times that respect and peace can only be won through self-improvement.

Still don't dare to provoke Putin, NATO Secretary General advised Zelensky: Vote

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