
I always feel that my life is not going well, and I suggest that you have these 5 "enlightenments", and good fortune will come naturally

author:Barley said

Before reading, I would like to remind you that this article is for informational entertainment only and should not be superstitious!

In this fast-paced, high-pressure modern society, I feel as if I am being tricked by fate, and I always feel that my life is not going well.

Every day, like many urbanites, I struggle with the pressure of busy work and life.

In the morning, crowded in the crowded subway, as the carriage swayed, the mood also fluctuated. When you arrive at the office, the endless emails and reports on the computer screen seem to laugh at you, as if you can never keep up with the pace of work.

Friends show their success and happiness, but they always feel out of place with all this.

Lying in bed in the dead of night, looking at the faint light emitted by the screen of my mobile phone, I can't help but wonder: why do I always feel so unlucky? Am I not good enough, or am I really abandoned by fate?

The old people in the village often say: "Three points are destined, and seven points depend on hard work." "Fate is a mysterious thing, but more often than not, it is in our own hands.

If you're feeling ill-fated, start by changing your mindset and behavior. Today, I will give you some advice, with these five "enlightenments", maybe your good fortune will come uninvited.

I always feel that my life is not going well, and I suggest that you have these 5 "enlightenments", and good fortune will come naturally

Enlightenment 1: "There is no way out of the mountains and rivers, and the willows and flowers are bright and another village." Be optimistic.

During the Three Kingdoms period, Zhuge Liang, the prime minister of Shu Han, encountered great difficulties during the Northern Expedition. The Shu army led by him was besieged by the enemy in a precipitous valley, with rugged mountain roads, scarce water, lack of food and grass, and low morale. At this time, Zhuge Liang also felt helpless, "there is no way out of doubt", and there seemed to be no hope of escape.

However, Zhuge Liang was not knocked down by the predicament, and he used his wits to design a means of transportation called "Wooden Ox and Flowing Horse" to solve the problem of grain and grass transportation. At the same time, he sent small units to harass the enemy's rear, distracting the enemy's attention. Finally, on a foggy morning, he used the terrain and architecture to design an exquisite ambush battle, successfully repelling the enemy army and winning a glimmer of life for the Shu army.

When the soldiers of the Shu army saw the way out ahead, they were all overjoyed, and they finally got out of the predicament and saw hope again.

This example perfectly interprets the artistic conception of "mountains and rivers have no way out, and the willows and flowers are bright and another village", showing the spirit of perseverance and courage to open up in the predicament.

This poem is just like a flowing picture scroll, telling the process of struggling to find in the mountains and rivers of life, and finally the willows and flowers are bright. It teaches us to be optimistic in the face of adversity in order to find our way.

This optimistic attitude, just like the exquisite inventions described by Shen Kuo in "Dream Creek Writings", contains countless attempts and unremitting explorations behind them. In the face of many difficulties, Shen Kuo did not flinch, but met every challenge with an optimistic attitude, and finally achieved his great work.

"Thousands of blows are still strong, and the wind is blowing. "Staying optimistic in the face of adversity is not a blind self-deception, but a wise choice. It is like the bamboo and stone of Zhengbanqiao, no matter what kind of wind and rain, it can be tenacious and move forward bravely.

Thinking back to the heroes recorded by Sima Qian in the "Records of the Historians", which one of them did not remain optimistic in the face of adversity, and finally got out of the predicament and achieved a career?

Their story tells us that only by staying optimistic can we see the rainbow after the wind and rain, and only then can we meet another village with bright willows and flowers after the mountains and rivers have recovered.

In difficult times, we must also believe that hope can be met around the corner.

I always feel that my life is not going well, and I suggest that you have these 5 "enlightenments", and good fortune will come naturally

Enlightenment 2: "Tianxingjian, a gentleman is constantly striving for self-improvement." We must continue to improve ourselves.

Sun Jing was a famous statesman in the Eastern Han Dynasty, who was diligent and studious in his young age, and tirelessly pursued knowledge. In order to pursue higher learning, he often studied alone behind closed doors, and forgot to sleep and eat from morning to night every day. In order to prevent himself from dozing off while studying, he specially found a rope and tied one end to the beam of the house and the other end to his hair. Whenever he was tired from reading and wanted to take a nap, the rope would grab his hair and pull his scalp, thus reminding him to continue to study hard.

Sun Jing's spirit of hanging beams and thorns became a model for later generations of students, and he eventually became an outstanding politician through unremitting self-improvement and unremitting efforts.

His story teaches us that it is only through perseverance and hard work that we can achieve our dreams and goals.

This proverb comes from the ancient "Zhou Yi" in the mainland, and embodies the wisdom and insight of the ancients. It tells us that the way of heaven is in constant motion, and a gentleman should follow the way of heaven, strive for self-improvement, and never stop.

This spirit of self-improvement is like the old man portrayed by Hemingway in "The Old Man and the Sea", who fights the big fish at sea, although the disparity in strength is huge, but he is always tenacious and courageous. His story is a true portrayal of the spirit of self-improvement, no matter what kind of difficulties we face, we should not give up, but should be positive and challenge ourselves.

There is a cloud in the "Book of Songs": "If you cut it, you can learn it, and if you think about it, you can grind." It means that the gentleman's self-cultivation is like processing bone tools, and he has to learn after cutting, just like processing jade, he has to grind after cutting. This coincides with the spirit of self-improvement, which emphasizes the importance of self-improvement and continuous improvement.

In modern society, we should uphold this spirit of unremitting self-improvement. No matter how fate changes, we must be like the old man, bravely meet the challenges and continue to learn new knowledge and skills.

"The Book of Rites: University" also mentions: "Gou is new, every day is new, and every day is new." "It means that we have to renew ourselves every day and make progress every day.

When you feel that your fate is not going well, you might as well calm down, return to your heart, and look for the strength of self-improvement.

Remember, only continuous self-improvement can lead to an invincible destiny.

I always feel that my life is not going well, and I suggest that you have these 5 "enlightenments", and good fortune will come naturally

Enlightenment 3: "If Seong loses his horse, he doesn't know if it's a blessing." ——We must take a correct view of the gains and losses.

There was once a Seon, lost his horse in the north, everyone regretted it, but Seon treated it indifferently. Soon, the horse returned, and brought back a horse, and the people rejoiced, but Seon was troubled. As Seon had predicted, his son broke his leg bone while riding a horse. However, many strong men were conscripted and died on the battlefield, and the son of Seon was spared from a leg injury. From this point of view, between gains and losses, blessings and misfortunes depend on each other, so why should we be sad and happy?

Gu Shiyun: "There is no way out of the mountains and rivers, and the willows and flowers are bright and another village." The same is true of the path of life.

Why despair when you lose, maybe around the corner, there is a new opportunity waiting for you to discover.

As the Analects says: "If you are a threesome, you must have my teacher." "Every loss may be an opportunity for us to learn and a ladder for us to grow.

Looking at the book "Crime and Punishment" again, the protagonist goes through the torment and struggle of the soul, and finally finds the way to salvation. Isn't this the modern interpretation of "Seon's Lost Horse"?

Losing and gaining are often in the same thought. As the saying goes: "Eat a trench, grow a wisdom." "Every setback and failure is the accumulation of our wisdom and the driving force for us to move forward.

In ancient and modern folk customs, the word "Fu" is pasted on the Spring Festival, implying people's yearning for a better life. However, the real blessing is not the superficial glory and wealth, but maintaining a normal heart between gains and losses, and correctly looking at the ups and downs and changes of life.

I often hear Uncle Wang next door say: "I am fortunate to have gained, but I have lost my life." "Learning to balance gains and losses is a real blessing.

Believe that every loss may be pregnant with new opportunities and hopes, just as the son of Naseon was a blessing in disguise.

The road of life is long, and I will go up and down to seek. Only by finding balance and wisdom between gains and losses can we achieve steady and far-reaching results.

I always feel that my life is not going well, and I suggest that you have these 5 "enlightenments", and good fortune will come naturally

Enlightenment 4: "If a person is not a sage, who can be without fault? We must know how to introspect and correct.

This is the proverb of the ancients, and it is also the guide of today. The key lies in how we face and deal with these mistakes.

Tolstoy's "War and Peace" depicts the fates and choices of various characters, and there are many episodes of mistakes and repentance. These stories teach us that everyone makes mistakes, but the real warriors are those who dare to face their mistakes and learn from them.

Uncle Li, a neighbor, often said: "Eat a trench, grow a wisdom." This is a vivid interpretation of "passing and changing". Every mistake is an opportunity for us to grow, as long as we can face it squarely and bravely correct it, then these mistakes will be transformed into the driving force for us to move forward.

In modern literary works, there is no shortage of profound descriptions of self-examination and correction. As the novel says, "Everyone makes mistakes, but only those who are truly brave will admit and correct their mistakes." This sentence touched our hearts deeply and made us more convinced of the importance of self-reflection and correction.

In daily life, we often hear the saying: "Knowing mistakes can be corrected, and good is great." "It's not just an individual requirement, it's an expectation for society as a whole.

When we realize our mistakes, don't choose to run away or make excuses, but be brave enough to admit them, learn from them, and try to correct them.

"If a person is not a sage, who can be without fault? "Let us continue to grow through mistakes and corrections, and meet a better future.

I always feel that my life is not going well, and I suggest that you have these 5 "enlightenments", and good fortune will come naturally

Enlightenment five: "The heavens will descend on the people, and they must first suffer their minds." "—Be brave in the face of challenges.

Destiny is like a harsh coach that sets a lot of tests for those who are ready to take on great responsibilities.

These trials are as severe as those experienced by Paul Kochagin in "How Steel Is Made", but it is these challenges that temper his will and finally make him a true "Iron Warrior".

Jean Argent, the protagonist of the famous foreign novel "Les Miserables", also experienced countless hardships and challenges, but he never gave up and finally won the dignity and redemption of human nature.

This is just as our folk proverb says: "Only when you suffer hardship can you become a superior person." "If you haven't experienced wind and rain, how can you see a rainbow?

In the face of challenges, we need not only perseverance, but also wisdom and courage.

As the saying goes: "Sailing against the current, if you don't advance, you will retreat." "In the face of adversity, we can only find a way out if we move forward. Giving up and running away will only lead us deeper into the predicament.

Personally, I firmly believe that every challenge is an opportunity for growth and a baptism of the soul. As the ancient poem says: "The edge of the sword comes from the sharpening, and the fragrance of plum blossoms comes from the bitter cold." ”

Only by experiencing the hardships of the bitter cold can we be sharper and stronger.

Remember: "The heavens will descend on the people, and they must first suffer their minds." This is not an empty word, but a wisdom of life, a courage to face challenges.

Be brave and persevere, and you will be able to find your own direction in the challenges and achieve a more wonderful self.

I always feel that my life is not going well, and I suggest that you have these 5 "enlightenments", and good fortune will come naturally

"My life is up to me, not to heaven".

When you feel that your fate is not going well, you may wish to adjust your mentality and behavior from the above five aspects. Staying optimistic, striving for self-improvement, putting gains and losses into perspective, knowing how to introspect and correct, and being brave in the face of challenges – these five "realizations" may open the door to good fortune.

Remember: your destiny is in your own hands!