
He acted on stage at the age of 4, was expelled from school at the age of 21, and was kidnapped at the age of 22, but became friends with the kidnappers

author:Cold Snow Mountain

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Text: Cold Snow Mountain

Edited by Hanxue Mountain

He acted on stage at the age of 4, was expelled from school at the age of 21, and was kidnapped at the age of 22, but became friends with the kidnappers


Have you ever fallen into a low point in your life on the road to your dreams?

Have you ever wandered in that dark and desperate situation, wanting to give up everything?

But do you have the courage to pick yourself up again and continue to pursue your passion?

A person's life is often full of twists and turns and tribulations.

And those seemingly insurmountable predicaments have just achieved great life legends.

Today, let's walk into the legendary life that has fallen to the bottom several times, but finally bloomed with dazzling light.

He acted on stage at the age of 4, was expelled from school at the age of 21, and was kidnapped at the age of 22, but became friends with the kidnappers

Childhood genius blossoms

In 1972, an ordinary family in Taiyuan welcomed their proud ---- Xing Jiadong.

His parents are a pair of professional drama actors, and since they were young, they have implanted the gene of loving acting into the depths of Xing Jiadong's soul.

It was an ordinary and ordinary family, but it gave the child a unique artistic endowment.

The god of fate seems destined to push this child to the forefront of the stage to show his innate talent.

He acted on stage at the age of 4, was expelled from school at the age of 21, and was kidnapped at the age of 22, but became friends with the kidnappers

Seeds of dreams

A chance at the age of 4 allowed Xing Jiadong to step onto the stage of life.

At that time, there was no professional theater troupe in Taiyuan, and a well-known drama troupe from Shaanxi rehearsed the drama "Xi'an Incident" there.

During a rehearsal, the director suddenly found that a child role in the play was unplayed, time was pressing, and when he was helpless, he happened to catch a glimpse of Xing Jiadong napping in the venue.

This boy with a short stature and a cute face immediately became the best candidate for the director.

He acted on stage at the age of 4, was expelled from school at the age of 21, and was kidnapped at the age of 22, but became friends with the kidnappers

So the director did not hesitate and asked Xing Jiadong's parents to let this little guy come to play this role.

No one expected that just by simply reading the script a few times, Xing Jiadong would be able to show excellent acting skills at the professional level.

In just one year, he has accompanied the troupe to perform more than 100 performances, vividly interpreting each role with slender and tense limbs and innocent and touching eyes.

"It's like he was born to stand on stage!" the director admired.

He acted on stage at the age of 4, was expelled from school at the age of 21, and was kidnapped at the age of 22, but became friends with the kidnappers

This 4-year-old actor has broken into everyone's field of vision with his outstanding talent, showing the unlimited potential of a new generation of performing artists.

The illusion of ordinary people

Parents who want their son to become Jackie Chan actually have higher expectations for their children's future.

They hope that Xing Jiadong can live a stable and ordinary life as an ordinary person, grow up healthily and happily on campus, and may be admitted to a prestigious university in the future, enter the white-collar class, and live a different middle-class life.

He acted on stage at the age of 4, was expelled from school at the age of 21, and was kidnapped at the age of 22, but became friends with the kidnappers

With such an idea, his parents let Xing Jiadong put down the stage and started a regular reading career.

In the next few years, Xing Jiadong was indeed like an ordinary student, working hard in class, ranking among the top grades, and it seemed that everything was running on the track of his parents' expectations.

But Xing Jiadong's deep desire for the stage has never been extinguished.

Those seemingly ordinary days behind the scenes are subtly sowing the seeds of art deep in his heart, just waiting for the day when they erupt.

He acted on stage at the age of 4, was expelled from school at the age of 21, and was kidnapped at the age of 22, but became friends with the kidnappers

Juvenile Ideal Positive Drink

When he was in high school, the heartfelt words of Zhang Jizhong, an old friend at home, finally ignited the fire of dreams in Xing Jiadong's heart again.

Zhang Jizhong is an old friend of the Xing family, well-known in the drama industry, and has seen Xing Jiadong's superb performance on the stage back then.

So when he learned that Xing Jiadong excelled in high school, Zhang Jizhong did not hesitate to persuade him: "You should learn the art of acting, you were born to exist for the stage!"

This heartfelt outspokenness of cherishing friends instantly ignited the flame in the fireplace in Xing Jiadong's heart.

He acted on stage at the age of 4, was expelled from school at the age of 21, and was kidnapped at the age of 22, but became friends with the kidnappers

Ardent dreams burned in his heart, and he began to prepare tirelessly for the art exam.

After hard work, Xing Jiadong was admitted to the Performance Department of Beijing Film Academy in one fell swoop, came to Beijing with a dream, and opened a new chapter in his life.

Everyone thought that this proud son of heaven would surely shine with infinite brilliance on the stage of the motherland.

The young ideal is in full swing, no one thought that the good times will not last long.

In his sophomore year, Xing Jiadong was expelled because of a campus conflict.

He acted on stage at the age of 4, was expelled from school at the age of 21, and was kidnapped at the age of 22, but became friends with the kidnappers

For this outstanding student, who was originally known as the "three good students in the city" and was highly praised, his dream was almost shattered.

He left Beijing gloomily and went to the Northeast to work and make a living, and the trajectory of his life suddenly went in a new direction.

A new life is born on the line between life and death

Who would have expected that in the company where he worked in the Northeast, Xing Jiadong encountered the most dangerous adventure in his life!

It turned out that there was a conflict and dispute within the company, and in order to blackmail the boss of the company, someone actually ordered the kidnapping of Xing Jiadong and another employee, and trapped them in a remote and gloomy small hotel for a whole week.

He acted on stage at the age of 4, was expelled from school at the age of 21, and was kidnapped at the age of 22, but became friends with the kidnappers

For a young man alone, this is undoubtedly a major test in life.

However, Xing Jiadong did not collapse due to fear and despair, but maintained an unusual calmness and communicated with the kidnappers at this time of crisis.

Slowly, he won the understanding and trust of the kidnappers with his sincere and kind words and deeds.

In the end, under the rescue of the police, Xing Jiadong did not chisel the kidnappers in retaliation, but exonerated them out of goodwill.

He acted on stage at the age of 4, was expelled from school at the age of 21, and was kidnapped at the age of 22, but became friends with the kidnappers

This kind of noble conduct actually flattered those kidnappers who were originally full of hostility, and they became Xing Jiadong's friends after becoming new people! The desperate situation of life and death actually opened a strange fate in life.

This exhilarating experience not only did not cut off Xing Jiadong's footsteps, but made him re-examine the value of life and the future that he cherished most in his heart, and injected him with new motivation and courage.

The teacher's words regained the dream

After the kidnapping experience, Xing Jiadong made the decision to leave the northeast and go to the south to make a living.

When passing through Beijing, he suddenly remembered the teachings of his alma mater, Liu Shibing.

He acted on stage at the age of 4, was expelled from school at the age of 21, and was kidnapped at the age of 22, but became friends with the kidnappers

Liu Shibing is not only his instructor, but also his confidant and friend in life, who has always given him care and support in the most difficult times.

Xing Jiadong still can't forget that when he was ruthlessly expelled for a school brawl, it was this wise teacher who tried his best to intercede for him and rescue him with the last chance to return to school.

Although the plea failed due to various factors in the end, Liu Shibing's sincere words always echoed in Xing Jiadong's heart.

"Xing Jiadong, you are too young, this setback should not be the end of your life.

He acted on stage at the age of 4, was expelled from school at the age of 21, and was kidnapped at the age of 22, but became friends with the kidnappers

You are a gifted child, I am optimistic about you, as long as you are willing to bounce back, you will definitely shine in the future!"

Yes, Liu Shibing said very reasonably, it was his persuasion that made Xing Jiadong rekindle his yearning and pursuit of the acting career.

So, under the teacher's strong recommendation and inner tenacity, Xing Jiadong, who once fell to the bottom, reined in his flamboyant personality in the past, and re-admitted to the Beijing Film Academy with a humble and calm attitude.

Since then, this young man, who has experienced life and death and the ups and downs of life, has never given up on his dream.

He acted on stage at the age of 4, was expelled from school at the age of 21, and was kidnapped at the age of 22, but became friends with the kidnappers

He starred in the TV series "Wall of Wind" during college, which opened the foundation for his future career.

The tough guy on the screen has become famous

After graduating from university, Xing Jiadong started his film and television career as he wished.

From the "young and old actor" who was talked about by everyone back then, to the new star who was later known as the "tough guy on the screen", Xing Jiadong realized his ideal of life step by step with his own efforts.

He first brilliantly interpreted the role of "Wu Liuyi" in the military TV series "Soldier Assault", and won the attention and love of the audience in one fell swoop.

He acted on stage at the age of 4, was expelled from school at the age of 21, and was kidnapped at the age of 22, but became friends with the kidnappers

Next, he successively had outstanding performances in excellent TV series such as "My Leader, My Group" and "Fire Red Rock", allowing the audience to see his unique acting charm.

It can be said that Xing Jiadong's time is the most beautiful period in his acting career.

With his tenacious heart, diligent attitude and innate artistic talent, he has won recognition and praise in the industry with his practical actions.

He is tall and tough, whether he plays a soldier, a policeman or other tough guy roles, he has a strong sense of bringing in and rendering, and is deeply loved by the audience.

He acted on stage at the age of 4, was expelled from school at the age of 21, and was kidnapped at the age of 22, but became friends with the kidnappers

After becoming popular on the screen, it naturally aroused people's curiosity about Xing Jiadong's private life.

However, after the actor had a successful career, he did not show any flamboyant posture.

On the contrary, he still maintains a low-key and introverted personality, focusing all his attention on the precipitation and refinement of his acting skills, and doing his best to inject more soul and tension into each role.

This dedication to art stems from the twists and turns of his life.

He acted on stage at the age of 4, was expelled from school at the age of 21, and was kidnapped at the age of 22, but became friends with the kidnappers

The experience of setbacks and tribulations has made this young man, who has fallen into a trough several times, and finally grown into the best performing artist he is today.

Many peers and film critics have given him high praise for his performance, considering him one of the most powerful tough guy actors of our time.


The thorns of fate often push life to a low point, but as long as the courage is not extinguished, you will eventually regain your dreams and climb to new heights!

He acted on stage at the age of 4, was expelled from school at the age of 21, and was kidnapped at the age of 22, but became friends with the kidnappers

Xing Jiadong, a natural performing artist, used his life experience to interpret this truth, and achieved the achievements and praise he has won on the screen today.

There is no doubt that this post-80s artist will continue to work hard and leave a stronger mark on the road to the stage.

And the bits and pieces of his life have become the most valuable experience of this tenacious dreamer.