
One eats, two touches and three hugs, and the fifty-year-old woman skillfully captures the heart of a handsome man

author:Click, click, tick

One eats, two touches and three hugs, and the fifty-year-old woman skillfully captures the heart of a handsome man

In the ancient land of China, there is such a folk tale full of mystery. The story takes place in a remote mountain village where there is a fifty-year-old woman named Xiu'e. Although she is over half a hundred years old, she is still beautiful, with a slender posture and good cooking skills, which makes the villagers full of praise.

Xiu'e's husband died of illness at an early age, leaving her alone to guard the old house. She has a gentle personality and a kind heart, but fate does not seem to favor her, leaving her emotionally lonely. However, Xiu'e is not depressed, she is still optimistic about life, finding the joy of life in her own way.

One day, a handsome young man named Applejack comes to the village. He came from a distant city and came to this remote mountain village for some reason. Applejack is tall and handsome, with deep eyes that seem to be able to see through people's hearts. His arrival immediately catches the attention of the girls in the village, who cast adoring glances at Applejack.

However, Applejack doesn't seem to be interested in these young girls, and he is always on his own, wandering around the village, looking for his own piece of world. Xiu'e notices this unusual young man, and she feels that Applejack has an indescribable charm that makes her curious.

One day, Xiu'e invites Applejack to her home to find out. Applejack happily agrees to her invitation and arrives at Xiu'e's house. Xiu'e prepared a sumptuous meal for him, and every dish was cooked by her heart. Applejack savored the delicacies and couldn't help but be amazed.

At the dinner table, Xiu'e begins to capture Applejack's heart with her "one eat, two touch, three hug" secret. She observes Applejack's eating habits carefully to understand his taste preferences, and then adjusts her cooking style based on that information. Applejack is pleasantly surprised and satisfied with each of the dishes, and he can't help but have a crush on Xiu'e in his heart.

One eats, two touches and three hugs, and the fifty-year-old woman skillfully captures the heart of a handsome man

Then, Xiu'e begins to "touch" Applejack's heart with her gentleness and thoughtfulness. She cares about Applejack's daily life, asks him how he feels in the village, and listens to him. Her eyes are full of warmth and care, making Applejack feel the warmth of her long-lost home.

In the end, Xiu'e uses her sincerity and kindness to "hug" Applejack's heart. She told Applejack her story and shared her life experiences and life insights. Her honesty and truthfulness make Applejack feel her inner world, and it also makes him have a deeper respect and affection for Xiu'e.

In this way, under Xiu'e's ingenious arrangement, Applejack's heart is gradually captured by her. He began to take the initiative to approach Xiu'e, chatting with her, walking, and even helping her with housework. Xiu'e also feels the change in Applejack, and her heart is full of joy and anticipation.

However, this seemingly beautiful relationship has encountered criticism and doubts from the villagers. They feel that the age gap between Xiu'e and Applejack is too big for them to be together. But neither Xiu'e nor Applejack are shaken by these statements, they firmly believe in their feelings and prove their love with practical actions.

In this mysterious mountain village, the story of Xiu'e and Applejack is a good story. They broke the boundaries of age with sincerity and kindness, and wrote a legend with love. And Xiu'e's secret of "one eat, two touches and three hugs" has also become a topic of conversation after dinner, making people admire the wisdom of this fifty-year-old woman.

However, the development of the story is always full of twists and turns. Just as Xiu'e and Applejack's relationship is heating up, Applejack's family suddenly finds him, hoping that he can return to the city and continue his unfinished business. Applejack is caught in a dilemma, he doesn't want to live up to Xiu'e's feelings and his family's expectations.

Seeing Applejack's troubles, Su'e approaches Applejack and tells him that she is willing to wait for him. She believes that as long as two people have each other in their hearts, no matter how far away they are, they can come together. Applejack is touched by Xiu'e's affection, and he is determined to return to the city and work hard for the sake of his and Xiu'e's future.

One eats, two touches and three hugs, and the fifty-year-old woman skillfully captures the heart of a handsome man

Applejack leaves the mountain village, but his heart stays here. He often wrote to Xiu'e, telling her about his current situation and longing. Xiu'e also wrote back from time to time, encouraging him to work hard and wait for his return. The relationship between the two is sublimated in the letters, and their hearts are closely connected.

Time flies, and a few years have passed. Applejack has made great strides in the city, and he is finally able to return to the small mountain village to reunite with Xiu'e. When he stood in front of Xiu'e again, the eyes of both of them were full of excitement and joy. They hugged each other tightly, as if they wanted to release all the thoughts they had missed in the past few years.

Since then, Xiu'e and Applejack have lived happily ever after. They overcame worldly prejudices and difficulties with love, and wrote a legend with sincerity and kindness. And their stories have become legends in the small mountain villages, inspiring people to pursue true love and face life's challenges bravely.

Applejack's return brings a new color to Xiu'e's life. Although their lives are still plain, they are full of sweetness and warmth. Applejack builds a hut in the village and lives a simple and happy life with Xiu'e.

Although Applejack is from the city, he quickly adjusts to life in a mountain village. He learned to farm, harvest, work with the villagers, and exchange life experiences with each other. Xiu'e teaches Applejack how to make the village's special food, and the two of them are busy in the kitchen, which becomes a beautiful scenery in the village.

However, the happy days did not make Xiu'e forget her original intention. She still cares about everyone in the village and helps those in need with her kindness and enthusiasm. Ajie is also infected by Xiu'e's spirit, and he actively participates in the village's public welfare activities, using his own strength to contribute to the development of the village.

One eats, two touches and three hugs, and the fifty-year-old woman skillfully captures the heart of a handsome man

Over time, the story of Xiu'e and Applejack spreads throughout the mountains. Their love has become a good story in people's mouths, inspiring more people to pursue true love and happiness. And those who once questioned their feelings were also moved by their firmness and persistence, and began to re-examine their own values and outlook on life.

On a sunny afternoon, Xiu'e and Applejack sit on the stone steps in front of the house, holding hands and admiring the beautiful view of the mountain village. Their faces were filled with happy smiles, and their eyes were full of anticipation and longing for the future.

"Applejack, do you remember the first time we met?" Xiu'e asked suddenly.

Applejack smiled, gently held Xiu'e's hand and said, "Of course I remember, I didn't know what true love was at that time, but you made me understand the meaning and value of love." ”

After hearing this, a trace of emotion flashed in Xiu'e's eyes, she snuggled tightly in Applejack's arms, and whispered, "Applejack, thank you for giving me such a beautiful life, I will always be by your side forever." ”

Applejack hugs Xiu'e tightly, his heart filled with gratitude and happiness. He knew that he had found his own happiness and home, and this happiness was brought to him by Xiu'e.

In this mysterious mountain village, the story of Xiu'e and Applejack continues. Their love not only changed each other's fates, but also affected the entire village. Their happy life has become a bright light in people's hearts, illuminating their way forward.

One eats, two touches and three hugs, and the fifty-year-old woman skillfully captures the heart of a handsome man

And Xiu'e, the fifty-year-old woman, also used her wisdom and courage to prove that age is not an obstacle to love. She captured the heart of the handsome man Applejack by eating, touching and hugging, and also won people's respect and admiration with her sincerity and kindness.

However, just as Xiu'e and Applejack are immersed in the sweet life, a sudden news breaks the silence. There is a startling news from the village that a group of thieves are wreaking havoc outside the mountain, and their next target is likely to be this small mountain village.

Hearing this, the villagers fell into a panic. They knew that this remote mountain village was powerless against the vicious thieves. Applejack looks at the frightened expressions of the villagers, and a strong desire to protect her heart wells up. He decided to stand up and lead the villagers to defend their homeland.

Applejack begins to organize the villagers to prepare for their defenses, using what he has learned in the city to instruct them in building improvised fortifications and teaching them how to use weapons. At the same time, he also contacted some of his former friends and asked them to come to their aid.

Under Applejack's leadership, the morale of the villagers gradually rises. They are united and ready to meet the challenges that lie ahead. And Xiu'e is not idle, she uses her cooking skills to prepare hearty food for the villagers, ensuring that they can eat and drink enough before the battle and have enough physical strength to cope with the next battle.

Finally, the thieves arrived as expected. They were fierce, but the villagers were well prepared. Led by Applejack, the villagers put up a fierce battle with the thieves. During the battle, Applejack and Xiu'e always stand together, facing danger together. Their bravery and steadfastness infected all the villagers and brought everyone closer together.

One eats, two touches and three hugs, and the fifty-year-old woman skillfully captures the heart of a handsome man

After a thrilling battle, the villagers finally managed to repel the thieves. They cheered and thanked Applejack and Xiu'e for their leadership. And this battle also makes Applejack and Xiu'e even more affectionate. They understand that no matter what difficulties they encounter, as long as they support each other, they will be able to get through them.

After the battle, Applejack and Su'e decide to get married and spend the rest of their lives together. Their wedding was simple and warm, and all the villagers came to bless them. At that moment, their faces were filled with happy smiles, as if the whole world was cheering for them.

After getting married, Applejack and Xiu'e continue to live a peaceful and happy life. They farm, cook together, and enjoy the peace and beauty of the mountain village together. And their stories have become the legends of this small mountain village, passed down from generation to generation, inspiring everyone to pursue true love and a happy life.

In this mysterious mountain village, Xiu'e and Applejack use their love and courage to interpret what true happiness is. Their stories tell us that no matter how old or young we are, no matter what difficulties we encounter, as long as we have love and courage in our hearts to face all challenges, we will be able to find our own happiness and home.