
The village chief led people to beat the man and made him kneel for the dog, which caused public anger among the people: people are not as good as dogs

author:Snow Snow Storyteller
The village chief led people to beat the man and made him kneel for the dog, which caused public anger among the people: people are not as good as dogs

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Secret past

In a small remote village in Guangzhou, there used to be a young man named Zhou Moukun. With his skills and extraordinary skills, Zhou Moukun was successfully elected as the head of this village.

However, as his power continued to expand, he gradually lost his original intention and became more and more arrogant and invincible.

After Zhou Moukun took office, he quickly established a "security team" composed of his subordinate "thugs". This team was completely under his command and became a tool for him to wantonly oppress the villagers.

The village chief led people to beat the man and made him kneel for the dog, which caused public anger among the people: people are not as good as dogs

As long as Zhou Moukun gave an order, they would beat and harass innocent villagers mercilessly.

With the "black-clothed army" under his command, Zhou Moukun acted recklessly and did whatever he wanted. He often participates in some illegal trading activities and forcibly extorts money from villagers.

It is even rumored that he once forcibly took the wife of a certain villager, plunging the whole family into deep suffering.

What is outrageous is that even if other villagers try to stop Zhou's bad behavior, he can easily escape punishment. Using the "protective umbrella" of his "security team", Zhou Moukun can unscrupulously oppress the people, regardless of the constraints of the law.

The village chief led people to beat the man and made him kneel for the dog, which caused public anger among the people: people are not as good as dogs

This continued for many years, which shows how strong his position is in the region.

In Zhou Moukun's view, he is like an "underworld boss" who secretly manipulates everything, and the other villagers are just pawns at his mercy. They could only retreat and let Zhou Moukun act recklessly, not daring to have any complaints and resistance.

In addition to this, Zhou Moukun is also keen on raising an expensive long-haired dog. In his opinion, the dog was more important than anyone else in the village, and no one dared to touch it in the slightest, otherwise he and his men would violently retaliate.

It can be seen that he has been completely lost in the temptation of power and money, and has lost the sense of responsibility and mission that he should have as a village cadre.

The village chief led people to beat the man and made him kneel for the dog, which caused public anger among the people: people are not as good as dogs

In short, after Zhou Moukun became the village head, he completely became a "village tyrant" who swallowed dates, relying on his violent means to wantonly oppress the people and trample on the law.

What he did was not only outrageous, but also suffocating. How such "underworld forces" were elected as village chiefs has aroused strong concern and anger among the majority of netizens.

Violent attacks

One day, Zhou Moukun drove a motorcycle to work as usual. Unexpectedly, on a remote country road, he encountered a heinous incident.

The village chief led people to beat the man and made him kneel for the dog, which caused public anger among the people: people are not as good as dogs

I saw a long-haired dog suddenly rushing out in front of me, frantically rushing towards Zhou Moukun's motorcycle, making a ferocious barking sound. Zhou Moukun dodged in a hurry, but he still inevitably bumped into the dog.

Thankfully, the dog only suffered minor abrasions and did not cause serious injuries.

However, just as Zhou Moukun was about to leave the scene, a group of people in uniform suddenly appeared in front of him.

Hearing the news of his dog's injury, Zhou Moukun was immediately furious. He immediately led his "thugs" to Zhou Moukun's residence and beat him severely.

The village chief led people to beat the man and made him kneel for the dog, which caused public anger among the people: people are not as good as dogs

These people were like raging beasts, punching and kicking Zhou Moukun all over his body. Even if Zhou Moukun begged them to stop, they were unmoved and continued to beat them frantically.

The most outrageous thing is that in the process of beating, Zhou Moukun even asked Zhou Moukun to kneel down in front of everyone and admit his mistakes! This is simply a naked insult to human dignity.

As an ordinary worker, Zhou Moukun never thought that he would be involved in such a whirlpool. At this moment, his face was full of fear and pain, and he could not accept that he would be subjected to such cruel treatment.

Just when Zhou Moukun desperately hoped that someone would come to the rescue, suddenly, a large number of people with camera equipment appeared around. It turned out that the whole process was filmed and quickly exposed online.

The village chief led people to beat the man and made him kneel for the dog, which caused public anger among the people: people are not as good as dogs

This scene is undoubtedly outrageous. A village cadre who used to be responsible for serving the people went so far as to beat his own villagers and ask the other party to kneel down and admit his mistake to his dog.

This kind of behavior of "people are not as good as dogs" completely destroyed Zhou Moukun's image and prestige as a leader.

Public opinion on the Internet suddenly boiled, and everyone expressed strong anger and incomprehension.

Others suspect that Zhou Moukun must have some special relationship network and interest chain behind him. "How can he have the ability to mobilize the entire 'security team' to beat up the villagers? There must be some ulterior secret!" They desperately hope that the relevant authorities can thoroughly investigate the truth behind this matter.

The village chief led people to beat the man and made him kneel for the dog, which caused public anger among the people: people are not as good as dogs

In short, the incident of Zhou Moukun violently beating Zhou Moukun is not only outrageous, but also arouses widespread public concern. Everyone hopes that through this incident, the inside story of Zhou Moukun's election as the village head can be uncovered and the underworld forces in this village can be completely eradicated.

Maintain your dog

With the incident of Zhou Moukun violently beating Zhou Moukun exposed on the Internet, it immediately aroused widespread public opinion. Everyone expressed their strong anger and incomprehension at the village chief's behavior.

Indeed, as a former village cadre, Zhou Moukun was able to so wantonly mobilize his "security team" to beat ordinary villagers, which undoubtedly exposed the serious problem of excessive concentration of power and lack of supervision mechanism in rural grassroots governance.

The village chief led people to beat the man and made him kneel for the dog, which caused public anger among the people: people are not as good as dogs

Some people speculate that Zhou Moukun may have the "protective umbrella" of some underworld forces behind him.

"I am afraid that he did not become the village chief by virtue of his real political achievements and talents, but by some ulterior 'means'. A netizen said. This also made everyone pay attention to what caused Zhou Moukun to be so arrogant.

And Zhou Moukun's abuse of his dog caused everyone's incomprehension. "Is it just because he is a so-called 'village chief' that he can let such a person act recklessly, not even as good as his own dog?" Another netizen said angrily.

In people's eyes, a village cadre who is supposed to serve the people actually puts his pet dog in a position higher than the life and dignity of the people, which is simply a complete betrayal of basic humanity and the bottom line of morality.

The village chief led people to beat the man and made him kneel for the dog, which caused public anger among the people: people are not as good as dogs

What's even more shocking is that Zhou Moukun asked Zhou Moukun to kneel down and apologize to his dog so justifiably. This is undoubtedly a blatant affront to human dignity.

This is the highest embodiment of Zhou Moukun's power expansion and moral decline. In his opinion, his status and power are much higher than those of ordinary villagers, and even a dog can be above others.

This kind of immoral behavior of "people are not as good as dogs" has undoubtedly completely destroyed his image and prestige as a leader.

It is precisely because Zhou Moukun so wantonly abused the power in his hands and trampled on the bottom line of law and morality that this heinous incident occurred. As a village cadre who once had the duty to serve the people, it is really sad that he has fallen to such a point.

The village chief led people to beat the man and made him kneel for the dog, which caused public anger among the people: people are not as good as dogs

Such incidents have undoubtedly revealed the serious problems existing in rural grassroots governance. Some village cadres have relied on the power in their hands to wantonly oppress the people and still be able to escape punishment, and this situation is not unique in the rural areas.

As netizens pointed out, this is no longer a simple personal behavior, but reflects some deep-seated institutional deficiencies.

Public concern

As the incident of Zhou Moukun violently beating Zhou Moukun was exposed on the Internet, public opinion quickly heated up. Everyone has called on the relevant departments to severely punish and thoroughly investigate the truth behind this matter.

The village chief led people to beat the man and made him kneel for the dog, which caused public anger among the people: people are not as good as dogs

Another netizen pointed out that Zhou Moukun may have a special relationship network: "This so-called 'former village chief' must have some background forces to support him, so he will be so arrogant and domineering."

I hope that the relevant authorities can thoroughly investigate and find out how he became the village head.

It is generally accepted that this matter is not as simple as a simple personal vendetta. The reason why Zhou Moukun can be so rampant must be because of the protection of the underworld forces behind him.

This viewpoint has also triggered a deep reflection on the issue of rural grassroots governance. In fact, this kind of case involving village tyrants oppressing the common people is not an isolated case in rural areas.

The village chief led people to beat the man and made him kneel for the dog, which caused public anger among the people: people are not as good as dogs

Not long ago, there was a similar incident in Chongqing, where a village tyrant named Tan Jicai was arrested by the police after he had been bullying villagers for years.

This is indeed a question worth pondering.

Netizens hope that through the exposure of this incident, it can attract the attention of relevant departments. They are eager to hope that the departments concerned will thoroughly investigate the shady scenes behind the scenes, resolutely crack down on such criminal syndicates and evil forces, and maintain harmony and stability in the rural areas.

Only in this way can the broad masses of rural people truly live and work in peace and contentment.

The village chief led people to beat the man and made him kneel for the dog, which caused public anger among the people: people are not as good as dogs

In short, the incident of Zhou Moukun's violent beating of Zhou Moukun not only aroused everyone's attention to the person himself, but also prompted everyone to pay attention to a series of deep-seated problems in rural grassroots governance.

We hope that through the exposure of this incident, the veil of "underworld forces" in rural areas can be lifted and the legitimate rights and interests of the people can be safeguarded.

Difficult task

As netizens pointed out, Zhou Moukun's violent beating of Zhou Moukun reflects a series of deep-seated problems in rural grassroots governance.

The village chief led people to beat the man and made him kneel for the dog, which caused public anger among the people: people are not as good as dogs

First of all, the lack of a supervision mechanism for village cadres is an important reason for the rampant use of such underworld forces. The reason why Zhou Moukun can be so arrogant and domineering is that he can easily use his "security team" to escape the punishment of the law.

This fully shows that there are still many loopholes in the supervision and accountability mechanism for cadres at the village level.

Second, the building of the rural grassroots democratic system also urgently needs to be further improved. In some remote rural areas, the people's sense of participation and decision-making power are still relatively weak, and this has opened up loopholes for some lawless elements.

With the power in their hands, they wantonly oppress and exploit the people, but the people lack effective channels to defend their rights.

The village chief led people to beat the man and made him kneel for the dog, which caused public anger among the people: people are not as good as dogs

In addition, the cultivation of rural residents' awareness of the rule of law and moral literacy also needs to be improved. After all, even with strict laws and regulations, it is difficult for people to really function if they lack reverence for the law.

Only through all-round education and guidance can the rural people enhance their awareness of self-protection and safeguard their legitimate rights and interests.

It is undoubtedly an arduous task to eradicate the problem of criminal syndicates and evil forces in rural areas. This requires the cooperation of the government and all sectors of society at multiple levels.

First of all, it is necessary to intensify the crackdown on criminal syndicates and evil forces and corruption. Regardless of whether these people are in high positions or not, as long as they violate the law, they must be severely punished according to the law and must not be tolerated.

The village chief led people to beat the man and made him kneel for the dog, which caused public anger among the people: people are not as good as dogs

Only by sending a strong signal of deterrence can those who try to be arrogant think twice.

Second, it is necessary to block the soil for the breeding of criminal syndicates and evil forces at the root. For example, by improving the selection, performance appraisal, supervision and other mechanisms of village cadres, cut off the channels for them to abuse their powers; At the same time, it is also necessary to strengthen regulation and control over the development of the rural economy and put an end to their pursuit of illegal interests through monopoly and other means.

In addition, the key lies in actively promoting the building of democracy at the grassroots level in rural areas. It is necessary to further enhance the sense of participation and decision-making power of rural residents, so that they can play their due role in public affairs involving local interests.

In this way, it will be difficult to maintain the arrogance of lawbreakers.

The village chief led people to beat the man and made him kneel for the dog, which caused public anger among the people: people are not as good as dogs

At the same time, it is equally important to strengthen legal education and moral guidance among the rural masses. Only by letting them truly understand the authority of the law and establish correct values can they fundamentally prevent the erosion of underworld forces.

There is no doubt that these problems in the current rural governance of the mainland need long-term efforts to solve. This requires both the firm determination of the government and the participation of the whole society.

Only in this way can we finally eradicate these black sheep in the countryside and restore the people to a peaceful and peaceful rural homeland.

Justice is served

The village chief led people to beat the man and made him kneel for the dog, which caused public anger among the people: people are not as good as dogs

Through an in-depth analysis of this incident, we can see that what Zhou Moukun represents is a microcosm of the rampant underworld forces in rural areas. He used the power in his hands to wantonly oppress the people and trample on the law, which not only violated the law, but also violated social morality.

We urgently hope that through the exposure of this incident, Zhou Moukun and his subordinates can be severely punished by the law.

As many netizens are looking forward to, we hope that the relevant departments can thoroughly investigate the truth behind this matter and completely eradicate the underworld forces in this village. Only in this way can we provide a fair and just social environment for the vast number of villagers, so that they can truly live and work in peace and contentment.

Judging from the current situation, Zhou Moukun, as a former village head, was able to mobilize his "security team" to wantonly oppress the people, which is really incredible.

The village chief led people to beat the man and made him kneel for the dog, which caused public anger among the people: people are not as good as dogs

Obviously, he did not become the village chief by virtue of his own ability and political achievements, but probably relied on some ulterior means and background forces. We eagerly hope that through a thorough investigation of this matter, we can uncover the inside story of Zhou Moukun's election as the village head.

At the same time, we also hope that through this incident, the relevant departments can attach great importance to the issue of rural grassroots governance. As a matter of fact, this kind of case involving "village tyrants" oppressing the common people is not an isolated case in rural areas, and similar situations exist in many places.

This is indeed a question worth pondering. What exactly has caused village cadres who are supposed to serve the people to become bullies who oppress the people? We earnestly hope that through the exposure of this incident, the relevant departments will attach great importance to it, and then promote the comprehensive reform of rural grassroots governance.

Only by solving these problems at the root can we truly eradicate the criminal syndicates and evil forces in the rural areas and safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the vast number of peasants. We hope that through this incident, Zhou Moukun and his subordinates will be able to receive the punishment they deserve and seek justice for the victims.

The village chief led people to beat the man and made him kneel for the dog, which caused public anger among the people: people are not as good as dogs

At the same time, we also hope that the relevant departments can thoroughly investigate the truth behind this matter and cut off the chain of interests and "protective umbrella" behind Zhou Moukun. Only in this way can we fundamentally prevent the recurrence of similar incidents and enable the rural people to truly live and work in peace and contentment.

In short, we firmly believe that through the exposure of this incident and the severe punishment of the relevant departments, we will certainly be able to lift the veil of the "underworld and evil forces" in the rural areas and create a fair and just social environment for the people.