
The wife can't stand the temptation and has a good time with the green snake, monk: Your wife will not live for ten days

author:I love noodle fish

The wife can't stand the temptation and has a good time with the green snake, monk: Your wife will not live for ten days

In ancient times, there was a mysterious place called Cuiping Mountain. The mountains are lush with trees and mist, and legend has it that many secrets are hidden in the mountains. At the foot of the mountain, there is a quiet small village where the villagers live a simple life of working at sunrise and resting at sunset.

There is a family surnamed Li in the village, the male owner Li Hao is a hard-working farmer, and the female owner Wan'er is a beautiful and virtuous woman. The two have been married for many years, respect each other like guests, and although their lives are not rich, they are also warm and harmonious. However, behind the peaceful life, there is an unknown crisis.

One day, Wan'er went up the mountain alone to collect medicine and accidentally strayed into a dense forest. The forest was dark and silent, only the sound of birdsong, and Wan'er couldn't help but panic a little in her heart. She was about to turn to leave, when she saw a green snake poking its head out of the grass, its eyes shining with a faint light. Wan'er was originally a timid person, but she was even more frightened when she saw this, and she wanted to run away but her legs were weak and she couldn't move.

The green snake seemed to be human, slowly swimming towards Wan'er, and spit out human words: "Don't be afraid, lady, I am a spirit snake in the mountains, and I won't hurt you." If you are willing to make friends with me, I will give you the art of immortality. When Wan'er heard this, she was shocked in her heart, although she knew that the evil things could not be trusted, but at this life-and-death juncture, she couldn't help but feel a little lucky.

After some struggle, Wan'er finally couldn't resist the temptation of immortality and made fun with the green snake. Afterwards, she only felt that her body was much lighter, as if she had been reborn. However, when she returned home, she found that she was no longer the same Wan'er she used to be, and there was always an indescribable sense of strangeness in her heart.

When Li Hao saw Wan'er come back, although he felt that she was a little different from usual, he didn't think much about it. As the days passed, Wan'er's changes became more and more obvious. She no longer cared about housework, and spent her days in mystery, sometimes smiling in the mirror and sometimes whispering to herself. Li Hao was suspicious, but he didn't know how to ask.

The wife can't stand the temptation and has a good time with the green snake, monk: Your wife will not live for ten days

One day, a wandering monk came to the village. The monk's Dharma name is Huiming, wearing a robe, with kind eyebrows and kind eyes. When he saw Wan'er's demonic face, he knew that there was something wrong. Monk Huiming found Li Hao and said in a low voice: "Donor, your wife's body is entangled with demonic energy, I am afraid that she has encountered something demonic." You need to be careful, or you may be in trouble. ”

Li Hao was shocked when he heard this, and hurriedly informed Monk Huiming of Wan'er's recent changes. After hearing this, Monk Huiming frowned, and after a moment of silence, he said, "Your wife is afraid that she is involved with the demons in the mountains. Looking at her face, I'm afraid I won't live more than ten days. ”

After Li Hao heard this, he was like five thunderbolts, and he was busy begging Monk Huiming to save Wan'er. Monk Huiming sighed and said, "I can't get rid of the demonic thing, you need to find the demon and the evil by yourself and solve the entanglement." Remember, you can't get rid of the demons, and only you can save your wife. ”

Li Hao listened, although he was terrified, he also strengthened his determination. He vowed to find the evil thing and save Wan'er's life. So, he bid farewell to Monk Huiming and embarked on the arduous road of searching for demons.

Let's say that Li Hao searched in the mountains for many days, and finally found the green snake in a hidden cave. When the green snake saw Li Hao coming, he didn't panic, but said coldly: "You are finally here." Your wife has befriended me, and her life is in my hands. If you want to save her, you'll have to trade your own life. ”

When Li Hao heard this, he felt a pang of grief in his heart, but he knew that he couldn't be impulsive at this time. He took a deep breath, suppressed the anger in his heart, and said, "My wife is innocent, why do you want to harm her?" Green Snake sneered: "Innocent? If she hadn't coveted the art of immortality, how could she end up today?"

Li Hao was speechless after hearing this, he knew that Wan'er was indeed lost by the temptation of immortality. He hated Wan'er's incompetence in his heart, and pitied her ignorance. He took a deep breath and said, "I am willing to exchange my life for my wife's life, but please tell me first, how can I save her?"

The wife can't stand the temptation and has a good time with the green snake, monk: Your wife will not live for ten days

When the green snake heard this, a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes. It didn't seem to expect Li Hao to be so resolute. It was silent for a moment before saying, "To save your wife, you need to find the water of the spiritual spring in the mountain." The water of that spiritual spring has the power to cleanse demons, and if you take it and give it to her, you may be able to remove the demonic energy from her body. ”

Li Hao was overjoyed when he heard this, and hurriedly asked where the water of the spiritual spring was. The green snake told him that the water of the spiritual spring was located in a hidden place on the top of the mountain, and only those with good hearts could find it. After Li Hao heard this, he did not hesitate to embark on the road of finding the water of the spiritual spring.

After many hardships and dangers, Li Hao finally found the hidden spiritual spring. He knelt reverently by the spring, clasped his hands together, and silently recited Wan'er's name in his heart. The water of the spiritual spring seemed to feel his sincerity, and a wisp of clear spring slowly gushed out and fell into the porcelain bottle in Li Hao's hand.

He carefully carried the porcelain vase down the mountain, his heart full of hope and apprehension. When she returned home, Wan'er was already described as withered and no longer beautiful. Li Hao's heart was sour, but he knew that this was not the time to be sad. He gently lifted Wan'er up and fed the water of the spiritual spring into her mouth.

After Wan'er drank the water of the spiritual spring, her body began to tremble, as if a powerful force was swimming in her body. After a while, she opened her eyes suddenly, and her eyes were no longer confused and strange before, but returned to their former clarity and gentleness.

"Brother Hao, what's wrong with me?" Wan'er asked weakly. Li Hao told her everything that happened recently, and Wan'er burst into tears after hearing it, regretting that she had not done it at the beginning. She hugged Li Hao tightly and sobbed: "Brother Hao, I was wrong, I shouldn't have coveted the art of immortality, which caused us to almost be separated by yin and yang." ”

Li Hao stroked Wan'er's hair and said softly: "Knowing that mistakes can be changed, good is great." We will live a good life in the future, and we will no longer be tempted by these evil things. Wan'er nodded again and again, and the two hugged each other and cried.

The wife can't stand the temptation and has a good time with the green snake, monk: Your wife will not live for ten days

However, at this moment, there was a sudden sharp knock on the door. Li Hao opened the door and saw that it was a monk Huiming. Monk Huiming saw that Wan'er had returned to normal, and a relieved smile appeared on his face. He folded his hands together and said, "Amitabha, good, good." It's a great blessing that you two can find your way back. ”

Li Hao hurriedly invited Monk Huiming into the house and asked him what he meant here. Monk Huiming sighed and said, "Although I can save your wife for a while, I can't save her for a lifetime. That green snake is the head of the evil in the mountains, and it will not let your wife go easily. The two of you need to practice good deeds diligently and accumulate merit in order to resist the invasion of evil spirits. ”

After Li Hao and Wan'er heard this, they felt a panic in their hearts. They knew that what Monk Huiming said was true, and the green snake would indeed not let them go easily. So, they decided to follow the advice of Monk Huiming, practice good deeds, and accumulate merit.

Since then, Li Hao and Wan'er have become extremely hardworking and kind. They not only keep their family's fields in order, but also often help the lonely elderly and poor families in the village. Gradually, their good deeds spread throughout the village, earning them the respect and praise of the villagers.

And when the green snake saw Li Hao and Wan'er practicing good deeds, he also knew that he couldn't hurt them anymore. So, it quietly left Cuiping Mountain and never appeared again.

Li Hao and Wan'er lived a peaceful and happy life in the village, and they often recalled that bizarre and tortuous experience, and their hearts were full of gratitude and happiness. They understand a truth: in life, only with good thoughts can we resist all the invasion of evil spirits. And their stories have also become a good story in the village through the ages, inspiring future generations to continue to be good and beautiful. As the days passed, Li Hao and Wan'er's lives gradually returned to their former tranquility. Their good deeds have not only won the praise of the villagers, but also accumulated countless good karma for them. This small village at the foot of Cuiping Mountain, driven by them, has also become more harmonious and peaceful.

The wife can't stand the temptation and has a good time with the green snake, monk: Your wife will not live for ten days

However, the peaceful days did not make Li Hao and Wan'er forget the lessons of the past. They often admonish themselves and the villagers to always keep a good heart and not to be deceived by the temptations of the outside world. And the threat of the green snake has always been like a sharp sword hanging over their heads, reminding them not to take it lightly.

One day, a strange Taoist priest came to the village. The Taoist priest had a childish face, holding a whisk in his hand, looking like a fairy wind bone. He saw that Li Hao and Wan'er had extraordinary temperaments, so he took the initiative to talk to them. After some conversation, the Taoist priest learned what had happened to them, and a hint of strangeness flashed in his eyes.

The Taoist priest told Li Hao and Wan'er that although the green snake had left temporarily, it had not really given up pestering them. It had been watching them secretly, looking for an opportunity to strike again. In order to completely eliminate the hidden danger, the Taoist priest decided to help them cut the grass and eradicate the roots, and completely eradicate the green snake.

Li Hao and Wan'er were grateful when they heard this, they knew that it was the Taoist priest who was helping them to end this cause and effect. So, they followed the Taoist priest up the mountain to find the hiding place of the green snake.

After some searching, they finally found the nest of the green snake in a hidden cave. When the green snake saw them coming, a fierce light flashed in its eyes, but it also felt the powerful aura emanating from the Taoist priest's body, and it didn't dare to act rashly.

The Taoist priest held the dust whisk in his hand, and there were words in his mouth. Suddenly, he swept the dust, and a golden light went straight towards the green snake. Seeing this, the green snake wanted to dodge but it was too late, and after being hit by the golden light, it screamed, turning into a wisp of green smoke and dissipating into the air.

The green snake was removed, and the big stone in Li Hao and Wan'er's hearts finally fell. They thanked the Taoist priest with gratitude, but the Taoist priest only smiled slightly and said, "Good and evil are rewarded, and cause and effect circulate." The two of you will be rewarded for your good deeds. In the future, we need to continue to work hard to ensure peace forever. ”

The wife can't stand the temptation and has a good time with the green snake, monk: Your wife will not live for ten days

After speaking, the Taoist priest floated away, leaving Li Hao and Wan'er to look at each other and laugh in place. They know that from now on, they can truly live a peaceful and happy life.

And their stories have also been passed down in the village as good stories, and have become warnings and teachings passed down from generation to generation. The villagers have drawn wisdom and strength from their experiences, cherished the happy life in front of them even more, and more firmly believed in the truth that good and evil are rewarded and that cause and effect circulate.

As the years passed, the story of Li Hao and Wan'er gradually merged into the legend of Cuiping Mountain. Whenever someone mentions the couple's good deeds and experiences, it always causes a wave of admiration and emotion. And the nest of the green snake has also become a place for the villagers to avoid it, as if there is still a demonic breath there.

However, for Li Hao and Wan'er, those thrills and tribulations have become valuable treasures in their lives. They use their own experiences to tell the world that as long as they have good thoughts and stick to the right path, they will definitely be able to resist all evil attacks, and true happiness and peace can only be found on such a path.