
Transsexuals, young marriages, and dishonest people, the real Zhu Wushuang lives more tired

author:Watching the world without wings
Transsexuals, young marriages, and dishonest people, the real Zhu Wushuang lives more tired

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Once upon a time, Ni Hongjie was loved by the audience for her role as Zhu Wushuang in the classic mainland sitcom "Wulin Gaiden". With her innocent eyes, playful and lovely appearance and keen acting skills, she vividly interprets the image of this sunflower pie girl who longs for love but always finds it difficult to get her wish.

The audience was firmly attracted by the emotions in her every eye and every body movement.

The character of Zhu Wushuang has a strong desire for love and yearning for family, revealing inferiority complex and longing to be loved everywhere, Ni Hongjie perfectly shows these qualities, which is unforgettable.

However, after this drama was successful and became popular, Ni Hongjie quietly faded out of the sight of the entertainment industry, and never showed people with the image of "Zhu Wushuang" again.

Transsexuals, young marriages, and dishonest people, the real Zhu Wushuang lives more tired

Ni Hongjie has experienced drastic changes in the family environment and ups and downs in life since she was a child. She was born in an ordinary working family, and because her parents were too busy with work to take care of her young, they had to entrust her to someone else's home for foster care.

Although she did not establish a sincere family relationship with that family, the days under the fence still made Ni Hongjie taste loneliness at a young age.

Later, under the reluctant arrangement of her parents, Ni Hongjie could only be sent to Shanghai to live with her elderly grandmother and aunt. The old-fashioned grandmother was extremely strict and harsh, and she had to go home at 9 p.m. every night or be punished.

In this way, the childhood that should have been happy and carefree gradually drifted away in this conservative and constrained environment.

Transsexuals, young marriages, and dishonest people, the real Zhu Wushuang lives more tired

Ni Hongjie, who has been under the fence since she was a child and lost her warm family, began to study tirelessly, dreaming of one day entering the palace of marriage and having her own family.

She yearns for the warm atmosphere of ordinary people's homes, and is naturally full of great yearning and longing. This may be the reason why she was so dedicated and empathetic to the role of Zhu Wushuang later.

31-year-old Ni Hongjie was unexpectedly pregnant, and she thought that she could finally live a stable life that was different from usual. However, the maintenance of the family was much more difficult than she imagined.

After tracking down step by step, she finally found that she was burdened with a huge debt of tens of millions.

Transsexuals, young marriages, and dishonest people, the real Zhu Wushuang lives more tired

At a young age, she married a man seven years older than herself.

This marriage is not destined to last long, and her husband once deceived her into taking out a bank loan, which eventually led to her being burdened with tens of millions of debts and falling into trouble.

Despite the embarrassment of the environment and the debt, Ni Hongjie did not give up on her dream. She returned to her acting career, and under the discovery of director Shang Jing, she once again starred in the sensational classic drama "Wulin Gaiden".

Although the aura when she played the role of "Zhu Wushuang" has disappeared, with her excellent acting skills, Ni Hongjie still made this role re-attract the audience's attention.

Transsexuals, young marriages, and dishonest people, the real Zhu Wushuang lives more tired

Since then, she has bravely challenged various types of roles, especially good at interpreting the mother figure, and her delicate interpretation has won the love and praise of the audience. The audience saw a Ni Hongjie who went from giving up her dreams to regaining her dreams and making unremitting efforts.

In the movie "Over the Spring", Ni Hongjie brilliantly interprets the image of a mother who does her best for her children. She blends this pressure of life with selfless maternal love for her children, which is unforgettable.

This work allowed the audience to see Ni Hongjie's superb acting skills again.

Subsequently, she played the role of her mother in many film and television works, such as Angelababy's mother in "Skyscraper", Zheng Hehuizi's mother in "Strange Family", and Di Lieba's mother in the costume drama "Legend of the Sun and Moon".

Transsexuals, young marriages, and dishonest people, the real Zhu Wushuang lives more tired

Whether it is a fresh and lovely little flower girl or a popular charming actress, under Ni Hongjie's superb interpretation, they are all wrapped in the role of mother and warmed by maternal love.

The audience saw that each of Ni Hongjie's mother figures has a unique charm, which makes people feel like a spring breeze and is full of praise.

As a result, the unique label of "mother professional household" has been recognized by the public and has been used to describe Ni Hongjie. With her excellent acting skills, she successfully showed the role of "mother" on the screen to the fullest.

In 2021, Ni Hongjie played the role of Gloria in the movie "The Myth of Love", a rich and independent woman with a lot of wealth.

Transsexuals, young marriages, and dishonest people, the real Zhu Wushuang lives more tired

Elegant and generous, confident and charming, with unique insights into life and emotions, Ni Hongjie perfectly interpreted this role and won the 33rd Huading Award for Best Supporting Actress.

This is undoubtedly the greatest affirmation of her persistence and dedication on the road of acting for many years.

Looking back on Ni Hongjie's life process, from the drastic changes in her childhood family environment to her later marital failure and debt-ridden, she has not given up her inner yearning for a happy life.

Although she fell into a low point in her life for a while, she did not stop, but regained her acting dream and regained the love of the audience with her excellent acting skills.

Transsexuals, young marriages, and dishonest people, the real Zhu Wushuang lives more tired

From the role of "Zhu Wushuang" recognized by the audience at the beginning, to the successful transformation of "Mother Professional Household" later, and then to the affirmation of winning film and television awards, Ni Hongjie used her life to explain a core truth: as long as you make unremitting efforts for the career you love, you will eventually have a harvest day.

She interprets the value of dreams and struggles with her actions.

For Ni Hongjie, who is over 40 years old today, the exploration of her acting career has just begun, and the future is promising. I believe that as long as she maintains her love for her career, she will be able to go further on this road.

There is no end to life, as long as you stick to your dreams, everything is a new beginning.