
The security captain raped the 60-year-old team member and was arrested, and the victim's daughter: the mother was killed three times

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"In the darkest corners, there is also light waiting. This may be the reason why a 66-year-old female security guard in Changsha finally mustered up the courage to stand up and tell her sad story after suffering continuous violations. While most of her peers were enjoying retirement, she and her husband chose to join a property company as security guards, thinking that this job would bring some stability in their later years, but they did not expect to enter a nightmare.

The security captain raped the 60-year-old team member and was arrested, and the victim's daughter: the mother was killed three times

The spark of the event was lit by a lady named Lin Lin. On April 10, Lin Lin broke the news on social media that his 66-year-old mother was sexually assaulted by Yu Moumou, who was also the captain of the security team, while working as a security guard. What is even more shocking is that this kind of aggression is not once or twice, but three times! Each time it happens, it is like a heavy hammer on the heart of every reader.

The security captain raped the 60-year-old team member and was arrested, and the victim's daughter: the mother was killed three times

According to Lin Lin, the first assault took place in a remote pumping station, followed by two in her mother's dormitory. The shameless captain used his position to threaten her mother with her life if she dared to tell the story. In the midst of extreme fear and suffering, the old man had hoped that the suffering would end automatically, but the truth was far from what she had hoped.

The security captain raped the 60-year-old team member and was arrested, and the victim's daughter: the mother was killed three times

What is outrageous is that the captain also manipulated the door of Lin Lin's mother's dormitory so that he could break in at any time. And Lin Lin's mother, in order to protect herself, hid a pair of scissors under her pillow and washed her face with tears every night. Eventually, after repeated mental and physical torture, she decided to confess everything to her daughter.

The security captain raped the 60-year-old team member and was arrested, and the victim's daughter: the mother was killed three times

When Lin Lin learned about it, she immediately took action, she did not choose to be silent, but chose to use legal weapons to protect her mother. On February 27, the local police intervened in the investigation and arrested the captain shortly after, formally approving the arrest on charges of forcible jian.

The security captain raped the 60-year-old team member and was arrested, and the victim's daughter: the mother was killed three times

However, the reaction on the web is complex and varied. While condemning the crime, some netizens also questioned that a 66-year-old man could become a security guard. Some even joked that the eight security guards combined were only seven teeth, and it was clear that the language carried an inevitable humor.

The security captain raped the 60-year-old team member and was arrested, and the victim's daughter: the mother was killed three times

In reality, job opportunities for older people should indeed be of concern. But in this matter, we should be more concerned that the safety and dignity of women should be protected, regardless of age. Lin Lin's mother used her courage to remind us that there is no shame in being violated, and that it is those who are unscrupulous in their own right.

The security captain raped the 60-year-old team member and was arrested, and the victim's daughter: the mother was killed three times

This incident is not only a redemption for the mother, but also a protection for all those who are violated in the workplace!