
The members of the Council called on all parties to protect humanitarian workers in Gaza and to remove all obstacles to assistance

author:The global village has seen and heard
The members of the Council called on all parties to protect humanitarian workers in Gaza and to remove all obstacles to assistance

In Gaza, women walk in the destroyed streets.

Members of the Council issued a media statement today expressing grave concern over the Israeli airstrikes on 1 April, which resulted in the deaths of seven aid workers from the non-governmental organization World Central Kitchen. The statement also called for the immediate removal of all obstacles to the large-scale transport and distribution of aid in response to the looming threat of famine in the Gaza Strip.

Members of the Council said that the horrific attacks of 1 April brought the death toll of humanitarian personnel from the ongoing conflict in Gaza to at least 224, more than three times the number of aid worker deaths recorded in any conflict in a single year.

There must be accountability for the attacks

Members of the Council stressed that "there must be accountability for all such incidents". They noted that Israel had announced the preliminary findings of the 1 April incident, and stressed the need for a complete, transparent and comprehensive investigation into the incident and for the investigation to be made fully public.

At the same time, the members of the Council also expressed their sincere condolences to the relatives and friends of all those who died since the start of hostilities on 7 October 2023.

Humanitarian workers should be protected

They also expressed their appreciation for the outstanding and admirable efforts of all humanitarian, medical and United Nations personnel working in Gaza, and recognized the extremely difficult and dangerous working conditions of these personnel, as well as the great courage they continue to show in carrying out life-saving missions.

To that end, the members of the Council demanded that all parties to the conflict fully respect the protected status of humanitarian personnel, facilities and operations under international law, respect humanitarian notification and conflict resolution mechanisms, and immediately remedy any deficiencies in those mechanisms.

More needs to be done to provide relief

In their statement, the members of the Council reaffirmed their deep concern at the loss of life and the disastrous humanitarian situation caused by the conflict, as well as the imminent threat of famine in Gaza, and called for the immediate lifting of all obstacles to the delivery of large-scale humanitarian assistance to civilians and the unhindered distribution of aid.

They noted Israel's announcement of the opening of the Erez crossing and the use of the port of Ashdod to deliver aid to Gaza. They stressed, however, that more should be done to provide the necessary relief, given the scale of assistance needed in Gaza.

The members of the Council insisted on the immediate, comprehensive and sustained implementation of the Israeli decision. In accordance with resolution 2720, adopted on 22 December last year, they reiterated their demand that "the parties to the conflict allow, facilitate and facilitate immediate, safe and unhindered direct and large-scale humanitarian deliveries to Palestinian civilians throughout the Gaza Strip".

Call for full respect for international law

They also called for full respect for international law, including international humanitarian law and human rights law. In accordance with Resolution 2728, adopted on 25 March this year, they continue to stress "the immediate and respectful ceasefire during the month of Ramadan, leading to a lasting and sustainable ceasefire, the immediate and unconditional release of all hostages, and humanitarian access to address their medical and other humanitarian needs, as well as the parties' compliance with their obligations under international law towards all persons they detain".

The members of the Council further reaffirmed their full support for the work of the High-level Humanitarian and Reconstruction Coordinator in Gaza pursuant to resolution 2720 and for the provision of humanitarian assistance to civilians in Gaza, by all United Nations personnel and agencies, including UNRWA.

The members of the Council concluded by condemning all acts of violence and hostilities against civilians, as well as all acts of terrorism. They stressed the need for the immediate and full implementation of resolutions 2728, 2720 and 2712 by all parties.

The members of the Council called on all parties to protect humanitarian workers in Gaza and to remove all obstacles to assistance
The members of the Council called on all parties to protect humanitarian workers in Gaza and to remove all obstacles to assistance

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