
National quintessence art master - Wang Yongcai

author:Grow into autumn
National quintessence art master - Wang Yongcai

Wang Yongcai, I love calligraphy since childhood, by his father's heavy pottery, widely to the tablet, "two kings" calligraphy, middle school is the school calligraphy class students. Decades of perseverance, now familiar with the real grass and seals. After his retirement, he received many famous masters to study and guide him, and studied hard, forming a self-contained work, and his works were circulated in all provinces of the country and more than a dozen countries in the world, and were collected by many calligraphy and painting museums and friendly people. He was taught by Han Guangxi, vice president of the Painting and Calligraphy Institute of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, Chen Yaping, a collector and calligrapher and painter of the Chinese Academy of Painting and Calligraphy in Beijing, and Li Shihua, a modern calligrapher and painter, Yang Muqing, a teacher of the Central Academy of Fine Arts.

He is now a senior calligrapher of the Ministry of Culture of China.

First-class artist of China's national ceremony,

He is a calligraphy researcher and liaison member of the Chinese Association for the Study of Calligraphy and Painting for the Elderly.

Standing Director of China National Artists Federation,

Member of the Chinese Calligraphers Society,

Director of China Wanlixing Calligraphy and Painting Association

Director of the Chinese National Classics Calligraphy and Painting Association

Vice President of Wangjing Elderly Calligraphy and Painting Society.

Awards & Certificates:

In 2019, he won the Excellence Award in the "Commemoration of the 40th Anniversary of Reform and Opening-up" National Calligraphy Competition for the Elderly.

In May 2019, his calligraphy works won the 35th anniversary of the founding of the China Association for the Study of Calligraphy and Painting for the Elderly.

In 2016, he won the title of Star of Deyi in the Dream Building China-Deyi Cup Internet Calligraphy Competition held by the Ministry of Culture.

In 2019, the calligraphy works of the 2018 Silk Road Craftsman Calligraphy and Painting Exhibition were collected in the "Silk Road Business Travel Series Exhibition--Dan Ink Fragrance" at the China Museum of Culture and History.

In 2017, 2018, and 2019, he won the gold medal twice, the first prize once, and the silver medal once in the commemoration of the birthday of the great leader Chairman Mao.

2021~2022 Won the second prize in the National Artist List and Contemporary Art Representative Competition.

National quintessence art master - Wang Yongcai
National quintessence art master - Wang Yongcai
National quintessence art master - Wang Yongcai
National quintessence art master - Wang Yongcai

Mr. Wang Yongcai has grown into an excellent landscape painter today, first of all, thanks to his deep affection for Chinese brush and ink and his skill in mastering the technique of brush and ink. His brushwork is powerful and varied, with the center and flanks turning and turning smoothly. It also stems from his love for art and his love for the mountains and rivers of the motherland, and whenever this strong affection is injected into the pen, the landscape paintings created by "love brush and ink" naturally appear extraordinarily vibrant, full of spirituality and poetry.

National quintessence art master - Wang Yongcai
National quintessence art master - Wang Yongcai
National quintessence art master - Wang Yongcai

In Mr. Wang Yongcai's freehand landscape paintings, he boldly uses ink, or thick ink and heavy color, gorgeous and colorful, or fresh and elegant, the shade is appropriate, the mountains have the majestic posture of the mountains, the water has the tranquility of the water, and the clouds have the elegance of the clouds. Reading Mr. Wang's paintings can make people suddenly feel a sense of "déjà vu". The grass and trees, springs and stones in the painting always make us have beautiful associations, as if sometimes we are sideways on the shore of Dongting Lake and the top of the Qinling Mountains, and sometimes we are wandering at the foot of the Taihang Mountains and the Lancang River. His paintings are not very large, but the connotations are strangely rich.

National quintessence art master - Wang Yongcai
National quintessence art master - Wang Yongcai
National quintessence art master - Wang Yongcai
National quintessence art master - Wang Yongcai

Mr. Wang Yongcai's calligraphy can just right the essence of the sages for his own use, not only that, but also his hearty calligraphy context is integrated into the rich literati spirit! Therefore, in his calligraphy works, we can not only see his high grasp of traditional consciousness, but also can see his broad calligraphy style and personality understanding that keeps pace with the times!

National quintessence art master - Wang Yongcai
National quintessence art master - Wang Yongcai
National quintessence art master - Wang Yongcai
National quintessence art master - Wang Yongcai
National quintessence art master - Wang Yongcai
National quintessence art master - Wang Yongcai
National quintessence art master - Wang Yongcai
National quintessence art master - Wang Yongcai
National quintessence art master - Wang Yongcai
National quintessence art master - Wang Yongcai
National quintessence art master - Wang Yongcai
National quintessence art master - Wang Yongcai

Because Mr. Wang Yongcai's calligraphy is not only an all-round technique, but also an outstanding character. He is a proficient pen and ink skills, and full of pen and ink feelings of the artist, calligraphy is exquisite, the bearing is quietly born, pen and ink is the spirit, with the help of strange rhyme, swing the pen into lyricism, full of affection, it is extremely rare spirit!

National quintessence art master - Wang Yongcai
National quintessence art master - Wang Yongcai
National quintessence art master - Wang Yongcai
National quintessence art master - Wang Yongcai
National quintessence art master - Wang Yongcai
National quintessence art master - Wang Yongcai
National quintessence art master - Wang Yongcai

Mr. Wang Yongcai's calligraphy is also majestic in terms of structure and modeling. He used calligraphy cultivation and scholar quality to reproduce the majestic and elegant calligraphy, with a strong ability to control pen and ink, with the help of the structure of the collection and vertical, large and fine, generation of staggered, wonderful movement and rhythm, pen and ink better than the song. In addition, the black-and-white correspondence rules of words and words, lines and lines, are all implemented on paper, and the thinking is before the use of the pen, showing that his calligraphy is quite accurate in the budget for space disposal, and has completely reached the realm of proficiency.

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