
From the "prayer" of the sun to the cold witch, what has the great priest experienced

author:The loss of eating face

When everyone is playing the new hero Da Si Ming, the first feeling he gives people is not cold and coercive, but do you know that in the original background of Glory of Kings, Da Si Ming, his original name is Qi, he used to be a sunny and cheerful young man, yes, the following is what Qi looked like before he became Da Si Ming!

From the "prayer" of the sun to the cold witch, what has the great priest experienced

But when he officially inherited the duties of the Grand Priest from his master, his fate also changed drastically. At that moment, the mask of the god and witch that belonged to him slowly condensed on his face, as if it was shrouded in a layer of mysterious power. This mask not only gives him great strength, but also restrains his emotional leakage, making him cold and coercive.

In addition to condensing the mask to gain power, the great priest can connect the dead world, and ancient Chinese culture believes that "the Beidou is destined for death, and the southern bucket is for life", and the north belongs to water on the five elements, and the representative color is black, so the color of the clothing is mainly black, highlighting his mysterious and majestic identity.

From the "prayer" of the sun to the cold witch, what has the great priest experienced

Since then, there has been one less warm prayer in the world, and one more cold and majestic command. He stood in the land of Yunmeng, and with those powerful eyes, he examined the home he had sworn to protect. His majesty is enough to make any enemy fearful, and his strength is enough to defend the peace of Yunmeng.

The sunshine and warmth in his heart have not completely disappeared. He just buried them deeply, hiding his inner vulnerability with a cold and majestic exterior. He used his loneliness and sacrifice in exchange for the peace and prosperity of Yunmeng.

From the "prayer" of the sun to the cold witch, what has the great priest experienced

This may be the price that prayer will face after becoming the great priest. He chose to take responsibility, chose responsibility, and chose to protect this land with his own strength. He lost the outpouring of emotion, but he won the respect and admiration of the world. He exchanged his emotions for strength, and used his loneliness to protect Yunmeng. But in any case, he is a hero who deserves our admiration and respect.

From the "prayer" of the sun to the cold witch, what has the great priest experienced

Finally, I want to say that when we get to know the story of Qi in depth, we can't help but feel a little distressed for him. Although he has become an emotionally impassive commander, in the standby position, we can see him relax when the mysterious mask gradually dissipates. At that moment, what appeared in his eyes was no longer cold and majestic, but soft and warm. We seem to be able to glimpse the loneliness and compassion in his heart through that brief moment.