
The woman's dissatisfaction with the extra charge of Putuo Mountain caused controversy, isn't this a destruction of the original intention of the Buddha?

author:Follow one's heart

Recently, a video about the Putuo Mountain Scenic Area in Zhoushan, Zhejiang Province has attracted widespread attention. A netizen complained that he was asked to pay extra for tickets when visiting Putuo Mountain, and expressed his dissatisfaction with this. He believes that the temple should be a voluntary donation of incense money, and should not be forced to charge entrance fees, is this contrary to the original intention of the Buddha? Let's take a look.

The woman's dissatisfaction with the extra charge of Putuo Mountain caused controversy, isn't this a destruction of the original intention of the Buddha?

In the video, the netizen asks the aunt why tourists still need to pay extra to enter the temple after purchasing tickets. The aunt explained that the entrance fee is charged by the management of the scenic spot, and there is an additional fee to enter the temple for the maintenance and management of the temple. This explanation sparked doubts and dissatisfaction among netizens, who believed that the temple was supposed to be a voluntary donation of incense money, and charging for admission fees was a departure from the Buddha's wishes.

The woman's dissatisfaction with the extra charge of Putuo Mountain caused controversy, isn't this a destruction of the original intention of the Buddha?

This question really raises a lot of people's thoughts. Whether or not a temple should charge an entrance fee as a religious site is an issue that needs to be weighed. On the one hand, the ticket fee can be used for the maintenance and management of the temple, ensuring the normal operation of the temple. Buddhism, on the other hand, emphasizes selfless devotion and kindness, and it is worth discussing whether the cost of admission is in line with the Buddha's original intentions.

The woman's dissatisfaction with the extra charge of Putuo Mountain caused controversy, isn't this a destruction of the original intention of the Buddha?

First, we need to take into account the realities of the situation. Nowadays, tourism is booming, and temples as a tourist attraction also have to adapt to market demand. Ticket revenue can help the temple management to provide better services and environment to attract more visitors. In this way, the temple is able to better pass on the Buddhist culture while also being more economically self-sufficient.

The woman's dissatisfaction with the extra charge of Putuo Mountain caused controversy, isn't this a destruction of the original intention of the Buddha?

However, we cannot ignore the spirit of selfless dedication and kindness that Buddhism emphasies. From a Buddhist point of view, a temple is supposed to be a place where people's minds are purified and spiritually nourished. Voluntary donations of incense money are a way for believers to show their respect and gratitude for Buddhism, not mandatory. Therefore, some netizens believe that the mandatory charging of ticket fees goes against the original intention of the Buddha, and there is a reason for it.

So, how do you weigh these two perspectives? Perhaps we can consider the following aspects. First of all, the temple management should be transparent about the use of the admission fee to ensure that the fee is reasonable and transparent. Secondly, a mechanism should be established to voluntarily donate money for incense so that visitors can support the operation of the temple according to their wishes. Finally, the government and temple management should also strengthen cooperation and jointly find a balanced way to ensure the normal operation of the temple and its cultural heritage.

The woman's dissatisfaction with the extra charge of Putuo Mountain caused controversy, isn't this a destruction of the original intention of the Buddha?

In general, the issue of temple admission fees really needs to be deeply thought about and discussed. It is necessary to take into account the maintenance and management of the temple, but also to respect the original intention of the Buddha and the wishes of the believers. Through transparent fee disclosure, a mechanism for voluntary donation of incense money, and cooperation between the government and the temple management, we may be able to find a solution that satisfies people.

The woman's dissatisfaction with the extra charge of Putuo Mountain caused controversy, isn't this a destruction of the original intention of the Buddha?

In the event that sparked the controversy in this video, we saw a discussion about the cost of temple tickets. This is a complex and interesting question to consider, both from the perspective of practical needs and Buddhist beliefs. Through the efforts of all parties, perhaps we can find a more balanced and just solution to safeguard the original intention of Buddhism and the interests of the believers.