
Shunzhi asked the monk: How many generations can the Qing Dynasty be passed on? The monk said 14 words, and the consequences of a hundred years were really fulfilled

author:Shushan History Road


Since ancient times, there have always been many amazing prophecies and legends. And one of the thought-provoking stories is that the Shunzhi Emperor asked the monk: "How many generations can the Qing Dynasty be passed on?" and the monk only replied 14 words. One hundred years later, this prophecy was fulfilled.

A brief dialogue, but it reveals the fate and future of the Qing Dynasty. What does the monk's answer really mean? Is this not just a coincidence, but a kind of wisdom that transcends time and space? Let's step into this legendary history and explore the philosophy contained in it.

Shunzhi asked the monk: How many generations can the Qing Dynasty be passed on? The monk said 14 words, and the consequences of a hundred years were really fulfilled

1. Buddhist monk Yulin Tongxiu

In the water town of Dantu in the south of the Yangtze River, there is an ancient temple hidden between the green mountains and green waters, which is the place where the monks of Yulin Tongxiu practice. The environment of the temple is quiet and elegant, with ancient trees towering to the sky and gurgling streams, as if it is a paradise.

Yulin Tongxiu, a senior monk from Jiangsu Dantu, won the respect of many disciples with his profound Buddhist attainments and extraordinary personality charm. He is humble and courteous, with wisdom in his words and a serene and peaceful temperament in his demeanor.

Shunzhi asked the monk: How many generations can the Qing Dynasty be passed on? The monk said 14 words, and the consequences of a hundred years were really fulfilled

Every morning, Yulin Tongxiu will walk in the bamboo forest of the temple, smell the faint fragrance of bamboo, listen to the singing of birds and flowers, and comprehend the laws of nature. Sometimes, he would also receive some good men and women who came to seek the Dharma there, answering their questions and giving them guidance.

Yulin Tongxiu's understanding of Buddhism is extremely profound, and he often says: "The essence of Buddhism is to let go of obsessions and understand that everything is false." He used his words and deeds to interpret this concept, always reminding himself and his disciples to stay away from Vanity Fair and keep a clear mind.

Shunzhi asked the monk: How many generations can the Qing Dynasty be passed on? The monk said 14 words, and the consequences of a hundred years were really fulfilled

2. The pious belief of Emperor Shunzhi

In the distant palace of the Forbidden City, a young emperor is worshipping a Buddha statue. This is the founding emperor of the Qing Dynasty - Shunzhi Emperor Fulin. Emperor Shunzhi had a devout belief in Buddhism from an early age.

In those long nights, he often walked alone into the Buddhist hall in the palace and bowed deeply to the Buddha statue, which was his endless pursuit of wisdom and understanding.

Shunzhi asked the monk: How many generations can the Qing Dynasty be passed on? The monk said 14 words, and the consequences of a hundred years were really fulfilled

The Buddha Hall of Emperor Shunzhi is a quiet and sacred space. The walls are adorned with elaborate thangkas depicting the life of the Buddha, and the shelves are filled with Buddhist scriptures, each of which is worn out to bear witness to the countless studies and reflections of Emperor Shunzhi.

Here, he was not only an emperor, but also a devout seeker, whose heart drifted to the distant and peaceful shore along with the teachings of Buddhism.

Shunzhi asked the monk: How many generations can the Qing Dynasty be passed on? The monk said 14 words, and the consequences of a hundred years were really fulfilled

3. The two met because of this

By chance, when Emperor Shunzhi was inspecting the south of the Yangtze River, he heard about the fame of Yulin Tongxiu, so he went to visit. When Emperor Shunzhi stepped into the temple where Yulin Tongxiu was located, he was attracted by the tranquility and peace there.

This is how the two met. The dialogue between Emperor Shunzhi and Yulin Tongxiu often took place in the back mountain of the temple. There is a bamboo forest there, with bamboo shadows and a fresh breeze, and the two of them are in such an environment to discuss Buddhism and exchange experiences.

Under the guidance of Yulin Tongxiu, Emperor Shunzhi had a deeper understanding of Buddhism and his beliefs became firmer. And Yulin Tongxiu was also moved by Emperor Shunzhi's sincerity, and the friendship between the two grew deeper.

Shunzhi asked the monk: How many generations can the Qing Dynasty be passed on? The monk said 14 words, and the consequences of a hundred years were really fulfilled

Fourth, the prophecy of Yulin Tongxiu

Among the many deep conversations between Emperor Shunzhi and Yulin Tongxiu, there was one conversation that was particularly memorable. It was a warm spring afternoon, and the sun shone through the ancient window lattice, sprinkling on the two of them, forming a dappled light and shadow.

In a conversation, Emperor Shunzhi couldn't help but ask Yulin Tongxiu a major question about the future of the Qing Dynasty - "How about Guozuo?" Yulin Tongxiu was silent for a long time, his eyes seemed to have traveled through time and space, and saw the distant future. In the end, he slowly spoke and gave a mysterious prophecy - "Ten emperors and nine emperors are prisoners, and one is in Youzhou." "

These fourteen words, like a puzzle, are both profound and subtle, and people can't figure it out. After Emperor Shunzhi heard this, he was both shocked and in awe, he knew that this prophecy was not trivial, and it would definitely affect the rise and fall of the Qing Dynasty.

Shunzhi asked the monk: How many generations can the Qing Dynasty be passed on? The monk said 14 words, and the consequences of a hundred years were really fulfilled

5. The fulfillment of prophecy

As the wheel of history rolls forward, the prophecy of Yulin Tongxiu has gradually attracted the attention of the world. The fourteen-character mantra is like a puzzle, waiting for future generations to answer. And this mystery was not gradually revealed until the time of Puyi, the last emperor of the Qing Dynasty.

The ten emperors mentioned in the prophecy were fulfilled one by one. From the beginning of Emperor Shunzhi Fulin to the end of Puyi, the Qing Dynasty did go through ten emperors. And nine of them, whether they were brilliant during their reign or lonely after their abdication, could not escape the shackles of the Forbidden City, and their fate seemed to be drawn by prophecy.

And the last emperor Puyi, his life is even more legendary. From emperor to commoner, from captivity to freedom, his life trajectory seems to be the true portrayal of the last emperor who lived a free life in Youzhou in the prophecy.

Shunzhi asked the monk: How many generations can the Qing Dynasty be passed on? The monk said 14 words, and the consequences of a hundred years were really fulfilled

Sixth, Pu Yi's comprehension

The long river of history is flowing endlessly, and in the blink of an eye, Puyi, the last emperor of the Qing Dynasty, has entered the twilight of his life. In his memoirs, Pu Yi fondly recalled his understanding and comprehension of Yulin Tongxiu's prophecy.

Pu Yi's life was full of dramatic changes. From the Jinluan Palace in the Forbidden City, to the puppet emperor of the puppet state of Manchukuo, to the ordinary citizens of the Republic, his life trajectory seems to be a wonderful irony of history.

However, it was this experience that gave him a deeper historical insight. By chance, Pu Yi re-read the prophecies of Yulin Tongxiu, and those words that were once obscure and difficult to understand now became clear in his eyes.

Shunzhi asked the monk: How many generations can the Qing Dynasty be passed on? The monk said 14 words, and the consequences of a hundred years were really fulfilled

Pu Yi finally understood that Yulin Tongxiu's prophecy was not only a prediction of the fate of the Qing emperor, but also a revelation of the law of the rise and fall of history. He realized that no matter what the fate of the individual, there was no escape from the tide of history.

As a witness and participant in history, all he can do is to do his part in his own position to influence and change the world.

Shunzhi asked the monk: How many generations can the Qing Dynasty be passed on? The monk said 14 words, and the consequences of a hundred years were really fulfilled


Yulin Tongxiu's prophecy is not only a prediction of the history of the Qing Dynasty, but also a profound revelation for life and destiny.

It tells us that no matter how the times change, the wheel of history always moves forward according to its own laws, and what we can do is to find our own direction and live our own value in the process.

As Pu Yi realized, we are all witnesses and participants in history, and although we cannot change the tide of history, we can still do our part in our own position to influence and change the world. This is the true meaning of life as revealed by Buddhist wisdom.