
A 5-year-old boy was abused by his biological mother and his leg was amputated!

A 5-year-old boy was abused by his biological mother and his leg was amputated!




Recently, a heart-wrenching case has been tried in court, which has attracted wide attention from all walks of life. A 5-year-old boy was reportedly subjected to long-term abuse by his birth mother, resulting in an unfortunate amputation. The whole story of this case is embarrassing.


Source: Poster News

It is understood that the biological mother of the 5-year-old boy has been subjected to physical and psychological abuse for a long time. Innocent children are cared for and loved in a warm home, but they are brutally treated by their own mothers. Behind all of this is incomprehensible abuse.

A 5-year-old boy was abused by his biological mother and his leg was amputated!

In the court proceedings, the details of the case are harrowing. The child not only suffered physical injuries, but also suffered mentally. His innocent cry was unbearable. And the behavior of the biological mother not only harms the child's body, but also destroys the harmony and beauty of a family.

A 5-year-old boy was abused by his biological mother and his leg was amputated!

As a result of the trial in this case, the biological mother was sentenced to 6 years and 9 months in prison. However, for the victimized child, this cannot replace everything he has lost. This is also a punishment for abuse, and it is also a warning bell for child protection. May the child recover as soon as possible and get back on the road to sunshine.

A 5-year-old boy was abused by his biological mother and his leg was amputated!

As soon as the topic was posted on the Internet, the comment area instantly exploded! Tens of thousands of comments poured in

Some of these netizens' comments are even more interesting and interesting, let's take a look

Netizen: She blasphemed the title "Mom".

A 5-year-old boy was abused by his biological mother and his leg was amputated!

There are no parents in the world who are not

Netizen: I remember that I was beaten by my mother basically every day when I was a child, and after my mother beat me, I complained to my dad again, and my dad beat me again when he came back from work, and the broom hangers at home are all tools, and I was often beaten and driven to school in the morning, and I had to try my best to cover the scars on my body all day. I used to think that I was too skinny, but then my mother chatted with others, and she said that she often beat me because my brother was often sick at that time, and she was angry and angry, so she sent it to me, so I can't let go of it until now, even if they know now that they feel guilty, they can't make up for the shadow they brought to me when they were a child.

A 5-year-old boy was abused by his biological mother and his leg was amputated!

A happy childhood can heal a lifetime, and an unhappy childhood takes a lifetime to heal

Netizen: How can this mother do it

A 5-year-old boy was abused by his biological mother and his leg was amputated!

Love is hate, and only how deep the hate is to know how strong the love is. Love is weird.

Netizen: I want to know what the child's father eats?

A 5-year-old boy was abused by his biological mother and his leg was amputated!

It's all men's fault

Netizen: It turns out that there are really mothers who don't love their children

A 5-year-old boy was abused by his biological mother and his leg was amputated!

Nothing strange

Netizen: I guess some people in the comment area will definitely say that it was Dad who treated Mom badly, and then how her in-laws treated him badly caused her to do this

A 5-year-old boy was abused by his biological mother and his leg was amputated!

But the child is innocent, no, I don't know how to do it

Netizen: This child will be twisted in his heart in the future, and the person he loves the most in this world is also the person he hates the most, and it hurts when he thinks about it

A 5-year-old boy was abused by his biological mother and his leg was amputated!

So I can't mention my mother, what a pain, what a poor child, this kind of scar is really hard to heal

Editor's opinion

As a netizen, I feel extremely heartbroken and angry when I see such a report. It is an unbelievable nightmare that a 5-year-old child has been abused by his biological mother for a long time! A child is the hope and future of the family, how can anyone be cruel to their own flesh and blood?

I can't imagine how a mother can bear to behave so cruelly to her child. Children should be cared for and loved, not abused or hurt. Imagine how desperate and sad the child must have been in front of his mother, helplessly enduring all kinds of pain and suffering!

During the court trial, I heard the child's voice, and my heart was broken. His innocent crying was heart-wrenching. I hope that the child can recover as soon as possible, regain his happiness and joy, and receive the care and help of the society.

Although the birth mother was sentenced to 6 years and 9 months in prison, for the child, this does not make up for all the pain he has suffered. But I believe that the outcome of this trial will serve as a warning to abuse, and it will also be a wake-up call for child protection. May each of us treat our children with love, let them grow up healthy and happy, and become beautiful social talents!

Thank you for reading, those who have money hold a money field, those who don't have money hold a personal field, I wish you all a day in the gold, happy every day

A 5-year-old boy was abused by his biological mother and his leg was amputated!

#5岁男童遭生母虐待截肢案开庭 ##网友##评论##春日生活打卡季#