
The spring breeze moistens people's hearts, and love and protection are seen in action

author:Educational and cultural exchanges

With the fragrance of spring, in the launching ceremony of the patriotic health month with the theme of "Healthy Towns and Healthy Weight", the patriotic health campaign of Huishiyou has been quietly opened.

Patriotic mobilization under the national flag

Accompanied by the beautiful flag-raising music, teacher Wang Qian led all the teachers and children to carry out the mobilization meeting of the patriotic health month: in the patriotic health month, everyone participates in patriotic health, and everyone enjoys a healthy life.

The spring breeze moistens people's hearts, and love and protection are seen in action

Patriotic mobilization under the national flag

Listen to the theme of love and health education

After the flag-raising activity, the class teacher also introduced the content of the Patriotic Health Month activities to the children in the form of pictures and videos, and encouraged them to complete what they could.

The spring breeze moistens people's hearts, and love and protection are seen in action

Thematic education and health classes

Clean once a week

All teachers and children participated in the patriotic health month activities, cleaned and disinfected the kindergarten in all aspects, and used practical actions to create a clean, hygienic and safe life paradise for children!

The spring breeze moistens people's hearts, and love and protection are seen in action
The spring breeze moistens people's hearts, and love and protection are seen in action
The spring breeze moistens people's hearts, and love and protection are seen in action

Teacher cleaning photo

Under the guidance of the teacher, the children also actively participated in the sanitation campaign, picking up rags, brooms, mops and other labor tools, and happily becoming little environmental protection guards.

The spring breeze moistens people's hearts, and love and protection are seen in action

Toddlers clean up

Aiwei inspection and supervision are normalized

In daily work, the administrative leaders will transfer kindergartens and classes every day to check the health and safety problems in all corners of the kindergarten, and the kindergarten has always made immediate rectifications to keep the health care work normal.

The spring breeze moistens people's hearts, and love and protection are seen in action

Check the photos

Aiwei propaganda is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people

The kindergarten has widely publicized the patriotic health month activities through LED displays, doorway billboards, class groups and other forms, and issued an initiative for all teachers, children, parents, etc., to do their part for the construction of a civilized and green home!

The spring breeze moistens people's hearts, and love and protection are seen in action

Publicity: electronic screens, propaganda columns

Through a series of activities for Patriotic Health Month,

The kindergarten environment has become cleaner, more comfortable and more beautiful,

In the hearts of all teachers and children, a civilized consciousness of love for cleanliness and hygiene has been established.

We also encourage children to strive to be "little teachers" to supervise parents to care for the environment.

Radiate the influence of the event to every family,

It has created a good atmosphere for everyone to care, participate and share health.

Let's work together to create a warm, tidy and clean environment,

Contribute to the establishment of a harmonious society and a better home!