
A total of 130 times in a semester! A female college student died of cancer, and her girlfriend cried bitterly: she was addicted to persuasion

author:Lao Ge Health Talk

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"Sit down, you're a precursor to a heart attack. ”

The doctor's words brought the tension in the movie theater to a peak, and Chen Xiaoxiao was watching a blockbuster movie at this time, and it was the climax.

A total of 130 times in a semester! A female college student died of cancer, and her girlfriend cried bitterly: she was addicted to persuasion

The audience on the side suddenly fell to the ground, and the whole scene was chaotic for a while.

The emergency made Chen Xiaoxiao take a keen interest in her health.

Xiaoxiao Chen is a nutritionist who has been studying the effects of food on human health.

A total of 130 times in a semester! A female college student died of cancer, and her girlfriend cried bitterly: she was addicted to persuasion

After returning home that night, Chen Xiaoxiao lay in bed with a lot of thoughts.

She suddenly thought of her college best friend Lin Tingting.

Lin Tingting suffered from severe stomach cancer due to improper eating habits and eventually passed away.

Chen Xiaoxiao was deeply touched by this tragedy, and it also strengthened her determination to study healthy eating.

A total of 130 times in a semester! A female college student died of cancer, and her girlfriend cried bitterly: she was addicted to persuasion

In fact, Lin Tingting's eating habits are extremely unhealthy, she has to eat fast food almost every day, and even eats more than 130 times a semester.

Although Chen Xiaoxiao had advised her many times to change this bad eating habit, Lin Tingting always shook her head with a smile and said, "I'm already addicted to it, and I can't change it." ”

Chen Xiaoxiao's sense of powerlessness began to grow from then on.

A total of 130 times in a semester! A female college student died of cancer, and her girlfriend cried bitterly: she was addicted to persuasion

Looking back, Chen Xiaoxiao decided to delve into the long-term effects of fast food on human health.

She reviewed numerous literature and research reports and found that the combination of high calories, fat and salt in fast food is a potential trigger for a variety of diseases, including cardiovascular disease, diabetes and many forms of cancer.

Over the next few months, Chen Xiaoxiao discussed with a number of doctors and nutritionists, and gradually developed a new perspective on the relationship between diet and disease.

A total of 130 times in a semester! A female college student died of cancer, and her girlfriend cried bitterly: she was addicted to persuasion

In Chen Xiaoxiao's view, the public's dependence on fast food is not only because of its convenience and deliciousness, but also because of the result of social pressure and the pace of life.

The fast-paced pace of life makes many people feel like they don't have time to take care of healthy eating, creating a vicious cycle.

To break this cycle, Chen Xiaoxiao proposed an innovative solution:

A total of 130 times in a semester! A female college student died of cancer, and her girlfriend cried bitterly: she was addicted to persuasion

Promote healthy dining options and educate students and staff on healthy eating through partnerships with businesses and schools.

Chen Xiaoxiao also paid special attention to the issue of food additives. She found that many fast foods contain high levels of food additives, such as preservatives, artificial colors, and flavorings, which can lead to chronic diseases due to long-term accumulation in the human body.

According to a survey, people who consume foods containing these additives for a long time have a more than 20% higher incidence of cancer than the general population.

A total of 130 times in a semester! A female college student died of cancer, and her girlfriend cried bitterly: she was addicted to persuasion

Chen Xiaoxiao was shocked by this data, and she decided to make this discovery her research focus.

In a health talk, Chen Xiaoxiao shared several cases of health problems caused by food additives.

One of the cases was a middle-aged man who suffered severe liver problems due to long-term consumption of foods containing high levels of food additives.

A total of 130 times in a semester! A female college student died of cancer, and her girlfriend cried bitterly: she was addicted to persuasion

Through these concrete examples, Chen Xiaoxiao showed the audience the importance of food safety.

In addition, Chen Xiaoxiao conducted a comparative study on the relationship between traditional food and modern fast food.

She found that compared to fast food, traditional foods have a more comprehensive nutritional profile, including not only essential fatty acids and amino acids, but also rich in trace elements and fiber, which are beneficial for long-term health.

A total of 130 times in a semester! A female college student died of cancer, and her girlfriend cried bitterly: she was addicted to persuasion

Chen's research has not only attracted widespread attention in the academic community, but has also made the public begin to re-examine their eating habits.

She continues to spread her health philosophy through various channels, including social media, TV interviews, and public lectures.

Her story and research have inspired many people to change their lifestyles and choose healthier diets.

A total of 130 times in a semester! A female college student died of cancer, and her girlfriend cried bitterly: she was addicted to persuasion

However, have all these efforts really changed people's long-term eating behavior, or have they merely formed an "illusion" of health on the surface?

Will the huge benefits of the food industry hinder the realization of such a change? This is a question that deserves our in-depth analysis.

From the perspective of nutrition, we need to consider not only the ingredients of food, but also the perception and attitude of society as a whole towards healthy eating.

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