
A 25-year-old man was diagnosed with lung cancer, still smoking and drinking, without taking medicine or treatment, saying: Life is a toss

author:Dr. Chua's health talks

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Zhang Haoran looked out the window, with no expression on his face, but he was holding a burning cigarette in his hand, and the air was filled with a strong smell of tobacco.

The 25-year-old, an ordinary bank clerk, spends his days in front of a computer screen, dealing with mountains of documents and data. However, just three months ago, life gave him a huge turn – a diagnosis of lung cancer.

A 25-year-old man was diagnosed with lung cancer, still smoking and drinking, without taking medicine or treatment, saying: Life is a toss

Lung cancer, the word seems to be a bridge in a movie, it always happens to others. However, when it really came to Zhang Haoran's head, his reaction surprised everyone: not only did he not stop smoking and drinking, but he indulged even more.

In the face of persuasion from his family and friends, he always smiled and waved his hand and said, "Life is about tossing, and I like this kind of excitement." Li Ming, a doctor friend, did everything he could to persuade Zhang Haoran, and even arranged for him to meet with several top lung cancer specialists.

A 25-year-old man was diagnosed with lung cancer, still smoking and drinking, without taking medicine or treatment, saying: Life is a toss

These experts all agree that untreated lung cancer will continue to worsen. But Zhang Haoran seems indifferent to these professional opinions and continues his old habits.

One day, Li Ming came to Zhang Haoran's home again. He found Zhang Haoran sitting on the balcony, looking into the distance, the wine glass in his hand swaying gently. Li Ming decided to change the way, he asked Zhang Haoran: "Do you know why your smoking and drinking are so fatal to lung cancer?"

A 25-year-old man was diagnosed with lung cancer, still smoking and drinking, without taking medicine or treatment, saying: Life is a toss

Zhang Haoran raised his head, a hint of curiosity flashed in his eyes: "Tell me to listen?" Li Ming patiently explained: "Imagine that your body is an efficient system, and each organ plays a specific role.

These damages become more and more severe, and as cells continue to damage and repair, errors can occur, which can accumulate and lead to lung cancer. Zhang Haoran could hear it attentively and seemed to be interested in Li Ming's topic. "And what about the wine?" he asked.

A 25-year-old man was diagnosed with lung cancer, still smoking and drinking, without taking medicine or treatment, saying: Life is a toss

Li Ming continued: "Frequent alcohol consumption can put a heavier burden on the liver, and over time, the liver's function will be impaired, which will affect not only the liver itself, but also the liver's ability to break down other toxic substances, including those carcinogens that you ingest through smoking. In this way, the damage to the lungs is even more severe. ”

Li Ming added the story of a patient who died without treatment because of similar lifestyle habits. He hopes that these real-life examples will touch Zhang Haoran and make him seriously consider his health.

A 25-year-old man was diagnosed with lung cancer, still smoking and drinking, without taking medicine or treatment, saying: Life is a toss

"I've met a patient before, about your age. Li Ming said slowly, "He also smokes and drinks every day, even after being diagnosed with lung cancer, he still goes his own way." At first, like you, he didn't believe that the illness would really threaten his life, until his condition worsened to the point where he could not recover. In the last months of his life, he was in great pain and regretted it. ”

Hearing this, Zhang Haoran's eyes darkened significantly, and the corners of his mouth were pursed, obviously touched by Li Ming's words. He took a deep breath and asked, "So what do you think I should do now?"

A 25-year-old man was diagnosed with lung cancer, still smoking and drinking, without taking medicine or treatment, saying: Life is a toss

Li Ming looked at him in a serious and firm tone: "First of all, you need to stop smoking and reduce drinking, which is the most basic. Modern medicine has not yet found a cure for lung cancer, but there are many existing treatment options that can effectively prolong life and significantly improve the quality of daily life, and I suggest that you reconsider your treatment options and at least try them. ”

Zhang Haoran nodded, as if he was making an important decision. Li Ming's words seemed to open a window for him to see another possibility besides indulgence.

A 25-year-old man was diagnosed with lung cancer, still smoking and drinking, without taking medicine or treatment, saying: Life is a toss

In the weeks that followed, Mr. Zhang's life changed dramatically. He started chemotherapy and although the process was very difficult and the side effects made him miserable, he persevered. He also quit smoking completely, and only drank alcohol on special occasions.

After a few months, his condition improved significantly. Although he still can't be completely cured, his quality of life has greatly improved, and he has begun to appreciate Li Ming's persistence and his choice.

A 25-year-old man was diagnosed with lung cancer, still smoking and drinking, without taking medicine or treatment, saying: Life is a toss

Zhang Haoran began to realize that life is not just about tossing, but also about finding meaning and value. He began to use his experiences to help others, especially young people who were also facing health challenges, by telling them about the importance of health and the need for aggressive treatment when dealing with illness.

Zhang's story not only changed his own destiny, but also inspired many to re-examine their lifestyle and health choices.

A 25-year-old man was diagnosed with lung cancer, still smoking and drinking, without taking medicine or treatment, saying: Life is a toss

What do you think about lung cancer?

A 25-year-old man was diagnosed with lung cancer, still smoking and drinking, without taking medicine or treatment, saying: Life is a toss