
Doctors suggest: 3 kinds of diet to touch less, destroy the health of blood vessels

author:Mr. Wang Medical Science Popularization

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In a small town, there lives a postman named Lin Hui.

Lin Hui is known in the town for his diligence and reliability, riding his red postal bicycle every day through the narrow streets and intricate alleys.

Doctors suggest: 3 kinds of diet to touch less, destroy the health of blood vessels

In a corner of the city, there is a small community known as the "Wellness Village", which is home to many retired seniors and young office workers. Lin Hui is responsible for mail delivery in this area.

One day, Lin Hui, as usual, went door-to-door delivering letters and parcels. He finally stopped in front of an old three-story building where a retired cardiologist named Dr. Wang lived.

Doctors suggest: 3 kinds of diet to touch less, destroy the health of blood vessels

Although he is retired, Dr. Wang is still enthusiastic about providing health advice to the residents of the community, especially on the prevention of cardiovascular diseases. He knew that Lin Hui was tired from work on weekdays, so he called out to him.

"Lin Hui, come up and have a cup of tea and rest your feet. Dr. Wang greeted warmly. Lin Hui happily agreed. The two sat on the balcony, enjoying their long-lost leisure time, chatting about diet and health.

Doctors suggest: 3 kinds of diet to touch less, destroy the health of blood vessels

"Did you know that a lot of common eating habits have a huge impact on our vascular health? Dr. Wang began his tirade as he poured tea.

He began by mentioning a little-noticed, but very important, point – the potential damage of carbonated drinks to blood vessels. Dr. Wang said:

Doctors suggest: 3 kinds of diet to touch less, destroy the health of blood vessels

"Carbonated drinks contain a lot of sugar and artificial additives, which can cause a sharp rise in blood sugar, and long-term excessive intake can increase the risk of hardening of the arteries. Moreover, the phosphoric acid in carbonated drinks may also inhibit the absorption of calcium in our body, which is also a hidden danger to bone health. ”

He went on to explain the cardiovascular effects of processed meat. Processed meats such as sausages and bacon contain high amounts of salt and preservatives, which can cause high blood pressure and may cause heart disease if consumed for a long time.

Doctors suggest: 3 kinds of diet to touch less, destroy the health of blood vessels

Finally, Dr. Wang talked about deep-fried food. "Deep-fried foods produce a lot of trans fatty acids during cooking," he gushes. ”

"This fatty acid increases LDL (bad cholesterol) levels while also decreasing HDL (good cholesterol). If you eat this food for a long time, the walls of your blood vessels will become thicker and less elastic as if they are glued. ”

Doctors suggest: 3 kinds of diet to touch less, destroy the health of blood vessels

Lin Hui was fascinated by what he heard, he never thought that those seemingly harmless daily foods would have so many potential harms. As it got late, Lin Hui was ready to leave.

Just as he got up, a question suddenly came to mind, which is also a topic that many neighbors often discuss: "Doctor Wang, the foods you just mentioned are indeed very common, what should we do to protect our blood vessels while enjoying the food?"

Doctors suggest: 3 kinds of diet to touch less, destroy the health of blood vessels

Dr. Wang replied with a smile: "It's very simple, the key is to have a balanced intake. Eat less of fried and processed foods and more fresh fruits and vegetables. ”

"Make sure you get enough exercise every day to maintain a healthy weight. Of course, it's also important to check your blood pressure and cholesterol regularly. By doing so, we will be able to effectively protect our blood vessels from damage. ”

Doctors suggest: 3 kinds of diet to touch less, destroy the health of blood vessels

Lin Hui nodded in thanks, and had a clear direction in his heart. He got on his bike and continued his mailing work, all the while determined to start a healthier lifestyle.

Dr. Wang is also satisfied to return to the house and continue his retirement, and from time to time he will provide some valuable health advice to those in need.

Doctors suggest: 3 kinds of diet to touch less, destroy the health of blood vessels

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Doctors suggest: 3 kinds of diet to touch less, destroy the health of blood vessels