
When eating shrimp, should you remove the shrimp line?

author:Sharp eyes on the world

Xiao Li is a seafood lover, especially shrimp. One weekend, he decided to buy some fresh shrimp to cook at home. At the seafood market, he carefully selected a bag of live shrimp and took it home full of joy.

After returning home, Xiao Li began to prepare for cooking. He suddenly remembered that he had heard a friend say that it is best to remove the shrimp line when eating shrimp, because there may be dirt and bacteria hidden there. But on the other hand, he had also heard that the shrimp line actually had the essence of shrimp, and removing it might affect the taste.

Xiao Li was entangled, he picked up a shrimp and looked at it carefully, and the thin shrimp line seemed to have become a difficult problem to choose. He thought of his friend Uncle Wang, an old fisherman who might be able to give him some advice.

So, Xiao Li dialed Uncle Wang's phone: "Uncle Wang, do you go to the shrimp line when you eat shrimp?" On the other end of the phone, Uncle Wang smiled and gave an unexpected answer, which gave Xiao Li a new understanding of the processing of shrimp line.

When eating shrimp, should you remove the shrimp line?

The secret of the shrimp line

The shrimp line, the slender line that runs through the back of the shrimp, actually hides many little-known secrets. First of all, we need to understand what exactly a shrimp line is. The shrimp line, the digestive tract of the shrimp, starts from the head of the shrimp and extends to the tail of the shrimp, which encapsulates substances such as food residues, excrement and sediment that have not yet been digested by the shrimp.

When eating shrimp, should you remove the shrimp line?

Since shrimp are benthic animals and live in the sediment environment of the seabed, these sediment and microscopic organisms are often mixed in the shrimp line. This is also an important reason why the shrimp line needs to be removed before cooking, otherwise these impurities may affect the taste of the shrimp meat and even pose a potential threat to human health.

When eating shrimp, should you remove the shrimp line?

However, shrimp lines are not all harms and no benefits. In fact, it contains certain nutrients such as protein and minerals, which are nutrients that shrimp absorb during digestion. However, at the same time, some harmful substances, such as heavy metals and bacteria, may also accumulate in the shrimp line, especially if the breeding environment is poor or the marine pollution is serious.

When eating shrimp, should you remove the shrimp line?

Does shrimp line really affect the taste?

Shrimp lines, i.e. the digestive tract of shrimp, may indeed have an effect on the taste of shrimp, but this effect is not absolute, but depends on a variety of factors.

First of all, the shrimp line may contain undigested food residues, sediment and other substances, if these substances remain in the shrimp, they may seep into the shrimp meat during the cooking process, affecting the pure taste of the shrimp. This difference in taste is especially pronounced when there is a lot of sediment or bitter substances left in the shrimp line.

When eating shrimp, should you remove the shrimp line?

Secondly, if the shrimp live in polluted waters, harmful substances such as heavy metals or bacteria may also accumulate in the shrimp line. These substances not only pose a threat to human health, but may also indirectly affect the taste by affecting the quality of shrimp meat.

However, it is important to note that for fresh and properly processed shrimp, the effect of shrimp threads on the taste may not be significant. In addition, some people even believe that the shrimp line has a special umami flavor that can increase the flavor level of the shrimp.

When eating shrimp, should you remove the shrimp line?

Ways to properly handle shrimp lines

There are several ways to handle shrimp lines, and here are a few common and effective tips:

Toothpick method: This is one of the most common methods. You can use a toothpick to gently pick through the gaps in the second segment of the shrimp's back until you find the black shrimp intestines, then gently and carefully pull them out with your fingers.

Open the helmet method: This method is a little special. You need to gently lift the carapace of the shrimp head, and then use your fingers to find the place where the shrimp stomach and shrimp intestines meet, and squeeze it a little harder, so that the impurities in the shrimp head and the shrimp line can be squeezed out together. The carapace is then reset so that the treated shrimp still retains its integrity.

When eating shrimp, should you remove the shrimp line?

Scissor method: Shrimp lines can also be easily removed using kitchen scissors or regular scissors. Place the shrimp horizontally, starting from the junction between the shrimp head and the shrimp body, carefully cut a small opening along the back of the shrimp, and then use your fingers or specific tools to gently remove the shrimp line.

Open back method: This is a more straightforward method. Use kitchen scissors or knives to cut or slice the shell on the back of the shrimp and pull out the shrimp line whole. This method is suitable for cooking methods that require an open back.

Live peeling method: hold the shrimp head with one hand, hold the shrimp body with the other, and pull the shrimp head to pull out the shrimp line, this method requires a little skill and strength.

When handling the shrimp line, you need to be careful not to use too much force, so as not to break the shrimp line or damage the shrimp meat. At the same time, make sure to use clean tools and operating environment to avoid cross-contamination. Which method you choose depends on your personal preferences and culinary needs. Regardless of the method used, proper handling of the shrimp line is an important step in ensuring that the shrimp meat is delicious and food safe.

Note: The health and wellness suggestions in the article are for reference only (part of the picture is from the Internet, and the infringement contact is deleted)