
Video Recovery Methods, 3 Tricks to Get Back Important Video Files!

author:Data Frog Software
"I usually like to shoot all kinds of videos, but when I was editing a video on my computer today, I noticed that some of the footage was missing. Is there any way to quickly get back lost videos on your computer?"

In the digital age, video has become an important medium for us to record our lives and share experiences. However, sometimes due to various reasons such as accidental deletion, malfunction of storage device, etc., we may lose important video files.

At this time, how to do video recovery is particularly important. This article will briefly share with you a few methods of video recovery, which may be helpful to you.

Video Recovery Methods, 3 Tricks to Get Back Important Video Files!

The importance of video recovery

Video files often carry our memories and precious moments, and once lost, they may never be recovered. Therefore, mastering the methods of video recovery is of great significance to protect our digital assets. With proper recovery operations, we can effectively avoid the risk of permanent data loss and ensure the safety and integrity of video files.

Video Recovery Methods, 3 Tricks to Get Back Important Video Files!

Method 1: Complete video recovery with the help of Recycle Bin

When we delete a video on the computer, it is not completely deleted, it is very likely that it will be saved in the recycle bin of the computer first. Therefore, it is recommended that you check the recycle bin first, which may help us recover videos quickly.

Step 1: Find the Recycle Bin on the desktop of your computer and double-click it to enter the Recycle Bin.

Step 2: In the search box in the upper right corner of the recycle bin, search for the video file name directly.

Step 3: Once you have found the corresponding video file, select Restore Selected Items.

Video Recovery Methods, 3 Tricks to Get Back Important Video Files!

Method 2: Complete video restoration with the help of backup

If you have the habit of regular backup, don't worry even if the video file is completely deleted by the computer, we have the opportunity to quickly complete the video recovery through the backup file, you can do this.

Step 1: Locate the deleted video backup file and check if the file can be opened and viewed correctly;

Step 2: Once you have confirmed that the file is complete, you can directly copy or download it to your computer.

Video Recovery Methods, 3 Tricks to Get Back Important Video Files!

Method 3: Complete data recovery with the help of professional software

If your video files are not backed up and have been completely deleted by your computer, is there any more efficient way to complete the computer video recovery? Professional data recovery software, such as Data Frog Recovery, may be a good choice.

This software has successfully helped many users get back their lost data with its efficient recovery function, and the software has an easy-to-use operating system and supports data recovery of multiple file types, which is conducive to retrieving the files you need. Here are the steps of the software.

Data Recovery Expert Software Download Link: Data Recovery Expert - Data Frog Professional provides computer notebook data recovery software download!

Operating Environment:

Demo model: HP Zhan X

System version: Windows 10

Software Version: Data Frog Recovery Expert 3.3.10

Step 1: After installing the software, you can double-click to run it, and when you see the [Free Trial] logo, click on it first;

Step 2: On the selection interface, you can check [Video] as needed, and check the disk where the video was located before deletion, and click [Scan].

Video Recovery Methods, 3 Tricks to Get Back Important Video Files!

Step 3: After the scan is completed, the user can view and check the scanned video file according to the actual recovery needs, and pay attention to check the name of the file when selecting;

Step 4: After checking all the files that need to be recovered, click [Export] and select a reasonable storage location for the exported files, and you can open the video file for viewing when you are done.

Video Recovery Methods, 3 Tricks to Get Back Important Video Files!

Precautions after video recovery

After we have successfully recovered the video, in order to ensure the security and integrity of the data, you need to pay attention to the following points:

(1) Back up video files: Back up the recovered video files to other storage devices or the cloud in time to prevent them from being lost again;

(2) Check the integrity of the video file: After recovery, please play the video file and check its integrity, if the file is corrupted or unplayable, try other recovery methods or seek professional help;

(3) Handle storage devices with caution: Handle faulty storage devices with caution. Avoid self-repair or manipulation without professional guidance to avoid further damage to the data.

Video Recovery Methods, 3 Tricks to Get Back Important Video Files!

When we save videos on a daily basis, we should pay attention to backing up the videos. Video recovery is an important skill, and mastering the right recovery methods and steps can help us get back lost video files with ease. When we find that the video files are missing, following the steps mentioned in this article may be able to effectively recover the video. At the same time, it is also important to keep your data safe and follow the precautions after recovery to ensure the integrity and availability of your video files.

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