
A symposium on the revision of the "Poetry Magazine" was held in Beijing

author:Jintai information

People's Daily Online, Beijing, April 12 (Reporter Wang Renhong) On April 10, "Implementing Xi Jinping's Cultural Thought and Promoting the High-quality Development of Poetry in the New Era - Symposium on the Revision of Poetry Magazine" was held in the Museum of Modern Chinese Literature.

The conference was hosted by the Chinese Writers Association and organized by the Poetry Magazine. Zhang Hongsen, secretary of the party group, vice chairman and secretary of the Secretariat of the Chinese Writers Association, attended the meeting and delivered a speech, and the responsible comrades of the relevant departments of the Literature and Art Bureau of the Central Propaganda Department attended the meeting for guidance. Representatives of poets, critics, readers and others attended the meeting. The meeting was presided over by Shi Zhanjun, member of the party group and secretary of the Secretariat of the Chinese Writers Association.

A symposium on the revision of the "Poetry Magazine" was held in Beijing

Meeting site. Photo courtesy of the interviewee

The Party Group and the Secretariat of the Chinese Writers Association attach great importance to the revision of the Poetry Journal, emphasizing that it is necessary to take the revision as an opportunity to shape a new pattern of poetry development, lead the direction of poetry creation, and actively promote the exploration of poetry to Chinese-style modernization.

It is reported that from the first issue in 2024, the newly revised "Poetry Magazine" will be adjusted from a semi-monthly magazine to a monthly magazine, with each issue expanded to 208 pages, and the columns are set as: First Scene, Everyone Reads, Long Tune Song Xing, Gemini Constellation, Hundred Schools of Poetry, Digital Poetry, Prose Poetry, International Poetry Circle, New Voices of the Later Waves, Thousands of Short Songs, Contemporary Poetry, etc.

A symposium on the revision of the "Poetry Magazine" was held in Beijing

Zhang Hongsen, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group, Vice Chairman and Secretary of the Secretariat of the Chinese Writers Association. Photo courtesy of the interviewee

In his speech, Zhang Hongsen pointed out that "Poetry Magazine" is an important journal carrying the heavy history and glorious chapters of the development of contemporary poetry, and the significance of "Poetry Journal" goes beyond the significance of general literary journals, it is a window and a weather vane, and it is expected that this journal can lead the direction of Chinese poetry and play a greater role in building the modern civilization of the Chinese nation and promoting the process of Chinese-style modernization. Therefore, the revision of "Poetry Magazine" is not only a change in the form of a journal, but also its ideas and direction will have a far-reaching impact.

Zhang Hongsen pointed out that the fundamental purpose of the revision of "Poetry Magazine" is to promote the high-quality development of poetry in the new era and actively explore the Chinese path of Chinese modernization of poetry. Revision is to sum up experience and learn from each other's strong points to make up for each other's weaknesses; revision is to spit out the old and embrace the new, and to clear up the original source; revision is to reshape the style of poetry and open up a new face in the poetry arena; revision is to conform to the changes of the times, the media, and poetry, to answer the questions of the times and the call of the people, and to keep the right and innovate, actively seek change, and bravely embark on a new path. It is necessary to always stand firmly on the people's position, accept the people's reading of the papers, answer the issues of the times in the relationship between poetry and readers, always stand firmly on the people's position in the process of editing and publishing, publicity and promotion, external dissemination, and transformation of achievements, and further explore new ways for poetry to serve the people and society.

Zhang Hongsen pointed out that the mission of "Poetry Magazine" is to take the lead in promoting contemporary poetry creation, optimize the current poetry ecology, and lead the future direction of poetry. In the process of the development of poetry in the new era, in exploring the path of Chinese-style modernization of poetry, "Poetry Magazine" should actively drive the majority of poets and other poetry newspapers and periodicals to work together to shape the new pattern of poetry development in the new era and promote the high-quality development of poetry in the new era. We must not only be stable and far-reaching, but also brave the wind and waves, dare to be the weather vane, the leader, and be willing to be a ladder and paving stone. It is necessary to always regard the production of works and talents as the top priority of the work, constantly improve the quality of the works, the positioning of the columns should be more accurate, and the theoretical and poetic style guidance should be more distinct and powerful. The quality and success of the publication determine the quality and success of the publication, and the "Poetry Journal" should call for poets who have a high degree of integration of the experience of the times and aesthetic experience, tolerate various genres and styles, and lead a generation of poetry style. The great era calls for great singers, and the great poets of the new era must be introduced in the creation and recitation of the people.

Zhang Hongsen stressed the need to strengthen the unity of the poetry community. Different genres, different styles, and different viewpoints all need to learn from each other and tolerate each other, so that the beauty of beauty and beauty are shared, and different sectors and identities also need to strengthen communication, enhance discussion, encourage together, and move forward hand in hand. The "Poetry Magazine" should be a demonstration of both broad views and inclusiveness, and it should also make self-confidence and self-improvement and introverted humility be the inside and outside of each other, so as to truly achieve the quality of literature and courtesy. I hope that all sectors of society, especially the poetry circles, will give more support and encouragement to the work of the "Poetry Magazine" Society, stir up turbidity and promote purity, and stop at perfection. Modern communication technology and the Internet era have created an unprecedented communication scene for us, and we should cherish the rich humanistic feelings in this scene, and jointly write and strive to achieve a "poetic dwelling" in the network scene in the noisy public opinion field. As long as we aim at the greatest goodwill and sincere constructiveness, seek common ground while reserving differences, and exert efforts in the same direction, we will surely usher in a harmonious atmosphere of "those who are near are happy, and those who are far away" in the poetry world, and we will also create a vast scene of "thinking for thousands of years and seeing through thousands of miles".

Shi Zhanjun said that in recent years, in accordance with the work requirements of the China Writers Association, the "Poetry Magazine" has closely followed the strategic deployment of the Party Central Committee on cultural power, focused on the goals and tasks of high-quality development of literature in the new era, gave full play to the advantages of poetry magazines in the poetry industry, always focused on the "great man of the country", and assumed the historical responsibility of poetry in promoting the grand goal of Chinese-style modernization. In the future, "Poetry Magazine" will further enhance cultural self-confidence, take the people as the center, love the mountains and rivers, care about the world, unite the majority of poets to continuously launch high-quality masterpieces, and glow with the brilliance of poetry matching the new era.

Li Shaojun, editor-in-chief of Poetry Magazine, said that the history of Poetry Magazine can be said to be the history of the development of contemporary Chinese poetry. For more than 60 years, "Poetry Magazine" has united and launched a large number of outstanding poets, and poetry brand activities such as "Youth Poetry Club" and "Send You a Poem in Spring" have been well-known throughout the country, cultivating a large number of young poets, and making outstanding contributions to the development and prosperity of mainland poetry. In recent years, the "Poetry Magazine" has been determined to develop, and has formed a new pattern of "two magazines and one network" consisting of two magazines, "Poetry Magazine" and "Chinese Cifu", and one website, China Poetry Network. In the future, Poetry Magazine will continue to strengthen cultural self-confidence, uphold openness and inclusiveness, adhere to integrity and innovation, take the revision as an opportunity to continue to reform and innovate, launch more excellent poetry works, actively explore the path of Chinese poetry modernization, and promote the high-quality development of poetry in the new era.

In their speeches, experts, poets and readers at the meeting said that they will stand in a new historical position, enthusiastically depict the magnificent atmosphere of the new era and new journey, express the endless people's epic, vividly show the great practice of this era with poetry, create a new epic of the Chinese nation, condense the majestic spiritual power of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, and make greater contributions to the construction of the modern civilization of the Chinese nation. As a member of the poetry community, we are willing to work together with all colleagues in the Poetry Journal, adhere to the original intention of literature, uphold a high sense of responsibility and mission, live up to the trust of the people and readers, and jointly create masterpieces with the height of the times and loved by readers, so that poetry can better go to society and the public, and contribute to shaping the new pattern of Chinese poetry development.