
The wolves are hiding things again? Intimidating Li Xin has a miraculous effect, and Zhen Ji may be a shortcoming

author:The king is to blame

Introduction: The performance of the Wolves in the first two rounds is relatively average, as if they have indeed lost their former dominance, but in the third round, the Wolves played bravely in the first game, and they are really hiding something in front?

The Wolves successfully unlocked the first win of the third round, and before returning to the date, they said that they were playing to cooperate with the coach, could it be true that they hid something like he said?

The wolves are hiding things again? Intimidating Li Xin has a miraculous effect, and Zhen Ji may be a shortcoming

The return period also played its own operation in the game, and the overall cooperation with the team was very good, except for Yalian's average performance, the rest of the games performed well.

Single-handedly intimidating Li Xin to help the team score a point, in fact, it is not the best choice to choose Li Xin in that game, the opponent Gongsun Li's second skill can block Li Xin's skills, and he may not be able to play the output when playing in the group.

But the return date is not as anxious to cut C as usual, but intimidates the opponent like Zhong Kui, and he will not shoot easily until the best time.

The wolves are hiding things again? Intimidating Li Xin has a miraculous effect, and Zhen Ji may be a shortcoming

I thought that with the performance of the return date, the third round would let the radish play, but now it seems that the radish should have no chance this season, and the return date can sit firmly in the starting position.

And more importantly, the familiar operation rhythm of the Wolves team has finally returned, the first two rounds have always seen the Wolves make a lot of mistakes, and the operation and playing style have completely lost the glory of the past.

The wolves are hiding things again? Intimidating Li Xin has a miraculous effect, and Zhen Ji may be a shortcoming

It was estimated that Wolves was also an S3 position, and it would not be so good in Group S, but the realistic performance amazed many fans. The two eldest brothers of the team, Xiaopang and Demon Knife, also played very well.

Spring has arrived, the spring demon knife is back, Lu Ban played 40% of the output, the demon knife had almost no mistakes in the four games, and the harvest of many waves of team battles was very perfect, and the demon knife was more like the current ace player of the Wolves.

In the past, Yisheng often neglected to protect the shooter in order to play better with the team, but now this deficiency has been better compensated.

The wolves are hiding things again? Intimidating Li Xin has a miraculous effect, and Zhen Ji may be a shortcoming

TES Wuming also came up with a version of the popular Ma Chao, but the headwind in the early stage of TES was very difficult to play, and Ma Chao did not play very well.

In the middle stage, due to the production of key equipment, several waves of team battles were fierce. But helplessly, the Wolves were superior, and the last wave of the dragon group Taobo was directly numbed by the dragon, and the balance of victory was tilted in favor of TES.

However, the Juggernaut slapped the TES four, and the Wolves successfully played a wave of group finishing games, winning 3:1 and unlocking the opening of the third round. Originally, Ma Chao had already begun to pull the output, and this wave of control made Ma Chao explode directly.

The wolves are hiding things again? Intimidating Li Xin has a miraculous effect, and Zhen Ji may be a shortcoming

There is an influx of new tactics and new BP ideas in this game. Li Xin on the side surprised everyone very much, and the state of the return date has also picked up significantly, and his performance completely outperformed the champion on the side.

The upper point is to blame for personal opinions

But the Wolves team didn't come up with the version of the son Zhen Ji, this hero is still very strong, not only has a strong self-protection ability, but also has a high damage, I don't know if Xiang Yu hasn't practiced this hero yet. If there is no practice, Zhen Ji will really become a shortcoming of the Wolves team.