
If you are in good health, see if you have any of these performances, if you don't account for any of them, it means that it is not bad!

author:Impression of Lai'an

Many of the manifestations on the body are actually a mirror of health. In many cases, a person's health status can be seen through some special manifestations and changes in the body. If none of these performances are accounted for, it means that it is not bad!

If you are in good health, see if you have any of these performances, if you don't account for any of them, it means that it is not bad!

Health Times Chart

"One body"

Apple-shaped body

A 2023 study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association showed that the waist-to-hip ratio (WHR) had the strongest and most consistent relationship with the risk of all-cause mortality and the risk of death from a specific disease (cancer, cardiovascular disease, respiratory disease, or other).

The study found that there was a clear monotonically increasing relationship between waist-to-hip ratio and mortality risk. In other words, people with a larger waist-to-hip ratio have a higher risk of dying. And those with a high waist-to-hip ratio have an obvious body characteristic "apple-shaped body" - a thick waist and a large belly, and most of the fat is accumulated in the stomach. ①

"2 places are boring"

Weak hands, weak legs

1. Lack of energy in the hands

Grip strength is a key measure of a person's overall strength. Dong Peng, director of the Department of Cardiovascular Medicine of the Affiliated Hospital of Hangzhou Normal University, once said in an article in the Health Times that a person's grip strength can reflect the quality of the heart level to a certain extent. ②

If you want to test your grip strength, you can try "lifting a 5kg weight to walk": if an adult walks with an object weighing about 5 kg (such as a bag of 5kg of rice) in his hand, if he feels bored after walking 100 meters, it indicates that his grip strength is not enough and needs to be improved. ③

2. Weakness in the legs

Ma Qingfeng, chief physician of the Department of Neurology of Xuanwu Hospital of Capital Medical University, pointed out in an article in the Health Times in 2011 that when it comes to weakness in the legs, many elderly people feel the same way. That being said, it is not always really boring, and it should be noted that there may be hidden physical diseases, such as cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, spinal problems, or Parkinson's. ④

(1) Sudden weakness of a single limb without pain - cerebrovascular lesion

(2) Weakness of the lower limbs accompanied by low back and leg pain - lumbar spinal stenosis

(3) Weakness of the lower limbs, walking like stepping on cotton-cervical spinal cord lesion

(4) Weakness of the lower limbs and inability to take steps - Parkinson's disease

If you are in good health, see if you have any of these performances, if you don't account for any of them, it means that it is not bad!

Health Times Chart

"Three places are fast"

Heart, teeth, weight

1. The heart beats fast

Guo Yifang, vice president of Hebei Provincial People's Hospital and chief physician of the Department of Geriatrics, said in an article on his personal WeChat public account in 2023 that theoretically speaking, the heartbeat range of adults is 60~100 times per minute. However, more and more studies have found that the heartbeat is in the range of 50~80 beats per minute is the healthiest. People with more than 80 heartbeats per minute are more likely to develop cardiovascular disease than people with heartbeats of 50~80 beats/min. ⑤

2. Teeth fall out quickly

"Most of the people with bad teeth are not good at cerebrovascular diseases. It is recommended that people with bad teeth should have their cerebrovascular checks as soon as possible and do not wait until a stroke occurs. Guo Jianwen, chief physician of the Department of Encephalopathy of Guangdong Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, reminded in an interview with Health Times in 2019.

According to Dr. Guo Jianwen, people with severe tooth loss will also become very narrow in the cardiovascular and cerebrovascular vessels, which is easy to cause strokes and other diseases. Studies have shown that inflammation is the initiating factor in the formation of atherosclerotic plaques, and chronic infections, including periodontitis, significantly accelerate the progression of atherosclerosis. Atherosclerosis is an important cause of stroke and myocardial infarction. ⑥

3. Lose weight quickly

Chen Hongmei, chief physician of the Department of Endocrinology at Guangdong Provincial People's Hospital, pointed out in an article in the Health Times in 2018 that after the age of 60, about 0.5% of body weight may be lost every year due to gradual muscle loss, but if the weight loss is more than 5% within six months, it is a "meaningful" weight loss, and further tests are needed to evaluate the cause of weight loss.

For example, it is acceptable for an elderly person with a weight of 60 kg to lose 0.3 kg per year, but if he loses 3 kg in half a year, it is necessary to find the reason. There are many reasons for weight loss in the elderly, such as depression, cancer (mostly lung cancer and gastrointestinal cancer), heart disease, functional gastrointestinal diseases, drug side effects, etc., but a quarter of patients cannot find the cause of weight loss and need regular follow-up. ⑦

"4 indicators high"

The "four highs" that are not well controlled

1. Poorly controlled "high blood pressure"

Poorly controlled hypertension can easily lead to cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases! The "Guidelines for the Primary Prevention of Cardiovascular Diseases in China" point out that hypertension is the primary and modifiable risk factor for the increase in the incidence and mortality of cardiovascular diseases among mainland residents, and about 50 percent of the incidence of cardiovascular diseases and 20 percent of cardiovascular deaths are attributed to hypertension. ⑧

2. Poorly controlled "hyperlipidemia"

Cholesterol, triglycerides, in clinical practice they are closely related to blood lipids. Hypercholesterolemia is an important prerequisite for the formation of atherosclerotic plaques, which in turn are the main basis for cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

3. Poorly controlled "hyperglycemia"

Diabetes mellitus is not well controlled and can cause a variety of complications.

Wu Donghong, chief physician of the Department of Endocrinology of Harbin First Hospital, pointed out in an article in the Health Times in 2019 that in addition to retinopathy, diabetic foot, diabetic nephropathy and cardiovascular and cerebrovascular complications, there are actually many unexpected complications, such as cognitive dysfunction, loss of hearing, osteoporosis, etc. ⑨

4. Poorly controlled "high uric acid"

The higher the uric acid level, the higher the risk of gout, but hyperuricemia can be much more harmful than that.

Li Shengguang, chief physician of the Department of Rheumatology and Immunology at Peking University International Hospital, said in an interview with Health Times in 2018 that gout not only hurts and kills, but also causes tophi, joint damage, and more seriously, kidney damage. Data show that one-third of patients with long-term gout have renal damage, which is manifested as chronic gouty nephropathy, uric acid nephrolithiasis and acute obstructive nephropathy. ⑩

This article is synthesized from:

①Irfan Khan et al, Surrogate Adiposity Markers and Mortality, JAMA Network Open (2023). DOI: 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2023.34836

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Source: Health Times