
These landscape paintings are pure and bright, with a beautiful artistic conception and are eye-catching.

author:Creative Arts & Crafts


Mr. Bai Xueshi, an art master, studied under Zhao Mengzhu in his early years, and later studied under Liang Shunian, and was good at landscape painting. His works are known as "White School Landscapes" and represent his artistic achievements.

These landscape paintings are pure and bright, with a beautiful artistic conception and are eye-catching.
These landscape paintings are pure and bright, with a beautiful artistic conception and are eye-catching.
These landscape paintings are pure and bright, with a beautiful artistic conception and are eye-catching.

Cai Ruohong once praised Mr. Bai Xueshi: "Painting the beauty of mountains and rivers, and high character". This sentence aptly depicts his person and paintings, people are like his paintings, and his paintings are like his people.

These landscape paintings are pure and bright, with a beautiful artistic conception and are eye-catching.
These landscape paintings are pure and bright, with a beautiful artistic conception and are eye-catching.
These landscape paintings are pure and bright, with a beautiful artistic conception and are eye-catching.

Mr. Bai Xueshi's landscape paintings, inherited from the Northern School, but also dabbled in the Southern School, widely absorbing the essence of various types of paintings, eclectic. His works are as rigorous as Song paintings, as light as Yuan paintings, and at the same time have the grace of watercolor paintings, the purity and brightness of prints, and the beauty of Western painting decoration.

These landscape paintings are pure and bright, with a beautiful artistic conception and are eye-catching.
These landscape paintings are pure and bright, with a beautiful artistic conception and are eye-catching.
These landscape paintings are pure and bright, with a beautiful artistic conception and are eye-catching.
These landscape paintings are pure and bright, with a beautiful artistic conception and are eye-catching.

His works are fresh and handsome, simple and colorful, with a wide range of themes and a strong atmosphere of the times. Among them, the "Baijia Li River", which is praised by the world, is his representative work, and the green landscape painting created with Guilin as the theme can best reflect and represent his painting style. This unique style of Guilin landscape painting is known as the "White School Landscape", and its novel composition and refreshing artistic conception have created a new style of contemporary landscape painting.

These landscape paintings are pure and bright, with a beautiful artistic conception and are eye-catching.
These landscape paintings are pure and bright, with a beautiful artistic conception and are eye-catching.
These landscape paintings are pure and bright, with a beautiful artistic conception and are eye-catching.
These landscape paintings are pure and bright, with a beautiful artistic conception and are eye-catching.

In the process of creation, Mr. Bai Xueshi skillfully used a variety of ink tastes, such as thick, light, dry, wet, splash, break, etc., as well as different brushstrokes such as hooking, squeezing, dotting, dyeing, etc., to appropriately depict the subtle changes of the Li River in different weather, forming his own pen with thousands of manners and changes of the Li River landscape in Guilin. His works have left a strong mark in the history of Chinese painting.

These landscape paintings are pure and bright, with a beautiful artistic conception and are eye-catching.
These landscape paintings are pure and bright, with a beautiful artistic conception and are eye-catching.
These landscape paintings are pure and bright, with a beautiful artistic conception and are eye-catching.
These landscape paintings are pure and bright, with a beautiful artistic conception and are eye-catching.
These landscape paintings are pure and bright, with a beautiful artistic conception and are eye-catching.
These landscape paintings are pure and bright, with a beautiful artistic conception and are eye-catching.
These landscape paintings are pure and bright, with a beautiful artistic conception and are eye-catching.
These landscape paintings are pure and bright, with a beautiful artistic conception and are eye-catching.