
Some university professors are not as good as elementary school teachers

author:Ningning 0918
Some university professors are not as good as elementary school teachers

Chat with a few aunts when walking in the corner at night. Speaking of a female professor who was recently released by Beijing Post and Staff.

Oh. Note that she is not a professor now, I heard that she has been demoted to the tenth level of lecturer, which is the lowest level among lecturers, and it seems that the school is still very serious about dealing with it!

The aunts were walking together, and one of them had just retired from college, so I asked her:

What about taking graduate professors so aggressively now?

One more word.

Auntie, I am a shallow student, and I didn't go to graduate school after graduating from university, so I went straight into society. So we don't know about graduate school, anyway, when I was in college, teachers were basically divided into three categories

One type of person you can't find in school.

The second type of people, when they enter the office, they look left and right,

Three types of people, running around on call!

Roughly speaking, some professors often have social activities in addition to lecturing at our school, and they are big professors, so you can't find him in school except for his classes.

Yes, you can still see people in the office. Of course, the third type is our counselor, who spends all day with the students. Touching thoughts, touching trends, it's hard to think about it now!

Even the most coaxing professors at that time had never heard of bullying students, at most they were busy with official business!

After class, pack up and leave, and when you run to the front of the lecture hall and want to ask him a question, he is in the car in the morning. Why is it that some professors still bully and dominate the market and enslave students?

The aunt of the professor, who had just retired, said:

Hi, there is a specific situation here, if it is an undergraduate, it mainly depends on exams, and the general essay will not be too stuck. What are you doing with the teacher's card?

But graduate students, especially science graduate students, are not easy to do, you can finish your studies, you can't finish your studies, you just hold it in the hands of the teacher, the teacher doesn't let you participate in an activity, take you to get a thesis, take you with a topic, these are all very stretching scales. He's in power.

Hearing this, we seem to understand a little bit.

Again, absolute power breeds absolute weirdness.

In addition, some teachers themselves are not very human, and they love to take advantage of small things. I love to take people seriously. Aike withheld other people's food and grass...

Hey, in fact, as soon as I close my eyes, I can imagine what kind of face they are, to put it bluntly, it is a sentence:

Not kind!

If anyone dares to say no to him, then he will immediately be angry in his heart, and anger will arise from his guts. Scold you, it doesn't matter how good you were to him before, as long as you don't satisfy him once, he will immediately show you the color!

I knew there was a little doctor.

The doctor read bitterly and bitterly, and burst into tears, why? His mentor was very good!

Note that this word is not pronounced evil in our hometown!

What's the matter?

This little doctor usually serves his mentor well, what to buy early to deliver dinner, take takeout and serve eggs.

By the way, once the mentor took him to a party, and there happened to be a farmhouse nearby. The tutor happily bought 20 catties of eggs.

Hi, the little doctor held the egg after several bumps, the train reversed the car, the car reversed the train, and finally the 20 pounds of eggs, an unbroken rolling belt climbed to Tianjin City, hey, the little doctor sweated and sore legs to the tired four necks!

On top of that, the teacher had to ask the little doctor to run errands for him. What for?

The teacher's father was hospitalized, and the little doctor had to wait for the room. At that time, there were nurses in the hospital, but he was too lazy to ask. Let his disciple do it for him, and lick his face and say:

There is wine and food, the master comes first, and there is something to do with the disciples.

So, he instructed his little doctors and masters to divide into several groups, clean the house, help cook, and go to various places to buy goods. By the way, one more thing, this person who buys goods is a rich second generation, and the teacher often doesn't give him money!

Their children were admitted to high school, and the three doctors took turns to make up for him, you said that people are here to study, not to be tutors for your children, what is the matter!

The problem is that you are 86 baidu, but if you really can't do it once, that guy will immediately turn his face!

For example, once the little doctor received an order from the master and the boss, asking him to send a large bag of things to a certain place in Hebei.

Although this little doctor also went back to his hometown, the hometown he wanted to return to and the delivery place designated by the teacher were still 100 kilometers away.

And not only do things have to be delivered, but I also have to go to the so-called teacher's relative's house to help do some work, oops, is there a lack of virtue?!

However, something went wrong.

There was an emergency in Dr. Xiao's family, an elder was very uncomfortable and was sent to the hospital, so a bunch of children and grandchildren did not return to their hometown for the holidays, and they had to go to the hospital to see the elders!

So the little doctor asked the teacher for leave, saying that I can't give you those things.

The teacher's face sank immediately when he heard this, and then he slapped the table and shouted: You use this excuse to prevaricate me, is it okay to make up another one!

Oh, I really frowned when I heard this, to put it bluntly, some people are 10,000 good to him, but as long as he says a no, he will turn his face with you!

There are really such unreasonable people in the world!

But what about the system we have, it gives this kind of people room to survive.

Just imagine, if this wicked man is a neighbor or a colleague in the unit, he would not dare to do so much. Nowadays, many university teachers are really much more excessive than the leaders of the unit.

Not to mention, many students who graduated from this teacher's command followed them to the liberated areas as soon as they arrived in society! They boasted vigorously that the unit they belonged to was too humane, too righteous, and too gentle. You see, the leaders don't even scold us, oops, we're not used to it!

Now that I think about it, this is really a strict master out of a high apprentice, after this bowl of wine from the master of Ne, you are on Jingyanggang, and you will not be afraid when you meet the white-fronted tiger!

In fact, such wicked people, I think it is randomly distributed, it has a ratio, for example, there are two out of 100 people, but it is definitely not the majority, but the problem is that there is a system, so that these two people can stretch to their heart's content, and the demons dance wildly. Doing evil everywhere, the world is full of wilderness!

Hey, it's said that even extreme events have occurred!

If that's the case, in addition to dealing with this wicked man,

Isn't it time to think about it, but also to change some systems!

Don't make the right of a mentor so big. A person who holds the power of life and death, if he is a faint king, hey, it is not shallow to harm the baby.

By the way, I also know good teachers.

That day, I heard a mother say that there was a child in our hospital who was in the second grade, and she was ashamed to pee her pants!

The homeroom teacher found out about this, and she quietly led the child to her office.

Then, I went out on my bicycle, bought a new pair of pants for the child, asked him to go to the toilet to change them by himself, put the peeed pants in a plastic bag, and handed them to the child.

Then say to the child:

Take this home yourself, don't let other classmates find out, this is our little secret.

It's a heartwarming little story, and it sounds really warm. This little teacher just graduated this year, and he is always anxious, afraid that his class will not be good, and that he will not be able to manage his class...

In fact, she is like a capable big sister, leading a group of little brothers and sisters, quacking here, I think these children under her are blessed, anyway, I heard the little boy who peed his pants say:

I quietly made a wish on my birthday, hoping that Mr. Lu would teach us until the sixth grade, no. It's best to teach us all the way to junior high school, I just don't want to be separated from her anyway!

Because she is our best and best little sister!

Some university professors are not as good as elementary school teachers