
Two departments: by 2027, the initial establishment of a coal capacity reserve system to form a certain scale of dispatchable capacity reserves Finance
Two departments: by 2027, the initial establishment of a coal capacity reserve system to form a certain scale of dispatchable capacity reserves

Development and Reform Commission, Energy Bureau, Coal Industry Management Department of all coal-producing provinces (regions) and Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps, and relevant central enterprises:

  In order to thoroughly implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the Second Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, conscientiously implement the new strategy of energy security, implement the decisions and arrangements of the Party Central Committee and the State Council on promoting the supply guarantee and price stability of primary products, deepen the structural reform of the coal supply side, innovate the capacity management mechanism, improve the capacity reserve policy, promote the coal production capacity to maintain a reasonable margin and sufficient flexibility, enhance the supply guarantee capacity, and better play the role of coal in the energy supply, the following implementation opinions are formulated.

  1. General requirements

  Give full play to the decisive role of the market in the allocation of resources, better play the role of the government, take the initiative to adapt to the changes in the coal supply and demand situation, form stable capacity reserve support policy expectations, and actively guide qualified enterprises to build coal reserve capacity. Focusing on large-scale modern open-pit coal mines and underground coal mines with a high degree of safety assurance, a number of coal mines with reserve production capacity will be selected for new and under-construction coal mine projects, and actively and steadily organized and implemented. Maintain reasonable and sufficient coal production capacity, enhance the elasticity and flexibility of coal supply, and effectively cope with cyclical and seasonal fluctuations in coal supply. Vigorously improve the quality of green production, promote the coordination of production capacity reserves and ecological environmental protection, improve safety and security investment, and ensure safety and reliability in the daily maintenance and release of reserve production capacity.

  By 2027, a coal capacity reserve system will be initially established, and a number of coal mine projects with capacity reserves will be approved in an orderly manner to form a dispatchable capacity reserve of a certain scale. By 2030, the capacity reserve system will be more sound, the capacity management system will be more perfect, and strive to form a dispatchable capacity reserve of about 300 million tons/year, the national coal supply guarantee capacity will be significantly enhanced, and the supply elasticity and resilience will continue to improve.

  2. Rules for the construction of coal mines with production capacity reserves

  The design capacity of a capacity reserve coal mine consists of two parts: conventional capacity and reserve capacity. Conventional production capacity refers to the normal production capacity of coal mines under non-emergency conditions, which is independently organized by enterprises according to market conditions and is not included in the scope of unified national dispatch. Reserve capacity refers to the production capacity reserved on the basis of conventional production capacity of moderate scale for peak shaving, which is released synchronously according to the unified dispatch of the state and the conventional production capacity under emergency conditions, so as to realize the "upward elastic production" of coal mines. The sum of the conventional production capacity and the reserve capacity of the capacity reserve coal mine is the design capacity. In the process of construction of capacity reserve coal mines, it should be organized and implemented in accordance with the following requirements:

  (1) Planning stage. In the preparation (revision) of the overall plan of the coal mining area, the overall planning department of the coal mining area at the provincial level and below shall organize a careful study of the planned new and under-construction coal mine projects in the mining area, demonstrate whether the project has the conditions for the construction of reserve production capacity, and scientifically and reasonably determine the scale of planning and construction of a single coal mine. In principle, the coal mine with production capacity reserve should be completed and put into operation at one time according to the design capacity. The project unit shall conduct in-depth research on the feasibility of the construction of the coal mine with capacity reserve to ensure that the economy is reasonable, safe and controllable. The export infrastructure of the mining area should fully consider the release of reserve capacity.

  (2) Approval stage. New coal mine projects that intend to build reserve capacity need to go through land use pre-examination and site selection opinions, social stability risk assessment reports, etc. according to the design capacity. When preparing the project application report, an in-depth analysis of the production plan for the construction of reserve capacity should be conducted. Coal mining projects under construction can build reserve capacity on the basis of the existing approved production capacity, or apply for the construction scale adjustment in accordance with relevant policy requirements to build reserve capacity.

  (3) Construction stage. On the premise of complying with the requirements of the overall planning and planning environmental impact assessment of the mining area, the coal mine with production capacity shall go through various procedures such as mining, land use, forest use, grass use, environmental impact assessment, water intake permit, soil and water conservation, and safe production in accordance with laws and regulations in accordance with the design capacity, so as to create conditions for the release of reserve production capacity in accordance with laws and regulations. The production, transportation, ventilation, drainage, electromechanical and other systems and related equipment of the coal mine shall be constructed and equipped in accordance with the design capacity to ensure the safe and effective release of reserve capacity under emergency conditions. Capacity reserve coal mines mainly form reserve capacity by enhancing mining (stripping) capacity and improving the propulsion degree of working face, and is not realized by increasing working face. It is necessary to strengthen the safety management of construction and strictly implement the "three simultaneous" system of safety facilities.

  (4) Acceptance stage. After the project enters the joint trial operation, the trial production will be organized according to the design capacity and the conventional production capacity respectively, and within the specified joint trial operation period, the project unit can independently determine the time for organizing the trial production according to the two production capacity according to the actual situation of the coal mine. When organizing the completion acceptance, the project unit shall clarify the construction of production capacity reserves in the completion acceptance report. The provincial coal industry management department shall strengthen the supervision of project completion and acceptance activities, and if the construction of reserve capacity does not meet the requirements, the project unit shall be ordered to rectify and complete the project before it can be completed and put into operation after meeting the requirements.

  (5) Production stage. Capacity reserve coal mines should improve the "level-emergency conversion" mechanism, study and formulate a work plan for organizing production in accordance with conventional production capacity and design capacity, reasonably arrange production organization, maintain a safe and stable production order, and give full play to the role of production capacity reserves. It is necessary to reasonably allocate personnel on a daily basis and scientifically arrange the mining (stripping) continuation, and prepare for emergency production in advance. In the state of emergency, resolutely obey the unified dispatch of the state, quickly release the reserve capacity, and ensure that the production can be produced, adjusted quickly, and used. It is necessary to earnestly increase investment in safe production, strengthen the investigation and management of hidden dangers, and continuously enhance the ability to guarantee safe supply.

  3. Management procedures for coal mines with production capacity reserves

  (1) Declaration conditions. The coal mines that declare the construction reserve capacity shall be new and under construction coal mine projects approved by the National Development and Reform Commission and the National Energy Administration, and the scale of coal mine reserve capacity shall be divided into three grades: 20%, 25% and 30% according to the proportion of the coal mine design capacity. The mining area where the coal mine is located should have the conditions of convenient transportation and sufficient transportation capacity, and the coal products are mainly used to ensure the energy demand for power generation, heating and people's livelihood.

  (2) Application process. The relevant coal-producing provinces and regions of the coal industry management department, together with the development and reform departments at the same level (or the provincial government designated by the competent department of coal investment) in accordance with the implementation opinions and the requirements of the relevant notice, organize the declaration of the province's production capacity reserve coal mines. Coal enterprises (including central enterprises) in combination with the actual situation of resource conditions, mining technology, external transportation conditions and other actual conditions to prepare capacity reserve construction plans and submit an application, the relevant coal-producing provinces and regions of the coal industry management departments together with the development and reform departments at the same level (or the provincial government designated by the competent department of coal investment) for preliminary review, will meet the conditions of the declaration of coal mine projects reported to the National Energy Administration.

  (3) Confirmation procedures. The National Energy Administration entrusts the relevant evaluation agencies to organize experts to evaluate the coal mine projects that declare the construction reserve capacity, and determine the list of coal mine projects and the scale of capacity reserve construction according to the assessment results, and give priority to supporting large-scale modern open-pit coal mines or underground coal mines with a high degree of safety guarantee in the five major coal supply guarantee bases in Shanxi, Mengxi, Mengdong, northern Shaanxi and Xinjiang.

  (4) Enabling mechanisms. When the coal supply and demand situation is generally balanced, the production capacity reserve coal mine will organize production according to the conventional production capacity after it is put into operation. When the supply and demand situation shifts from overall balance to tension, the National Development and Reform Commission and the National Energy Administration will implement unified scheduling of reserve capacity according to the supply and demand of the coal market and whether the price exceeds a reasonable range, determine the emergency release area of reserve capacity, the scale of production scheduling, and the supply guarantee target, etc., and guide the reserve capacity coal mine to "upward elastic production" according to the design capacity in stages under the premise of ensuring safety.

  (5) Medium and long-term contract signing. Coal mines with production capacity reserves should strictly fulfill their responsibilities for ensuring coal supply and stabilizing prices, sign medium and long-term thermal coal contracts in accordance with relevant requirements, and implement relevant national price policies. The commercial coal produced by the release of reserve capacity by the production capacity reserve coal mine shall be given priority to accept the unified dispatch of the state, and will no longer undertake the task of signing local medium and long-term contracts.

  Fourth, supporting policies

  (1) Give preferential policies for capacity replacement. For coal mines with reserve capacity, if the new coal mine builds reserve capacity at 20%, 25% and 30% of the design capacity, 60%, 80% and 100% of the new production capacity (including conventional capacity and reserve capacity) shall be exempted from capacity replacement. For those that have reviewed and confirmed the capacity replacement plan (including coal mines under construction), 60%, 80% and 100% of the total capacity replacement index can be used separately, and the index will not be converted.

  (2) Optimize and adjust the overall planning and planning environmental impact assessment requirements of coal mining areas. Coal mines with production capacity reserves shall go through the relevant procedures for approval in strict accordance with the overall plan and planning environmental impact assessment of the approved coal mining area. When there is a large change in resource reserves and mining conditions, under the premise of meeting the requirements of service life, the design capacity can be floated by 1~3 design grades on the basis of the overall planning of the coal mining area, and the maximum increase should be less than 30% of the planned construction scale in principle, and there will be no major adjustment of the planning stipulated in the "Notice on Further Strengthening the Management of Environmental Impact Assessment of Coal Resource Development" (EIA [2020] No. 63). The above-mentioned optimization and adjustment is a non-major adjustment of the overall planning of the coal mining area, and a partial adjustment plan can be prepared and submitted to the original planning examination and approval authority for approval.

  (3) Implement a separate list of new coal production capacity indicators. For coal mines with production capacity reserves, the scale of reserve production capacity does not occupy the new production capacity index of the province or region determined by the national coal development plan。

  5. Safeguard measures

  (1) Strengthen organization and coordination. Establish a working mechanism for the management of coal capacity reserves, strengthen overall guidance, and coordinate the management of national coal capacity reserves. The relevant coal-producing provinces and regions of the coal industry management department, together with the development and reform departments at the same level, can establish a provincial-level working mechanism according to the actual situation to guide the enterprises within the jurisdiction to do a good job in capacity reserves.

  (2) Responsibility for compaction work. The project unit of the capacity reserve coal mine shall strictly perform the main responsibility, solidly promote the construction of the capacity reserve coal mine, ensure that the construction task is completed on schedule with quality and quantity, organize production according to the unified dispatch of the state, and effectively play the role of the capacity reserve coal mine. The provincial coal industry management department should perform its supervision and management responsibilities, strengthen the daily supervision of the production capacity reserve coal mines within its jurisdiction, establish a work ledger mine by mine, dispatch and grasp the production situation of the production capacity reserve coal mines in non-emergency and emergency conditions, and submit the relevant account information to the National Development and Reform Commission and the National Energy Administration on a regular basis.

  (3) Strengthen supervision and management. The National Energy Administration, in conjunction with relevant departments, strengthens the comprehensive coordination, supervision and guidance of the national coal capacity reserve, studies and solves major problems in the construction and production process of the production capacity reserve coal mine, and promotes the orderly development of the work of the capacity reserve. The provincial coal industry management department shall organize and carry out inspections in a timely manner, and shall order rectification within a time limit for failure to organize construction and production in accordance with the relevant national regulations, and punish those who violate relevant laws and regulations to ensure the implementation of the requirements of production capacity reserves.

  These Implementation Opinions shall be interpreted by the National Development and Reform Commission and the National Energy Administration, and shall come into force on the date of promulgation and shall be valid for 5 years.

National Development and Reform Commission

National Energy Administration

April 2, 2024