
The 21-year-old girl became popular, and her legs were so long

author:Hangzhou traffic 91.8

Recently, "women's first long legs" Marcy Colin, a 21-year-old Texas girl, publicly shared the troubles that long legs have brought to her life.

According to reports, Marcy is 208 centimeters tall, her legs account for up to 65% of her length, her left leg is 135.267 centimeters long, and her right leg is 134.3 centimeters long. At the age of 17, she was certified by the Guinness Book of World Records as the record holder for the "longest legs in a woman". So far, Marcy has held this record for four consecutive years.

The 21-year-old girl became popular, and her legs were so long

Despite the fame that followed, Marcy wasn't particularly excited about it. "I've held the world record for the longest leg of a woman for about four years," she admits. This title has lost its meaning to me, it is a thing of the past. If someone wants to take this title away from me, I would be more than happy to do so. ”

The 21-year-old girl became popular, and her legs were so long

On March 23, the Guinness Book of World Records wished Marcy Colin a happy 21st birthday

Due to his striking height and long legs, Marcy went viral on social media. She admits to receiving a variety of reactions, and despite heart-wrenching comments, such as the sarcasm that she "should be acting in a thriller", she persists and appreciates her uniqueness. "I think the anger stems from their lack of understanding," she said. When confronted with someone who is different, they may choose to ridicule or criticize. ”

The 21-year-old girl became popular, and her legs were so long

Marcy Colin shares her daily life on social media

Marcy recalls that she was concerned about her height as a child, and was ridiculed as a child for being tall, but as she grew up, she learned to appreciate her uniqueness. As a tall woman, she hopes that her self-confidence will bring courage and encouragement to other tall women.

However, such long legs and height also bring many inconveniences. She joked that she had to keep her head down every time she walked through the door, and sometimes she wanted to break her legs and "pick up a hammer and smash them all down."

The 21-year-old girl became popular, and her legs were so long

When it comes to love, Marcy has a longing for it, but the challenges of reality make her less interested in love. "I'm not interested in dating at the moment, and I used to feel very uncomfortable every time I went on a date, especially with a man who was much shorter than me. Similarly, they seemed to find it awkward to take me out. ”

She revealed that in the past, when dating a man who was much shorter than herself, both parties felt uncomfortable, and the man did not like to kiss her in public.

The 21-year-old girl became popular, and her legs were so long

Even more of a headache for Marcy was the choice of clothing. Almost none of the trousers on the market suited her, and she had to spend up to $250 on custom jeans, only two of which were expensive. Finding the right clothes was a challenge for her. She admitted: "It's too hard to buy clothes, and the tops are okay, but there are almost no pants that fit me to wear." I had to customize, and it cost $250 to order a pair of jeans. I'm not rich, so I only have two pairs of well-fitting jeans right now. ”

Source: Red Star News