
The wife accompanied her son to fight cancer and received liver protection medicine from her husband

author:Oriental News


Xiang News Reporter Zhu Jiuyang, Correspondent Wang Hui, Editor, Xia Yu, Intern, Zhang Jiaming

Since September 2023, Xuanxuan's treatment has gone through more than half a year. Talking about his son's changes in half a year, Xiaoli's words were full of pity. "The child used to love to talk and laugh, lively and cute, but now he stays in the hospital bed all day and night and says little, compared with the past, it seems to be a different person!" Xiaoli said, his son is usually very healthy, and he rarely gets sick. Half a year later, Xiaoli and her husband Xiaoguang have still not come out of the reality of their son's illness.

Six-year-old Xuan Xuan is from Hebi City, Henan Province, at this age, he should be running in the wind on the playground and soaking up the sun, but the reality played a big joke with him. Less than two weeks after the start of the first grade, Xuanxuan's health was "urgent".

According to Xiaoli's recollection, when she bathed her son last year, she accidentally found that her son was covered with red spots. But it was this inconspicuous "sign" that imprisoned Xuanxuan's childhood.

The wife accompanied her son to fight cancer and received liver protection medicine from her husband

In the next few days, the red spots on Xuanxuan's body suddenly increased, and Xiaoli suspected that his son had purpura through an online search, so he quickly took the child to the hospital for a blood test.

"If your child's white blood cells are too high and platelets are too low, it is very likely to be leukemia, so you should take your child to a higher hospital for further treatment as soon as possible." The doctor's words were so loud that the couple were dumbfounded.

Leukemia?How could my lively child suddenly be leukemia? Xiaoli chuckled in his heart, only to feel that his legs were weak, in his impression, it was just a picture in a film and television drama. Immediately, the couple took the child straight to Henan Provincial Children's Hospital.

Before the diagnosis came out, Xiaoli still had a trace of illusion, she kept praying that this was a "misdiagnosis", until the chief physician's words directly shattered her illusions: "Let's go to the hospital first, this child is in a critical condition now, no accident is leukemia, and it needs to be further diagnosed." Immediately, after a series of tests, blood tests, bone marrow aspiration, and lumbar puncture, the bad news was finally locked: acute lymphotic T-cell leukemia (high-risk).

The wife accompanied her son to fight cancer and received liver protection medicine from her husband

"The child is only 7 years old! His golden childhood has just begun!" For a while, Xiaoli felt that the sky had fallen.

"At present, the cure rate of leukemia is very high, you need to cheer up and build confidence in your children. The doctor's words calmed Xiaoli's emotions slightly, hoping that although it was in front of him, the cost of treatment would require hundreds of thousands, which was unbearable for their ordinary family.

While the couple was raising money everywhere, they accompanied Xuanxuan for treatment. The chemotherapy drugs flowed silently into Xuan Xuan's blood vessels, and the huge drug stimulation made his young body turbulent and churning. Nausea, vomiting, difficult to get tea, and under the side effects of the drug, Xuanxuan's hair and eyebrows all fell out, and the whole person looked like two people before the illness.

"I cried the first time I did bone piercing, and then I heard my mother crying outside, and I haven't cried since then!" "During the daily treatment, Xuan Xuan was taken into the treatment room for bone marrow puncture, and the huge pain was unbearable even for adults, and for fear that his mother was worried, Xuan Xuan comforted his mother and said that it was not painful at all, but his body was bent like a bow. Usually, Xuan Xuan can independently cooperate with the doctor to complete the blood test, and when he was young, he stood on tiptoe and stretched out his fingers to quietly cooperate with the doctor, without crying or making trouble throughout the whole process.

The wife accompanied her son to fight cancer and received liver protection medicine from her husband

"Mom, don't be sad, I'll be strong!" One day at noon, Xiaoli bought wontons for Xuanxuan, which is Xuanxuan's favorite food in normal times, but Xuanxuan only ate four and said that he was full, and then the mother and son looked at each other and burst into tears. Xiaoli said that the child often did not forget to comfort his mother during his illness, but the stronger and more sensible his son was, the more uncomfortable he would become.

After Xuanxuan fell ill, the two elder sisters also became a lot more sensible, as if they had grown up all of a sudden. "The eldest sister who is in high school knows that her family is struggling, so she studies harder, and in half a year, she has changed from a 'junior student' in the class to a 'top student' in the class, and has jumped into the top 20 in the grade!" "Mom, it's really not good, I don't go to school anymore, I quit school and work to earn money for my brother's treatment......" Knowing that my brother's illness costs a lot of money, my sister, who is in high school, proposed to my mother to quit school and go out to earn money for my brother's treatment.

And in the process of accompanying his son's treatment, Xiaoli also tried his best to reduce expenses, and strived to spend every penny on the "blade". In order to save money, Xiaoli did not rent a house, slept in the same hospital bed with Xuanxuan every day, and usually only ate the children's leftover meals. Xiaoguang sympathized with his wife's hard work in taking care of the children, and quietly sent her drugs to protect the liver. "Maybe it's because I often stay up late to take care of my children, and when I received the courier, I thought it was the child's medicine, and I found out that it was bought for me after asking. In the bitter days, this "mutual affection" made Xiaoli particularly moved.

The wife accompanied her son to fight cancer and received liver protection medicine from her husband

At present, Xuanxuan is still undergoing chemotherapy, accompanied by lung infection, plus daily oral medicine, it has cost about 200,000 yuan in half a year, and the cost gap of follow-up chemotherapy treatment is conservatively estimated at 200,000 yuan. Due to the high recurrence rate of the disease species in Xuanxuan, hematopoietic stem cell transplantation is not ruled out in the later stage. In the case of transplantation, the cost is immeasurable. Usually, the recovery period for leukemia is 3-5 years, and for Xuan Xuan, he has only taken a small step in the long march. At the beginning of the treatment, because the couple missed the rural cooperative medical care, Xuanxuan spent all the expenses for hospital treatment, which also made the road to treatment more difficult.

The sudden change of fortune broke the peace of the family, and repeatedly pushed Xuanxuan into danger. After Xuanxuan fell ill, Xiaoguang assisted his elderly mother in taking care of his two daughters while doing odd jobs in his hometown, and the responsibility of accompanying his son naturally fell to his wife alone. Xiaoguang said that in the past six months, his wife has changed a lot, and she has no smile on her face, and she is not as cheerful as before. Due to the long-term hospitalization and the stimulation of chemotherapy drugs, he is often restless and irritable, and sometimes lies alone on the hospital bed and weeps silently. Xiaoli said that the child is too depressed, usually eats medicine, and every time he hears the doctor call before returning to the hospital, he will cry!

The wife accompanied her son to fight cancer and received liver protection medicine from her husband

"Now I don't think about anything, I don't dare to stop for a moment, I just want to earn more money for my son's treatment, as long as there is a glimmer of hope, I will not give up, (as a parent will do) have a clear conscience!" (Names have been changed)