
Extend the operation time for young people, but young people don't know, how to solve this problem?


Community libraries in Shanghai

In the past, the doors usually closed at 4:30 p.m

It's too late for white-collar workers to get in after work

Therefore, it is also called the "library of the elderly"

In order to facilitate more young people to "read at night"

Six months in the past six months

Quite a few community libraries have taken

Extended opening of working days


This initiative was surprisingly "cold".

Evening library apparently "oversupplied"

The reporter took 3 working days in the evening

Six community libraries were visited

Among them, it is relatively lively

But hundreds of square meters of reading room

About seven or eight readers read at night

Volunteer leaf wisteria introduction

It has a lot to do with how good or bad the weather is and how many hours you work

If the weather is a little better

There may be more than 20 readers

Extend the operation time for young people, but young people don't know, how to solve this problem?


On average, it can accommodate 20 readers per night


It's relatively deserted

No more than 10 readers are available per night

Extend the operation time for young people, but young people don't know, how to solve this problem?

These grassroots libraries

Most of them have been renovated and expanded before

It can accommodate 6 or 70 readers at the same time

At present, the number of receptions is less than 1/3 of the reception capacity

There is a clear oversupply

Extend the operation time for young people, but young people don't know, how to solve this problem?

A lot of effort has been put into it

It will come into force on January 1, 2021

Regulations of Shanghai Municipality on the Protection and Promotion of Public Cultural Services

Article 21 of the Regulations clearly stipulates that:

Public cultural facilities shall be based on their functional characteristics

and the needs of the service users are reasonable

Determine opening hours

shall not be less than the minimum time limit prescribed by the state and the city

Encourage the provision of delayed services and staggered services

Since last year

Shanghai's community libraries are doing just that

We will make efforts to extend the opening hours

Quite a few pavilions from half past four in the afternoon

It was extended until eight o'clock in the evening

Extend the operation time for young people, but young people don't know, how to solve this problem?
Extend the operation time for young people, but young people don't know, how to solve this problem?

In order to be able to open at night

Some grassroots libraries have purchased night reading equipment such as lamps

Staffing adjustments have also been made

It's not just library volunteers who have to work "two shifts"

Library staff are also going to work at night

Extend the operation time for young people, but young people don't know, how to solve this problem?

Many members of the public do not know about it

The investment is enormous

But the effect was not as expected

Why don't young people come?

The reporter found

There are many people who don't know about the "extended opening of the library".

Night readers are mostly so

See a notice posted at the entrance of the library

I just knew

The opening hours have not been extended enough

Also a problem

Reader Mr. Gu said

He got home from work at about 7 o'clock

After eating, I rushed to the community library immediately

It will be 7:30 p.m. at the earliest

At this time, it is only half an hour before closing

"Since I can only read for half an hour at night

Then it's better not to go."

Extend the operation time for young people, but young people don't know, how to solve this problem?

Extended opening hours

It is also necessary to improve the quality of service

Among the several community libraries visited by the reporter

Sijing Xinkai Library, which has a collection of 18,840 volumes

It can be regarded as "sweaty cows".

But these collections are still not sufficient

Some readers even have books at home

are more than that

Ms. Zhang, a reader who works in the game industry, shares a flat with others

Every day when I go home, I am always distracted by reading at night

And when you get to the community library, you can immerse yourself immediately

But she also expressed hope for a community library

It can greatly increase the number of books in the collection

She would love to be in the library

Read some random books

Instead of bringing the book yourself

This beautiful encounter will be even more inspiring

Extend the operation time for young people, but young people don't know, how to solve this problem?

Hong Hui, an industry insider, said

"In fact, many grassroots libraries have limited funds now

It's not just about buying new books

There will also be costs associated with the extension of the opening

Life is a little tight

However, to provide better service to readers

It is the social responsibility of every public library

Should find a way to solve it"

Shanghai News Broadcasting is integrated from Youth Shanghai

Edit: Rose Sand

Editor in charge: Chen Min

Extend the operation time for young people, but young people don't know, how to solve this problem?