
The five most exciting battles of "Romance of the Three Kingdoms", who is the real Three Kingdoms Warriors?

author:History Book Lingxuan Pavilion

In "Romance of the Three Kingdoms", the heads-up scene of the military generals is quite fascinating. When the generals with a huge disparity in strength clash, the battle is often quickly decided within a dozen rounds, and even the amazing scene of instant killing.

And if two fierce generals with unique skills meet, it will be a fierce battle of one hundred and ten rounds, which makes people's blood boil. Under Luo Guanzhong's pen, such duels emerge in endlessly, but the five most exciting heads-up undoubtedly show the bravery and skills of the generals to the fullest, making readers feel as if they are in the battlefield of the golden iron horse and feel the majesty and passion of ancient wars.

The five most exciting battles of "Romance of the Three Kingdoms", who is the real Three Kingdoms Warriors?

5, Dian Wei VS Xu Chu (The 12th chapter of "Romance of the Three Kingdoms")

The strong man said: "If you win the sword in your hand, I will sacrifice it!" Wei was furious and raised his halberds to fight. The two of them are from Chen to noon, regardless of victory or defeat, and each has little rest. After a while, the strong man went out to fight again, and Dian Wei also came out. The battle lasted until dusk, and each was temporarily suspended due to lack of horses.

Dian Wei and Xu Chu, the two giants of Cao Wei's armed forces, each have a well-deserved title. Dian Wei is known as "driving the tiger to jump the stream, the evil of the ancients comes", while Xu Chu is known as the "tiger idiot" and "tiger marquis". The contest between the two clashed passionately in their first encounter. (Author: Shi Shu Ling Xuan Ge)

The five most exciting battles of "Romance of the Three Kingdoms", who is the real Three Kingdoms Warriors?

Xu Chuxin and Dian Wei fought inextricably, and after a whole day of fierce battles, they failed to distinguish between the superior and inferior, which shows that the two of them are superb in martial arts and equal in strength. (Author: Shi Shu Ling Xuan Ge)

Xu Chu's bravery is unparalleled in Cao Cao's camp. The battle between him and Dian Wei has become a legend, and then he started a fierce battle with Ma Chao for 230 rounds, and it is still difficult to distinguish the winner from the loser. Ma Chao also spoke highly of Xu Chu's difficulty, which further confirmed the weight of the name of "Tiger Idiot". If you really want to select the "Five Tiger Generals of Cao Wei", the name of Xu Chu will definitely be among them. Xu Chu in history is also famous, and his strength is like a tiger, so he is nicknamed "Tiger Idiot".

The five most exciting battles of "Romance of the Three Kingdoms", who is the real Three Kingdoms Warriors?

4, Guan Yu VS Huang Zhong ("Romance of the Three Kingdoms" 53rd chapter)

Yun Chang turned his horse and left. Huang Zhong arrived. Yun Changfang wanted to cut it with a knife, but suddenly heard a sound in the back of his head, and when he looked back in a hurry, he saw that Huang Zhong was lost by the war horse and thrown to the ground. Yun Chang hurriedly returned to his horse, raised his knife with both hands and shouted: "I will spare your life!

Guan Yu led his troops to attack Changsha and encountered the veteran Huang Zhong. Although Huang Zhong was old, he was as brave as he was back then, standing up and prancing on horse, leading 500 elite horsemen to fight against Guan Yu. The two generals fought each other, in the shadow of the sword and sword, more than 100 rounds have passed, but it is still difficult to distinguish between them. Changsha Taishou Han Xuan saw that the battle situation was stalemate, and he was afraid that Huang Zhong would lose, so he urgently ordered Mingjin to withdraw his troops. (Author: Shi Shu Ling Xuan Ge)

After Guan Yu returned to the camp, he was full of praise for Huang Zhong's martial arts and decided to win the next day by dragging the knife. The next day, Guan Yu and Huang Zhong fought for another fifty or sixty times, seeing that the time was ripe, Guan Yu turned his horse and feigned defeat and lured Huang Zhong to go deeper. However, at the critical moment, Huang Zhong's war horse suddenly stumbled and knocked him to the ground. Seeing this, Guan Yu did not fall into the ground, but showed the demeanor of a general and asked Huang Zhong to change horses and fight again.

The five most exciting battles of "Romance of the Three Kingdoms", who is the real Three Kingdoms Warriors?

In order to help Huang Zhong, Han Xuan gave a green horse and instructed him to shoot Guan Yu with arrows. In the third encounter, Huang Zhong and Guan Yu fought for more than 30 rounds and fled after more than 30 rounds. Guan Yu chased after him, but saw Huang Zhong look back and shoot his helmet with precision. This arrow not only repaid Guan Yu's grace for not killing yesterday, but also hinted at the sympathy between the two.

However, Huang Zhong's mercy attracted Han Xuan's suspicion. At the moment of life and death, Wei Yan stepped forward, killed Han Xuan, rescued Huang Zhong, and opened the city to welcome Guan Yu. In this battle, Guan Yu not only captured Changsha, but also harvested two generals, Huang Zhong and Wei Yan, which can be described as brilliant results.

The five most exciting battles of "Romance of the Three Kingdoms", who is the real Three Kingdoms Warriors?

3, Ma Chao VS Xu Chu ("Romance of the Three Kingdoms" 59th chapter)

Xu Chu slapped the horse and danced the knife, and the horse Chao took the gun to fight. After more than 100 fights, there is no difference between victory and defeat. Changed horses, and went out again. and fought more than 100 times, regardless of victory or defeat. Xu Chu got up, flew back to the formation, took off his armor, his whole body was full of tendons, he lifted his knife naked, turned over on his horse, and came to a decisive battle with Ma Chao. The two fought to more than 30 times, and Chu Fenwei raised his knife to cut Ma Chao. Super flashed, and a shot stabbed Chu in the heart. Chu abandoned the knife and grabbed the gun. Two grabbed guns on horseback. Xu Zhu was strong, and with a sound, he broke the barrel of the gun, and each took half a section and beat it on the horse.

"The golden gun Ma Chao, the silver gun Zhao Yun", but Ma Chao's gun, is it wooden? In the matter of "breaking the barrel of the gun", we may be able to get a glimpse of some clues. However, regardless of the material, it does not affect its name for its might.

The five most exciting battles of "Romance of the Three Kingdoms", who is the real Three Kingdoms Warriors?

Xu Chu has been loyal all his life, only for Cao Cao. Cao Ren tried to win him over, but Xu Chu's heart was like a rock and he firmly refused, but he attracted Cao Ren's resentment. Cao Cao died, Xu Chu's heart was like a knife, and he was grief-stricken, and his loyalty can be seen.

Xu Chu rescued Cao Cao from danger many times, turning him from danger. Without Xu Chu, Cao Cao's fate, and even the direction of the entire Three Kingdoms, would be unpredictable.

Cao Cao's deathbed asked Cao Pi to reuse Xu Chu, so after Cao Pi succeeded to the throne, he trusted Xu Chu and entrusted him with important tasks, and named him the Marquis of Long Live Pavilion to lead the forbidden army. After Cao Pi's death, his son Cao Rong continued to reuse Xu Chu and named him the Marquis of Mu Township. After Xu Chu's death, Cao Rong thanked him for his loyalty and named his second son as the Marquis of Guannei. Xu Chu's loyalty will be rewarded in the end.

The five most exciting battles of "Romance of the Three Kingdoms", who is the real Three Kingdoms Warriors?

2, Ma Chao VS Zhang Fei ("Romance of the Three Kingdoms" 65th chapter)

Zhang Fei raised his gun and shouted: "Do you know Yanren Zhang Yide!" Ma Chao said: "My family has been a prince for many generations, how can you know the village and the wild horse!" Zhang Fei was furious. Two horses out at the same time, two guns at the same time. About more than 100 battles, regardless of victory or defeat, Liu Bei Mingjin retreated. (History Book Lingxuan Pavilion)

The duel between Zhang Fei and Ma Chao can really be described as a chess opponent and a good talent. At the time of the first battle, the two fought for 100 rounds under Jia Meng Pass, but they did not score a match. Liu Bei saw Zhang Fei and Ma Chao fighting, and he was worried, fearing that Zhang Fei would lose, so he withdrew his troops for the first time. Zhang Fei took a break, fought Ma Chao again, and fought for a hundred rounds, but it was still evenly divided. At this time, Liu Bei was no longer carefree, and it was obvious that Zhang Fei was getting better.

The five most exciting battles of "Romance of the Three Kingdoms", who is the real Three Kingdoms Warriors?

As night fell, the two armies lit torches, and the night battle between Zhang Fei and Ma Chao became more intense. The two made their own bold statements, Zhang Fei wanted to catch Ma Chao, but Ma Chao only wanted a victory. Between the words, sparks flew around, and the seven were full of time. After another 30 rounds, Ma Chao saw that it was difficult to win, so he used a hidden weapon copper hammer, Zhang Jimin dodged, and returned fire with a bow and arrow, but Ma Chao was not injured at all.

Although there was no winner in this battle, Zhang Fei's courage and Ma Chao's courage were all admirable. It is worth mentioning that although Zhang Fei has passed his prime, he can still be on an equal footing with young generals like Ma Chao, and his strength can be seen. Thinking about back then, Zhang Fei singled out Lu Bu, how majestic, and today's battle does not reduce the courage of the year. In the end, Zhuge Liang sent an envoy to persuade Ma Chao to surrender, and the two sides stopped the army and made peace.

The five most exciting battles of "Romance of the Three Kingdoms", who is the real Three Kingdoms Warriors?

1, Zhang Fei VS Lu Bu

Fly and shake your spirits and fight Lu Bu. More than 50 consecutive fights, regardless of victory or defeat. When Yun Chang saw it, he slapped the horse and danced the eighty-two catties of the Qinglong Yanyue Knife to attack Lu Bu.
Fei said: "You will be annoyed if I take your horse, and I won't say anything about Xuzhou if you take my brother!" The two fought more than 100 battles, but there was no victory. Xuande was afraid that he had made a mistake, so he hurriedly Mingjin collected his army and entered the city.

Among the many heroes of "Romance of the Three Kingdoms", Lu Bu's martial arts are undoubtedly at the top of the list, however, only Zhang Fei disdains him and challenges Lu Bu many times. In the battle of Tiger Prison, Zhang Fei directly denounced Lu Bu as a "slave with three surnames", and fought with him for 50 rounds, but the result was indistinguishable, far from the way Lu Bu had the upper hand as deduced in the TV series.

Later, when Lu Bu attacked Xuzhou, he met Zhang Fei, who was drunk and unconscious, although he knew that Zhang Fei was brave, he did not dare to approach easily. In the sixteenth round, the war horse purchased by Lu Bu was taken by Zhang Fei, although he was extremely angry and went to Xiaopei to theorize, but he was still afraid of Zhang Fei's bravery. Zhang Fei's courage can be seen from this, he can be said to be the only fierce general in the entire "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" who can make Lu Bu fearful.