
2.1 Fictional narrative full of stars Raiders|Huangquan Himeko becomes the new winner! Clara Heita is still out

author:Frozen pear tour research club

Pam: Trailblazer, sweaty?

Frozen Pear: This new fiction is quite difficult~

2.1 Fictional narrative full of stars Raiders|Huangquan Himeko becomes the new winner! Clara Heita is still out

It's time for the 'tense and exciting' new fictional narrative "Trick and Trick" strategy analysis!In the face of new buffs and enemies, can the veteran players continue to sing all the way?Can there be a dark horse among the new challengers?The answer will be revealed by Frozen Pear~

1. Level buffs

When the finisher hits an enemy, apply [Burst] to them (up to 6 stacks). Triggers a burst when an enemy is active or destroyed, damaging the target and adjacent units. Obviously, this buff is good for group attack characters, applying [Burst] to multiple targets in a single action.

2.1 Fictional narrative full of stars Raiders|Huangquan Himeko becomes the new winner! Clara Heita is still out

(1) Buff "Induce" to effectively apply [Burst]. It is a relatively general-purpose buff, which can be selected when it is difficult to trigger the grotesque anecdote effect or its own training is average, and the combat skill can also be stacked with [Burst] to deal more additional fixed damage.

(2) Buff "Martyrdom" enemies stack negative and vulnerable when they act. Huangquan must be selected, which means that every time the enemy acts, the [Remnant Dream] stack will be triggered, and the frequency of the finishing move is guaranteed. The adaptability to other roles is average, and it is not a priority.

(3) Buff "Splash" finishing skill increases damage and self-pull strip, and the bricks fly with great force. It is suitable for characters with a high proportion of finisher damage and fast casting frequency, such as Xi'er, Silverbranch, etc.

2.1 Fictional narrative full of stars Raiders|Huangquan Himeko becomes the new winner! Clara Heita is still out

2. Recommended by a strong system in this issue

Huangquan + Himeko. Using the shield breaking effect of Huangquan's finishing move that ignores weaknesses, it can effectively trigger Himeko's talent additional attack, and Himeko's additional attack can apply burn, which can also make Huangquan gain [Remnant Dream] stacks at the same time.

2.1 Fictional narrative full of stars Raiders|Huangquan Himeko becomes the new winner! Clara Heita is still out

Clara + Hanabini. Levels 3 and 4 have physical weaknesses, and Clara's combat skills and counterattacks have a good clearance effect, with fireworks and critical damage that lasts for 1.9 rounds, and the whole process can be full of stars.

2.1 Fictional narrative full of stars Raiders|Huangquan Himeko becomes the new winner! Clara Heita is still out

Kafka + Black Swan. The number of enemies is large, the blood volume is low, the natural choice environment of the card black combination, and level 4 even prepares a thunderstorm weakness environment, which is too cool~

2.1 Fictional narrative full of stars Raiders|Huangquan Himeko becomes the new winner! Clara Heita is still out

Silver Branch/Black Tower + Support. Defending/turning is over, the mode of fictional narrative is very suitable for the character mechanism, the former high-speed charging ultimate, the latter triggers a half-blood chase with more additional actions, and each issue is a strong character.

2.1 Fictional narrative full of stars Raiders|Huangquan Himeko becomes the new winner! Clara Heita is still out

Third, deception and deception

[Top Half] Dominant Attributes: Physics, Ice, Recommended Team:

(1) Silver Branch + Hanabi / Bronya + Ruan Mei / Esta, select 'Splash'.

(2) Clara/Black Tower + Fireworks + Stop the clouds, select 'Induce'.

(3) Ciel + Stop Cloud + Hanabi + Bronya, select 'Splash'.

2.1 Fictional narrative full of stars Raiders|Huangquan Himeko becomes the new winner! Clara Heita is still out

[Lower Half] Dominant attributes Thunder, Wind, Recommended Team:

(1) Huang Quan + Ji Zi + Ruan Mei / Esta, choose 'Martyrdom'.

(2) Black Swan + Kafka + Ruan Mei / Huang Quan / Estada, choose 'induced'.

(3) Jingyuan/Shiluwa + stop the clouds + fireworks, select 'induce'.

2.1 Fictional narrative full of stars Raiders|Huangquan Himeko becomes the new winner! Clara Heita is still out

※The above is just a reference, there are support roles of the same type can be replaced, and the team does not necessarily have to be a single C, there are multiple high-level and will not lag each other can also play together~

IV. Conclusion

This issue of "Trickery" is still quite difficult, and there happens to be a resistance on the boss that is the opposite of the monster's weakness, Jepard's ice resistance and monster ice weakness, and Cocorian's wind resistance and monster wind weakness. The upper and lower half of the team can have only 1 attribute for both, if you don't pursue full scores, Frozen Pear suggests 'You can consider full output teaming, directly give up the survival position, the full star conditions of the fictional narrative do not include the full survival of the character, and you are not afraid of attrition and can score points'~

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