
When you go out in spring, remember to tighten the safety strings

author:Fangshan, Beijing


It's a good time to get out

But it is also prone to some accidents

Recently, the Changgou 120 first-aid station received a task: a patient was injured in a fall on the mountain, and the crew quickly got out of the car. On the way, the doctor called to inquire about the patient's condition and learned that the patient and his lover were driving their motorcycles down the mountain when the wheels slipped and rolled over and fell. The doctor told the family not to move the patient and wait for the ambulance.

After arriving at the scene, doctors and nurses immediately examined the patient and found that the patient had injured his left shoulder and waist and was unable to move on his own.

When you go out in spring, remember to tighten the safety strings

I would like to remind everyone that while enjoying the beauty of spring, the string of safety must be tightened!

Spring is coming, beware of spring sleepiness

When you go out in spring, remember to tighten the safety strings

Spring is prone to the phenomenon of "spring sleepiness", and drivers should maintain adequate sleep. Concentrate on driving, properly open the windows to allow air circulation, and avoid fatigue driving; in the process of driving, there is sleepiness, fatigue, drowsiness and other "spring sleepiness" phenomena, to stop and rest in time.

Spring is rainy, so slow down

When you go out in spring, remember to tighten the safety strings

Spring is a rainy season, after the rain the road is slippery, the tire adhesion coefficient decreases, the braking distance is extended, you should pay attention to observe the road conditions when driving, increase the distance between vehicles, and slow down!

Especially when passing through intersections and curves, slow down, pay attention to the road conditions, and travel in a civilized manner. At the same time, the vision is poor in rainy days, so it is necessary to remove the fog in time, use the lights reasonably, and concentrate to avoid distracted driving!

For spring outings, plan your route in advance

When you go out in spring, remember to tighten the safety strings

Do not change the route and time that you have planned to explore, and mark the route along the way to prevent getting lost.

Do not go to undeveloped scenic spots that do not have the conditions for sightseeing.

It is strictly forbidden to swim in the water to prevent drowning accidents.

On an outing, fire safety should not be forgotten

When you go out in spring, remember to tighten the safety strings

Before driving out, check the oil circuit and electrical circuit of the car, and do not place flammable and explosive materials such as lighters in the car.

Be careful not to bring fire to the mountain, do not light a fire in the wild, do not litter cigarette butts, and keep children under control of not playing with fire in the mountains and forests.

When going on a family outing, pay attention to stay away from places with more weeds and dense trees to avoid accidentally causing forest fires once fire.

Don't panic if you accidentally start a fire outdoors. When the fire is uncontrollable, call the fire alarm number 119 immediately.

Keep safety in mind

Prevent risks

Enjoy the good times of spring

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