
Five tips to help pregnant mothers stay away from morning sickness!

author:Human health care
Five tips to help pregnant mothers stay away from morning sickness!

Morning sickness, commonly known as "bad joy", is a very common physiological reaction of expectant mothers in the early stages of pregnancy. According to statistics, more than 50% of pregnant mothers will vomit during pregnancy. The occurrence of morning sickness may be related to changes in the immune response and hormone levels during pregnancy. In the early stage of pregnancy, the body of the pregnant mother is still in the adaptation stage, morning sickness will be more serious at 8~9 weeks of pregnancy, and it can be gradually relieved after 13~14 weeks of pregnancy.

Five tips to help pregnant mothers stay away from morning sickness!

What should pregnant mothers do in the face of morning sickness?


Keep away from the source of vomiting

The act of vomiting in humans is a protective nerve reflex that may clear the threat by "spitting" when the gastrointestinal tract is harmed. The human body does not vomit for no reason, and if anything makes you vomit, you should stay away from such a "vomit source".

Among these "vomit sources", the most common is fat, pregnant mothers should choose to eat low-fat and sugar-rich and protein-rich foods to ensure energy supply, fish, shrimp, lean meat, tofu and so on are good choices. At the same time, it is necessary to pay attention to the method of food cooking, frying, stir-frying, and frying are not recommended, and steaming, stewing, and boiling are appropriate, which can also promote digestion and absorption.

Here is also a reminder to the pregnant mother's family: if you know what the pregnant mother eats that will vomit, you must try to put away these foods, because the pregnant mother sometimes overreacts, and may vomit when she smells or even sees it.


Always let vitamin B6 help

√ Vitamin B6 has a good antiemetic effect, so you may want to give it a try, but you need to prescribe it from your obstetrician.

√ Reasonable supplementation of multivitamin preparations.

√ You can eat more foods rich in vitamin B6, such as chicken, fish, eggs, and beans, to "eat" and treat "vomiting".

Five tips to help pregnant mothers stay away from morning sickness!


Antiemetic in the case of nausea

√ If you feel nauseous, take immediate steps to prevent vomiting.

√ You can smell the smell of orange, lemon and mint to suppress nausea, and slice ginger and drink a cup of ginger tea to relieve gastrointestinal discomfort.

√ If it's too late, you can have some ginger candy or plum in your mouth, which also has a certain effect.

Five tips to help pregnant mothers stay away from morning sickness!


Be particular about drinking water

√ It is best to drink water between meals, and not to drink large amounts of water in a short period of time during the main meal, otherwise the rapid increase in stomach contents may cause nausea and vomiting.

√ Drink water in small amounts and many times, and swallow it in your mouth for a while before swallowing it to make your stomach feel more comfortable.

√ If vomiting is frequent, you can drink functional drinks containing sodium, potassium, and glucose to replace the lost electrolytes.


Exercise regularly

√ Exercise can promote gastrointestinal peristalsis, enhance appetite, facilitate gas and defecation, relax the body and mind of pregnant mothers, and divert attention from nausea and vomiting.

√ In the days when she is depressed due to vomiting, pregnant mothers may wish to go for a walk with their family more often.

Five tips to help pregnant mothers stay away from morning sickness!

Doctor Ma's intimate words

Morning sickness is a blissful nuisance given by nature to pregnant mothers, and it usually represents a healthy pregnancy. Some studies abroad have shown that the miscarriage rate of pregnant mothers who vomit is low. If you happen to be a pregnant mother who does not have morning sickness reaction, don't worry too much, it doesn't mean that the baby will have problems! Here I would like to remind all pregnant mothers: the above methods are all ways to deal with mild morning sickness, if there is more serious vomiting, it is best to seek medical attention in time.

Five tips to help pregnant mothers stay away from morning sickness!

# Confusion of pregnant mothers

Nausea, lack of appetite caused by upset, picky eating, anorexia, vomiting after eating, will this affect the baby?

Dr. Ma's answer: If vomiting is frequent (> 3 times/day), accompanied by weight loss or severe vomiting, it may cause complications such as malnutrition, ketoacidosis, dehydration, and low potassium, threatening the health of the baby and the pregnant mother, and it is necessary to seek medical attention in time. Mild vomiting in pregnant mothers is a normal physiological phenomenon during pregnancy, which generally does not lead to nutrient loss and will not affect the development of the baby, because the fetus is still in the embryonic development stage in early pregnancy and does not need a lot of nutrients. If you gain more weight than before after the morning sickness phase, you don't have to worry about that at all.

Five tips to help pregnant mothers stay away from morning sickness!

Content Sources:

People's Medical Publishing House published "The Notes of the Elderly Second Child of the Obstetrician of Union Obstetrician"


Ma Liangkun, an expert of the National Health Science Popularization Expert Database and Chief Physician of Peking Union Medical College Hospital

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