
If the Kuomintang had won the civil war and Chiang Kai-shek had ruled China, what would the future of China look like?

author:History of Shiqi
If the Kuomintang had won the civil war and Chiang Kai-shek had ruled China, what would the future of China look like?

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If the Kuomintang had won the civil war and Chiang Kai-shek had ruled China, what would the future of China be? Will the Chinese have a better life?

If the Kuomintang had won the civil war and Chiang Kai-shek had ruled China, what would the future of China look like?

If the Kuomintang had won the civil war

First of all, it is quite difficult to assume that the Kuomintang will win the civil war, because it is really impossible to imagine that such a star-studded PLA contingent of the army and the people cannot defeat the corrupt Kuomintang army, which has its own evil intentions and is full of stars.

If the Kuomintang had won the civil war and Chiang Kai-shek had ruled China, what would the future of China look like?

Therefore, we can only imagine that all the leaders of our party's troops, at the beginning of the civil war, all disappeared out of thin air because of a cosmic black hole or some other unknown reason!

Chiang Kai-shek was able to achieve victory without a fight, and officially declared that the Kuomintang under his leadership had won the civil war.

Then the next China must be psychologically prepared to become a large version of India.


Because Chiang Kai-shek's government does not care about the lives of ordinary people at all, will such a government really devote its energy to improving the people's livelihood? Even if he wants to improve the people's livelihood, does he have the ability?

If the Kuomintang had won the civil war and Chiang Kai-shek had ruled China, what would the future of China look like?

You must know that in order for China to feed a population of 100 million, it must have a sufficiently developed industrial manufacturing industry and a sufficiently developed productive forces.

However, during Chiang Kai-shek's rule, did China's national power increase in any way?

Apparently not.

What kind of life did the people live in the late Qing Dynasty, and what kind of life did the people still live during the Republic of China.

Under Chiang Kai-shek's rule, China not only could not afford to build aircraft and artillery, but also suffered from natural and man-made disasters, so that starvation was everywhere and the people were struggling to make a living......

Why, then, did China fail to develop its national strength during the Republic of China? The common people were still exploited and enslaved, and they were so poor that the average life expectancy was only 33 years?

If the Kuomintang had won the civil war and Chiang Kai-shek had ruled China, what would the future of China look like?

Because to put it bluntly, it was the comprador class headed by Chiang Kai-shek who ruled China at that time.

What is a comprador?

To put it bluntly, it is a monopoly and a contractor for foreigners.

As long as foreigners can suck blood in the Chinese market, Lao Jiang can make a lot of money.

In other words, this is no different from Lao Chiang uniting with foreign capital to suck the blood of the Chinese people.

Therefore, Lao Jiang naturally did not want China to have its own national enterprises, and even many of the original domestic industries were contracted to foreign capital, and many of the original mineral resources were directly exported and sold without processing.

If the Kuomintang had won the civil war and Chiang Kai-shek had ruled China, what would the future of China look like?

As for weapons and equipment, they uphold the principle of "making is better than buying", and directly pay for ready-made foreign gadgets, as for whether they can make them or not, it doesn't matter.

And this is destined to be China's extreme dependence on foreign capital during the Republic of China, and any bit of foreign wind and grass can easily control our economic market.

Among them, the country that has the most control over China must be the United States, because the United States has always been the behind-the-scenes sponsor of Lao Chiang, and with the urine nature of American hegemonism, it will definitely try by all means to build China into an Asian proxy that it can use to deal with the Soviet Union and even contain the communist camp.

At that time, China will inevitably fall into the same fate as Japan and South Korea as it is today, and the United States will be forced to accept the US military presence in the name of dealing with the Soviet Union, allowing the United States to station troops on Chinese territory, and even lose the right to have its own independent armed forces.

If the Kuomintang had won the civil war and Chiang Kai-shek had ruled China, what would the future of China look like?

As for wanting to build an atomic bomb or develop independently, it is absolutely impossible, and even if the US imperialists do not hesitate to break China's legs, they must let China kneel!

Because the United States just wants China to always be the source of raw materials and the dumping place of commodities for the Americans, such a United States will absolutely not allow China to get out of its control.

Some people may say that what if the Chiang Kai-shek government also insists on opposing the United States and has to put China on the path of independent development.

However, the historical fact is that Lao Chiang did not have the courage to resist the United States at all.

Not to mention anything else, just during the Republic of China, Lao Chiang had already allowed the existence of US troops in China.

If the Kuomintang had won the civil war and Chiang Kai-shek had ruled China, what would the future of China look like?

What does the stationing of US troops in China mean? It means that the US troops are stationed on Chinese territory, which is a naked violation of the sovereignty of the mainland! So why did Lao Chiang allow the presence of US troops in China?

After Japan's surrender and the end of World War II, the U.S. military landed in China under the pretext of helping China receive Japanese prisoners of war. And Lao Chiang, as the little brother of the United States, naturally has no reason to reject the United States.

But these American GIs in China are not at all rude, and the Shen Chong case that occurred in 1946 is an obvious example.

If the Kuomintang had won the civil war and Chiang Kai-shek had ruled China, what would the future of China look like?

Tragedy of the Republic of China

In 1946, Shen Chong, a female student at Peking University, was forcibly violated by two American soldiers on the way to watch a movie.

As soon as this incident came out, the whole country was in an uproar, which directly ignited the indignation of the people in the whole of China.

500,000 students from dozens of cities across the country bravely took to the streets to demonstrate against the atrocities of the US military!

If the Kuomintang had won the civil war and Chiang Kai-shek had ruled China, what would the future of China look like?

At the same time, major democratic groups also directly called Chiang Kai-shek, strongly demanding the immediate expulsion of US troops!

However, instead of immediately standing up to defend the dignity of the people and condemning the United States, Chiang Kai-shek's Kuomintang government sent a large number of military and police to suppress the students' patriotic movement, resulting in 500 people being severely beaten, 19 seriously injured, and 28 people being imprisoned......

This move undoubtedly further intensified public anger, so the situation did not subside, but intensified, with strikes, strikes, and market strikes one after another.

In order to curb the anti-US wave among the masses, the Kuomintang government tried its best to distort the truth of the incident and tried to portray the atrocities committed by the US military as a simple personal crime.

Not only that, even when the evidence was conclusive, the US Navy judge was as blind as if he were blind, and finally acquitted the defendant US military and reinstated him on the grounds of the so-called "insufficient evidence."

If the Kuomintang had won the civil war and Chiang Kai-shek had ruled China, what would the future of China look like?

Such a result is obviously unacceptable to the Chinese people, and Ta Kung Pao pointed out even more bluntly:

"If an American soldier who raped a Chinese girl can be considered innocent, then what kind of person has become of Chinese in the eyes of Americans?"

It's a pity that even though the whole people were outraged, the original verdict was finally upheld in this case, and the American GIs who defiled Chinese female college students still did not receive any punishment.

Therefore, it is not difficult to imagine that if Lao Chiang really won the civil war, it is unknown how many tragedies like Shen Chong would occur in China.

In fact, whether it is the real long-standing US military stationed in South Korea or the US military stationed in Japan, it is not uncommon for the US military to defile local women.

If the Kuomintang had won the civil war and Chiang Kai-shek had ruled China, what would the future of China look like?

What's more, the governments of Japan and South Korea have invariably turned a blind eye to the persecution of their own women and shielded the U.S. military, just like the governments of the Republic of China.

Japan and South Korea have even taken the plan into account, simply providing sexual services directly to the US military, and exchanging their women's bodies for a large amount of foreign exchange earnings.

It is not difficult to understand why the erotic industry in Japan and South Korea is so developed, and the root cause is still due to American soldiers.

If Chiang Kai-shek is really replaced to rule China, it is not difficult to imagine that the degree of development of China's erotic industry may be no less than that of Japan and South Korea, and it may even surpass Japan and South Korea.

After all, Lao Jiang can't even handle a Shanghai Youth Gang, let alone a prostitution industry, not to mention that Lao Jiang himself is quite willing to develop the erotic industry, when he was young, he had not been involved in prostitution in ten miles of foreign fields, and he even staged a play "Save the Wind and Dust" and married a Qinglou woman as his wife.

If the Kuomintang had won the civil war and Chiang Kai-shek had ruled China, what would the future of China look like?

Therefore, the prostitution industry during the Republic of China was quite popular, and once tended to be the heyday of China since ancient times.

So what was the reason why so many Chinese women at that time embarked on the road of selling themselves?

This is because of the huge base of the Chinese population, the invasion of modern capitalism in China, which led to the gradual disintegration of China's traditional small-scale peasant economy, coupled with the Kuomintang government headed by Chiang Kai-shek, which exploited and oppressed the peasants, and tyrannized them, so that many rural women faced unemployment and had to become prostitutes for their livelihoods.

Moreover, there are still a few who voluntarily become prostitutes, and many more women are completely forced.

If the Kuomintang had won the civil war and Chiang Kai-shek had ruled China, what would the future of China look like?

Open the newspapers of the Republic of China at that time, it is not difficult to see many records of "parents forced their daughters to become prostitutes for the sake of greedy profits". The attitude of the government of the Republic of China towards the prostitution industry is also completely to use it as a financial tool for profit, and is bent on promoting "private prostitution to public prostitution" and striving to extract taxes from prostitutes.

It can be seen from this that although women in the Republic of China period were freed from the shackles of feudal society and their social status was improved to a certain extent, their tragic fate still did not change fundamentally, and they still could not get rid of it, and they were reduced to the fate of high-ranking officials and nobles, politicians and giants.

Then, even if Chiang Kai-shek finally wins China, this oppressed status of women will not change in the slightest, and the prostitution industry will still prevail.

If the Kuomintang had won the civil war and Chiang Kai-shek had ruled China, what would the future of China look like?

Lao Chiang abandoned the people

Chairman Mao, on the other hand, immediately attacked pornography, gambling and drugs after the founding of the People's Republic of China, not only ordered the forced closure of all brothels, but also sheltered prostitutes, and the state paid for physical examination and treatment.

If the Kuomintang had won the civil war and Chiang Kai-shek had ruled China, what would the future of China look like?

Not only that, Chairman Mao also advocated that "women can hold up half the sky", which fundamentally emancipated women's minds and further improved the status of women.

Without Chairman Mao's groundbreaking, today's China may not even be as good as Japan and South Korea, and can only be like a large version of India.

Because Japan and South Korea have few people and small land, it is easy to become a developed country, but China, which has a large number of people, is not so simple.

In the case of Chiang Kai-shek's rule, then there is no public ownership of land, and it will still be like India, if it wants to build a highway and lay a cable, it will be fiercely opposed by the landlords, and in the end, it will drag the country's development back and forth.

If the Kuomintang had won the civil war and Chiang Kai-shek had ruled China, what would the future of China look like?

Without cables and highways, how can we talk about developing industry and commerce, how can we talk about production, and what do more than a billion people live on?

Therefore, if Chiang Kai-shek really won China, the people's misery will continue, just like the huge proportion of the low-level poor population in India today, countless Chinese low-level people do not even have a decent clothes and decent houses, and can only rely on the sky as a cover, relying on begging or being exploited and exploited by the landlords to make a living.

Moreover, during the Republic of China, the people were in dire straits, not only because of the oppression and exploitation of landlords, warlords, and bandits, but also because of the corruption, wanton expropriation, and lack of regard for the lives of the people in the Republic of China, which was also a major reason for the poor livelihood of the people of the Republic of China.

When the Japanese army invaded China, Chiang Kai-shek, who was bent on civil war, implemented the "non-resistance policy" and ordered the Northeast Army to flee without a fight.

If the Kuomintang had won the civil war and Chiang Kai-shek had ruled China, what would the future of China look like?

Later, seeing that the Japanese army's iron hooves had broken through most of the country, Chiang Kai-shek panicked and rashly blew up the Huayuankou Dam to attack the Japanese army without notifying the people in the Yellow Flood Area in advance.

As a result, the Yellow River burst its banks, flooded and washed away countless houses and farmland, swallowed the lives of 390,000 people, and forced the displacement of 3.91 million people in the Yellow Flood Area.

However, the drowned Japanese army was only 2,000 people.

However, the disaster brought to the people by the bursting of the embankment at the mouth of the garden was far more than that, because there was no grain harvest after the flood, so it directly caused the great famine in 1942, starving to death of 600,000 people in the Central Plains.

If the Kuomintang had won the civil war and Chiang Kai-shek had ruled China, what would the future of China look like?

However, even when the people of the Central Plains could only gnaw bark and grass roots, and even cannibalism, the Chiang Kai-shek government still forcibly conscripted food regardless of the people's life and death.

Faced with tens of thousands of displaced people, the Nationalist Government, from Lao Jiang to the county and township petty officials, only knew how to shirk their responsibilities and blame them, and did not take disaster relief seriously at all.

Jiang Dingwen, commander of the First Theater of the National Army, even said in cold blood:

"If the people starve to death, the territory will still be Chinese, and if the army will starve, the territory will become Japanese. ”
If the Kuomintang had won the civil war and Chiang Kai-shek had ruled China, what would the future of China look like?

Therefore, history abandoned Chiang Kai-shek as early as 1942.

The root cause is that because Chiang Kai-shek was the first to abandon the people, the people will eventually abandon Chiang Kai-shek.

The so-called winner of the people's hearts wins the world, the reason why the Communist Party was able to win the war of liberation in the end is because of the people's will, it was Chairman Mao who led the Communist Party to liberate tens of millions of people who were enslaved and exploited, and since then it has stood up, so that there is now a stronger and stronger China.

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