
Top 7 common mistakes novice runners make and how to avoid them?

author:Red Tiger Fitness

Running, this simple and pure exercise, is known as one of the easiest heart exercises to do. It is like a caring nurse, gently caring for your heart, lungs and circulatory system, bringing them health and vitality. At the same time, running is also a strict sculptor, which carefully sculpts the lines of your legs, making your legs more strong and powerful.

An article published in the journal Public Education reveals the magic of running. Not only does it improve many aspects of the body, such as lowering body fat percentage, adjusting resting heart rate, but it also improves blood sugar levels, triglycerides and HDL levels. These are all precious gifts that running brings to us, and it makes us more comfortable on the road to health.

Top 7 common mistakes novice runners make and how to avoid them?

Running, a seemingly simple and ordinary sport, is actually like a deep treasure trove, containing countless unsolved mysteries. Whether it's for fitness, weight loss, or recreational purposes, knowing and avoiding these mistakes will make your workout process more enjoyable and efficient. Now, let's demystify the seven common mistakes made by beginner runners and find out how to get around them.

1. Running too fast

First of all, rushing is a common problem for many beginners. Running is a high-intensity sport, and the excessive pursuit of speed and distance can often backfire, leading to fatigue and injury. Therefore, we should patiently cultivate our running habits just like caring for seedlings.

Many novice runners blindly pursue speed and distance. Beginners tend to get confused by numbers and focus too much on the speed and mileage of their runs. However, the quality of running is far more important than the quantity. In the beginning, you should focus on the coordination of posture, breathing, and rhythm, rather than blindly chasing speed and distance. Remember, take your time and be quicker.

Top 7 common mistakes novice runners make and how to avoid them?

Running, like strength training, also follows the principle of "step by step", giving the body a gradual adaptation time, which is very necessary, especially for people who do not have the habit of exercising. It is recommended that beginners start with short 20-minute runs three times a week, and gradually increase the running time and intensity as the body adjusts. For those who are overweight or in poor physical condition, you can try to use a combination of walking and running, such as "running for 1 minute, walking for 4 minutes" mode for exercise, and gradually increase the proportion of time spent running.

Solution: Don't push yourself too fast. Instead, work hard to complete each run and feel like you can do more. Start by running three times a week and avoid increasing your running length or your weekly running mileage by more than 10%.

2. Ignoring running skills

Top 7 common mistakes novice runners make and how to avoid them?

Lack of planning and consistency is also a common mistake that beginners tend to fall into. Many people start out with enthusiasm, but over time, the enthusiasm fades and the exercise becomes intermittent. In order to maintain the consistency of running, you should make a reasonable workout plan and stick to it. Remember, running is a long-term investment, and only with consistency can you reap the rewards of health and happiness.

Secondly, ignoring running skills is also a common misconception. Running may seem simple, but it requires proper running posture and breathing. Details such as raising your head, holding your chest up, relaxing your shoulders, taking deep breaths with your diaphragm, bending your arms to about 90 degrees, swinging your arms naturally, using your core strength, and maintaining 160-170 steps per minute are all key to improving your running efficiency and reducing the risk of injury. During running, we should always be vigilant, pay attention to our movements and breathing, and ensure the safety and effectiveness of the exercise.

Solution: When you're running, take care to improve your fitness and make your workouts safer and more effective, think about these things above.

3. Wear the right running shoes

In addition, choosing the right running shoes is also an indispensable part of running. There is a wide variety of running shoes on the market, and the different styles and performances are dizzying. However, the right pair of running shoes isn't just about appearance and price, it's more about how well they match your foot shape and running style. Therefore, when buying running shoes, we should try them on ourselves to make sure they are comfortable, fit well, and provide adequate support and cushioning.

Top 7 common mistakes novice runners make and how to avoid them?

Note that running shoes usually wear out after 300-500 kilometers, and replacing worn running shoes regularly is also key to maintaining running results. Solution: Buy your first pair of running shoes from a professional running shoe store, or consult a professional runner.

4. Neglect warm-up, stretching and strength training

Many novice runners rush to get ahead and ignore these two crucial links. Warm-ups can help your body get into a state of exercise and prevent sports injuries, while stretching relaxes muscles and reduces post-workout soreness. Imagine that your body is like a car, and warming up and stretching is all about warming up and lubricating before starting, ensuring that you can run smoothly and comfortably.

Many runners love the feeling of being on the track and are often reluctant to distract themselves from other types of training. While it's true that running is an excellent form of exercise, too much running can lead to muscle imbalances and tension, which in turn increases the risk of injury. Therefore, it is essential that every runner's training plan includes warm-ups, stretches, and strength training.

Top 7 common mistakes novice runners make and how to avoid them?

Although running takes up most of your time and energy, the extra flexibility and strength will act like wings to help you fly higher on the track, while also protecting your health and reducing the chance of injury. Of course, that doesn't mean you need to be as strong as a bodybuilder, because too heavy muscles can slow you down and make you struggling on the track. However, a solid foundation will stabilize your joints and provide you with a constant stream of motivation to run.

Solution: Schedule two full-body strength exercises in your weekly training plan and warm up and stretch well before and after each run.

5. Never change the way you run

Beginner runners often fall into a fixed running pattern, where they always run at the same speed and along the same route. While this familiar environment can bring comfort, the lack of variety also means that your health and running performance will quickly hit a plateau. If you aspire to go further and healthier on the road of running, then you need to break out of this stereotype and introduce more variety.

Top 7 common mistakes novice runners make and how to avoid them?

This means that you need to change your running route, speed, terrain, and distance. For example, you can try the following variations:

Monday: Rest, recuperate;

Tuesday: 4x1 mile interval training to increase speed;

Wednesday: Gymnastics exercises to build strength and flexibility;

Thursday: 5-mile Fatlek training for endurance;

Friday: 200m mountain sprint to boost acceleration;

Saturday: Gymnastics again to build strength and flexibility;

Sunday: Take an 8-mile run to build your endurance.

Among them, fatlok is a heart-based workout that requires you to perform at different speeds or intensities during your workout, and unlike most structured interval training, fatlek speed changes randomly. Of course, you should develop a suitable training plan based on your fitness and running goals. At the same time, as your fitness level improves, your training plan needs to be constantly developed and adjusted.

Top 7 common mistakes novice runners make and how to avoid them?

Solution: Once you've mastered the basics of running, it's time to introduce more variety into your training plan. Experiment with different running distances and speeds, explore new routes, and even change terrain, such as switching between roads and tracks. These changes will not only prevent you from getting bored during your run, but they will also help you achieve greater progress.

6. Neglect of rest and rehabilitation

Some runners take pride in running every day. They train through illness and injury and do everything in their power to avoid rest, even if their performance suffers. Needless to say, this is a mistake that most runners must avoid!

Top 7 common mistakes novice runners make and how to avoid them?

Neglecting rest and recovery is like continuing to cultivate a tired field, which will only end up draining your energy and sabotaging your progress. Your body needs time to repair its muscles and regain energy, which is a surefire way for you to become stronger. So, it's a good idea to include some rest days in your schedule to allow your body to recover fully, and at the same time, remember to give your body plenty of nutrients and hydration to maintain optimal exercise.

Solution: Learn to recognize when you might need an unplanned day off. Symptoms to look for include: increased heart rate, difficulty sleeping, mood swings, unexplained pain, and a temporary drop in motivation levels. These are the signs that you may need to benefit from an extra day off.

7. Ignore the pain

According to research published by the Ministry of Public Education, as many as 40% of runners experience injuries at some point, many of which are unique to runners, and even have the word "running" in their names, such as runners' knees and hips. Some running injuries are the result of muscle weakness and muscle tightness, while others are caused by ignoring some minor aches and pains that are usually part of running.

Top 7 common mistakes novice runners make and how to avoid them?

Pain is a warning from your body that something may be wrong. Ignoring these signals will only make the problem worse. So, when you feel pain, you might as well stop, find out the cause, and find a solution. Sometimes, it's necessary to take a few extra days of rest to avoid small problems from becoming big problems.

Solution: Pay attention to how your body feels and don't let a minor pain turn into a serious injury. A few more days of rest may be all you need to avoid minor problems becoming more important ones. If you suspect you have been injured, seek medical attention as soon as possible.

Running, although simple, is not an easy task. It requires patience, persistence, and more importantly, the right approach and attitude. Only then can you truly enjoy running and make it a part of your life. So, let's cherish every opportunity to run, treat it in the right way, and make running a beautiful scenery in our lives.