
If you want to run with quality, this position must be practiced!

author:Running Bible
If you want to run with quality, this position must be practiced!

In running, any weakness slows down the runner.

As we all know, the most used part in the running process is our legs, without the lower limbs, there is no way to carry out the sport of running, so many running enthusiasts take the lower limbs as the focus of daily training. Exercises for the upper limbs, let alone arms that don't seem to do anything for running, are often overlooked.

As everyone knows, the arms play an important role in a smooth running movement.

If you want to run with quality, this position must be practiced!

Some people may wonder, isn't running with legs, and what can the arms do?

If you want to run with quality, this position must be practiced!

That's what we're going to talk about today, the role of the arm in running, and the arm is not only related to running, but it also affects the quality of running. Why?

Balance, motivation and endurance are crucial in running, and the arms are closely related to all three.

The importance of the arm for running

  • Maintaining Equilibrium: The Interaction of Forces. In running, when the legs take a big stride, the arms are moved back and forth in a similar amount to balance the leg movements.
  • Push forward: Push the center of gravity of the upper body forward through the arms to play a boosting role. Especially in sprinting, the arms and shoulders play an important role in the propulsion movement.
  • Saves energy: A strong upper limb not only helps to generate sufficient explosive power when sprinting at full speed, but also helps to relax the shoulders; Tired arms and tense shoulders can cause the swing of the arms to be less fluid and less amplitude, which consumes valuable energy.

Therefore, if you want to run with quality, you can't do without the strength of any part of your body, and you can't have any weaknesses, even if it seems to be an arm that has nothing to do with running, you need to pay as much attention to it as the lower body. The following 6 arm exercises hurry up and practice them~

Standing dumbbells alternate biceps curls

If you want to run with quality, this position must be practiced!

Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and your knees slightly bent. Hold a dumbbell in each hand, and your arms hang naturally from your shoulders with your palms facing inward. Raise a dumbbell upwards with your palms up and move smoothly throughout the range of motion; Pay attention to using the biceps muscles rather than the hands. Lower the dumbbell back into the position before the curl and move slowly and smoothly, paying attention to feeling the muscles stretch. Then switch to the other arm.

Standing dumbbell hammer alternating curls

Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Hold a dumbbell in each hand, and your arms hang naturally from your shoulders with your palms facing inward. Curl a dumbbell upwards until it touches your shoulder, moving smoothly throughout your range of motion. Concentrate on your biceps, not your hands. The upper arm is fixed at the elbow; When the dumbbell curls more than 90 degrees, the upper arm should not move with it. Lower the dumbbell back into the starting position, moving slowly and smoothly, paying attention to feeling the muscles stretch. Then switch to the other arm to do the exercise.

Supine dumbbell triceps extension

Lie on your back on a flat chair with your feet on the floor and your upper body stable. Spread your arms shoulder-width apart and bend your elbows at a 90-degree angle. With the palms of each hand facing inward, hold a dumbbell of the right weight. The forearm is fully extended. Resist resistance, slowly lower the height of your arms back to the starting position.

Stretch back a one-arm dumbbell on the stool

If you want to run with quality, this position must be practiced!

Get down on one knee on a flat bench. Keep your spine, torso, and head in a straight line. The non-weight-bearing hand (the hand that does not hold the dumbbell) is pressed against the flat bench, and the opposite leg of the dumbbell hand is straightened, and the foot is on the floor to form a stable support. The load-bearing arm is bent at a 90-degree angle with the palm facing inward. Extend your forearms from your elbows back and use your triceps to guide you through the movement slowly and fluidly. Keep your elbows fixed and parallel to your upper body, not too high. Please exhale during this movement. Gently resist resistance and return the arm holding the dumbbell to a 90-degree bent position. Inhale as you complete this action.

The instrument is pushed down in the opposite direction

Stand with your legs apart less than shoulder-width apart. Hold the short, straight handle attached to the cable (the handle is attached to the pulley) with both palms facing up (backwards). Straighten your forearms and bend your elbows slightly to a 75-degree angle, an angle that will help keep the sides of your body in a fixed position during the exercise. Push your forearm down smoothly until your arm is fully extended, with your elbow close to your body in the starting position and hold it in place, exhaling as you finish the movement. When resisting the pull of the cable, allow the weight to return to the starting position slowly and smoothly. Inhale as you practice this movement.

Wrist curl

If you want to run with quality, this position must be practiced!

Sit on a flat bench with your body leaning forward with your forearms flat on the bench, and your hands and wrists must be extended beyond the edge of the bench with your palms facing up. The lighter weight barbell is placed on the front half of the palm of the hand, and the fingers hold the barbell lightly. Using only the strength of the forearms and hand muscles, lift the bar with both hands elevated, moving in a complete range. Let the barbell slowly descend back to the starting position, while the barbell moves down while resisting the resistance of the barbell.

If you want to run with quality, this position must be practiced!

The above content is authorized by the People's Posts and Telecommunications Publishing House to publish "Anatomy of Running Sports (2nd Edition)"

The little secretary is recommended for running

If you want to run with quality, this position must be practiced!