
Doctor: 15 cases a month

author:Health Hangzhou

Taking advantage of the recent good weather, Ms. Shen (pseudonym), who lives in Yuhang, made an appointment with her family to go to the park to enjoy the flowers and camp together.

A bee has been quietly lurking on the edge of the fruit bowl. Just as Ms. Shen went to get the fruit, her hand was stung.

Doctor: 15 cases a month

Immediately, the right hand becomes red, swollen and painful, followed by chest tightness and rash. Seeing this, the family immediately sent her to the emergency room of the Second People's Hospital of Yuhang District.

When she was admitted to the emergency room, Ms. Shen had already developed symptoms of anaphylactic shock. After two hours of anti-allergy and rehydration treatment, the allergy symptoms were relieved.

"In March, as many as 15 patients came to the clinic with bee stings. The emergency doctor said.

Bee venom can cause anaphylactic shock

Or even death

A common type of venomous wasp that injures people in the wild is wasps (also called wasps).

Vesps are also divided into golden-ringed wasps, long-legged wasps, black-tailed wasps, yellow-footed wasps, etc.

Doctor: 15 cases a month

These bees are poisonous, and when stung, they show the following manifestations:



After being stung by a bee, there is significant pain.



People with allergies will have severe allergic reactions after being stung by a bee, and may experience symptoms such as difficulty breathing, laryngeal edema, and anaphylactic shock.


Impairment of multiple organ function

After some people are stung by bees, they will have multiple organ function damage such as nervous system, respiratory system, circulatory system, digestive system, acute kidney function injury, and even death.

Unfortunately, he was stung by a bee

Emergency response is crucial

Doctor: 15 cases a month

Bundle and wrap

Use a wide strip of cloth to tie the wound at the top (proximal end) of the four fingers.

Be careful not to bandage too tightly to prevent affecting blood circulation. Try not to exceed 2 hours, and open the bandaging for 1 minute every 15 minutes.

Pull out the stinger in time

Carefully inspect the skin for stingers and remove them immediately if found. You can use fingernails or tweezers to pull out the sting, or you can use adhesive tape to bring out the sting.

If the stinger pierced into the skin has a venomous glandular sac, it should not be squeezed to avoid the venom squeezing into the body and causing the poisoning to worsen.

Rinse locally

Find out what kind of bee you have been stung by before rinsing. The pH of the venom is different, and the treatment method is also different.

Doctor: 15 cases a month
  • If you are stung by a wasp, you can use an acidic liquid such as vinegar to rinse the wound;
  • If you are stung by a bee, rinse it with alkaline liquids such as soda and soapy water;
  • If the type of bee is not clear, rinse with clean water. Scratching should be avoided on the wound to avoid infection.


If there is significant pain after being stung, ice packs or ice cream can be applied to reduce swelling and pain.

See your doctor promptly

After a sting, if you have dizziness, chest tightness, difficulty breathing, confusion, etc., you must go to the nearest hospital.

  • Guidance in this issue: Yao Zhigang, Department of Emergency Surgery, Second People's Hospital of Yuhang District
  • Contributed by: Yuhang District Health Bureau
  • Please indicate "Healthy Hangzhou"

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Doctor: 15 cases a month

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