
Chenghuan Ji: Xin Jiali was aggressive at the engagement banquet, why didn't Xin's mother stop Mai Chenghuan


"Uncle, red wine is to be tasted slowly, this is not your old rice wine, your stuffy style is not very good-looking, right?"

Xin Jiali said about Mai Laitian in a weird way, saying that he didn't understand red wine, saying that he couldn't get on the stage, and that he was only worthy of drinking old rice wine.

Chenghuan Ji: Xin Jiali was aggressive at the engagement banquet, why didn't Xin's mother stop Mai Chenghuan

Xin's mother didn't like Mai Chenghuan from the beginning, and even arranged a blind date for Xin Jiali when she knew that Xin Jialiang and Mai Chenghuan were dating.

However, Xin Jialiang only had Mai Chenghuan in his eyes, and Xin's mother had no choice but to answer him. Here's what she said to Xin Jiali:

Look at your brother's eyes, no one can see it now, but I was blinded by that princess of the lane, what can I do, I have also figured it out, as long as my son is happy and she marries and is obedient, then it is not good to teach her husband and children.

Compared with Xin Jialiang's happiness, she is willing to accept Mai Chenghuan, as long as Mai Chenghuan can be "obedient" when she marries, and can teach her husband and children.

Chenghuan Ji: Xin Jiali was aggressive at the engagement banquet, why didn't Xin's mother stop Mai Chenghuan

At the dinner table where the parents of both sides met for the first time and discussed marriage, Xin Jiali was aggressive, and even the words she said were insulting and aggressive, why didn't Xin's mother stop her, why didn't she say a word?

01. Xin Jiali sacrificed her marriage and made a great contribution to the Xin family

Xin Jiali and Xin's mother don't look down on Mai Chenghuan, just as Xin Jiali said, "Mom, what do you say about this little girl, which made our family Liang stunned."

They never thought that there was a real relationship between Mai Chenghuan and Xin Jialiang, all they thought of was that Mai Chenghuan used means to coax Xin Jialiang around.

Xin Jiali has never seen Mai Chenghuan, and there is no unpleasant intersection, why doesn't she like Mai Chenghuan?

For her marriage, she is dissatisfied, unwilling, and even a little complaining. She said to Xin's mother:

You see that I got married, there was no marriage proposal ceremony, bride price, not much, I sneezed in the Luo family, I didn't dare to make too loud noises, but I was still determined to marry in the past, why, it's not that I don't want our family's class to slip.

Xin Jiali's marriage is not what she wants, there is no sense of ceremony, there are no practical benefits, and the days she married in the past are not good. However, because of her marriage, she kept the class of the Xin family, and it was she who sacrificed her happiness and protected the class of the Xin family.

Chenghuan Ji: Xin Jiali was aggressive at the engagement banquet, why didn't Xin's mother stop Mai Chenghuan

Everything Xin Jialiang enjoys, even the luxurious days of Xin's mother, are linked to Xin Jiali's sacrifice.

Therefore, whether it is Xin Jiali saying that Mai Laitian is only worthy of drinking old rice wine, or the sentence "Auntie, this is a democratic society, and everyone is equal, then in our family, my parents have done something wrong, and Jialiang and I can also say it, of course, there may still be some small families, what do they like to do, and the parents can understand what they say" to Liu Wanyu's sarcasm, Xin's mother let her say.

Because of Xin Jiali's words, saying it not only satirized the Mai family, satirized Liu Wanyu, but also pinched Xin's mother. She has paid a lot for the Xin family, then she doesn't even have the freedom to say this, that is Xin's mother's fault, as she said, her parents are wrong, she can say it.

She is reminding Xin's mother and pinching Xin's mother.

Chenghuan Ji: Xin Jiali was aggressive at the engagement banquet, why didn't Xin's mother stop Mai Chenghuan

Xin Jiali did sacrifice a lot, so Xin's mother could only be more tolerant of her and tolerant of her.

02. Xin's mother was not optimistic about Mai Chenghuan

Xin's mother boiled chicken soup and brought it to Xin Jialiang, but when she saw that the refrigerator was full and the bed was neatly made, she couldn't be happy, and even a little lost:

It seems that this little day is good, the refrigerator is full, and your mother and I have no use.

She knew that Mai Chenghuan didn't know their family's hundreds of millions of assets, she knew that Mai Chenghuan's kindness to Xin Jialiang was not the money of the Xin family, she knew that Mai Chenghuan took care of Xin Jialiang very thoughtfully, no matter how she looked at it, Mai Chenghuan was simple and kind, but she said that Xin Jialiang was too simple, and asked him to be cautious and cautious.

Chenghuan Ji: Xin Jiali was aggressive at the engagement banquet, why didn't Xin's mother stop Mai Chenghuan

With different identities and different levels, he wants Xin Jialiang to be defensive.

Xin's mother just didn't like Mai Chenghuan for no reason, she had never understood Mai Chenghuan, just because she didn't have the right door, she denied Mai Chenghuan.

Even though Xin Jialiang repeatedly emphasized that he and Mai Chenghuan had a good relationship, and he recognized Mai Chenghuan in his life, Xin's mother still had to arrange a blind date for Xin Jialiang.

Chenghuan Ji: Xin Jiali was aggressive at the engagement banquet, why didn't Xin's mother stop Mai Chenghuan

The young lady of the Zhang family is the daughter-in-law chosen by Xin's mother, what she wants is the identity of Miss Zhang's family, her family background, and her in-laws who can match the Xin family, or even the in-laws who can support the Xin family.

She never regarded Mai Chenghuan as a daughter-in-law, because in her opinion, Mai Chenghuan couldn't even touch the door of their Xin family.

The reason why she agreed to meet the two parents was because she couldn't resist Xin Jialiang's joy for Mai Chenghuan.

Chenghuan Ji: Xin Jiali was aggressive at the engagement banquet, why didn't Xin's mother stop Mai Chenghuan

There are no parents in the world who can resist their children, Xin's mother really loves Xin Jialiang, loves the house and Wu, she has no way to love Mai Chenghuan, but she has to allow Xin Jialiang to love Mai Chenghuan, and she can only allow Mai Chenghuan to bring Xin Jialiang happiness.

Xin's mother could only say helplessly:

If Jia Liang really wants to marry her, I think it's good for the two families to meet as soon as possible.

She didn't really want to meet Mai Chenghuan's parents, she just wanted to be in control of the overall situation, and she wanted her son to be in her control.

At the dinner table where the two families met for the first time, Xin Jiali said so many ugly words, these words are also what she wants to express, since she wants to control the overall situation, she wants to give the Mai family a dismissal, and let them be "respectful" to the Xin family.

Naturally, she would not stop Xin Jiali from saying.

03. Mai Chenghuan's "disobedience"

There is a premise for Xin's mother to accept Mai Chenghuan to marry Xin Jialiang, and this premise is that Mai Chenghuan marries "to be obedient, to be husband and teach children".

Yao Zhiming knew that Mai Chenghuan was going to get married, and he said something like this to Mai Chenghuan:

The women of the Xin family don't need to come out to work.

This may be the "husband and child" in Xin's mother's mouth, which means that when Mai Chenghuan gets married and marries Xin Jialiang, she will quit her job and teach her husband and children at home.

Regarding Yao Zhiming's question, Mai Chenghuan responded in person, even if she gets married, it will not affect her work, and she will work hard and struggle with Xin Jialiang to support her family in the future.

This has become the "disobedience" in Xin's mother's mouth.

Although this step has not yet arrived, Mai Chenghuan's performance at the dinner table has made her foresee that Mai Chenghuan is a disobedient girl and a girl who is not easy to control.

Chenghuan Ji: Xin Jiali was aggressive at the engagement banquet, why didn't Xin's mother stop Mai Chenghuan

Xin Jiali said so many insulting words, even Xin Jialiang felt that the wedding banquet that Liu Wanyu said was a flea market, she endured it for a long time, and when she couldn't bear it anymore, she broke out:

Xin Jialiang, what do you mean, rich people are people, and no money is fleas, right? From the beginning, I thought that Xin Jialiang and I were also small to small households, equal exchanges, mutual help and mutual benefit, but I didn't expect Xin Jialiang to lie to me, he has been hiding his family background, if it weren't for Xin Jialiang begging me, begging me to forgive him, I don't think there would be today's meal, until now, I don't think our family, what has climbed high, I think marriage is two families sit down, what we discuss together, this is a very normal thing, besides, today's meal is you invited us to come, if you don't want to come, since you cameWhy do you say these insulting words, and look at people with colored glasses?

It's true that Mai Chenghuan likes Xin Jialiang, but she is not a love brain, she is very sober, she is also very good to her family, and she takes into account the dignity of her family in everything. If she wants her family to compromise on everything, she would rather not have this marriage.

Chenghuan Ji: Xin Jiali was aggressive at the engagement banquet, why didn't Xin's mother stop Mai Chenghuan

Mai Chenghuan's strong maintenance of his family made Xin's mother see her "disobedience", and also foresaw that Mai Chenghuan would not obediently teach her husband and children at home in the future.

After Mai Chenghuan's family left in a hurry, she said to Xin Jialiang:

Jialiang, you and Chenghuan's matter, you should think about it again.

She went down with the trend, she didn't like Mai Chenghuan either, and foresaw Mai Chenghuan's "disobedience", and after the Mai family left, there was a reason for Xin Jialiang to think about the matter with Mai Chenghuan again.

Chenghuan Ji: Xin Jiali was aggressive at the engagement banquet, why didn't Xin's mother stop Mai Chenghuan

Xin Jiali said so many insulting words, she didn't stop it, she was just waiting, she wanted to see what Mai Chenghuan's reaction was, and she was also tempting.

Love is a matter for two people, but marriage is definitely not. Marriage involves a good match, and a good marriage is also more able to enter the other party's family and is more harmonious.

Of course, the right to be a good family is not only about money, but also about spirituality. For example, for the wedding banquet, Xin Jialiang felt that it was embarrassing to be surrounded there, but Mai Chenghuan didn't think so.

It is very important to have the right family in marriage.