
To prevent high incidence in spring, Chinese medicine experts come to help

author:V Chifeng
To prevent high incidence in spring, Chinese medicine experts come to help

With the arrival of spring, the temperature gradually warms up, but the temperature difference between day and night is large, resulting in frequent colds, allergies and other common spring illnesses. As a treasure of the Chinese nation, traditional Chinese medicine has profound health wisdom. Today, we have invited experts from Chifeng No. 2 Traditional Chinese Medicine and Mongolian Medicine Hospital (formerly Hongshan District Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine) to share some traditional Chinese medicine health knowledge to help you effectively prevent spring diseases.

To prevent high incidence in spring, Chinese medicine experts come to help

Wang Gang, deputy chief physician of the emergency department of Chifeng Second Traditional Chinese Medicine Mongolian Medical Hospital (formerly Hongshan District Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine).

To prevent high incidence in spring, Chinese medicine experts come to help

Traditional Chinese medicine emphasizes "covering spring and freezing in autumn", that is, paying attention to keeping warm in spring. Although the temperature rises in spring, the temperature difference between morning and evening is large, and it is easy to get cold if you are not careful. Therefore, we should increase or decrease clothing according to the weather changes, especially pay attention to the head, neck, and feet to avoid the invasion of wind and cold.

Secondly, traditional Chinese medicine believes that "righteousness is stored inside, and evil cannot be done", that is, when the body's righteous qi is strong, it is difficult for external evil to invade. Therefore, strengthening exercise and enhancing physical fitness are the key to preventing respiratory diseases. We can choose the methods that suit us, such as Tai Chi, Baduan Jin, Yijin Jing, etc., to regulate qi and blood and enhance physical fitness.

To prevent high incidence in spring, Chinese medicine experts come to help

Traditional Chinese medicine should also pay attention to the regulation of diet. In spring, it is advisable to eat more light, easy-to-digest foods, such as fresh vegetables and fruits. Like celery, leeks, oranges, dragon fruit, etc., to maintain the spleen and stomach. At the same time, proper consumption of some divergent foods, such as green onions, ginger, garlic, etc., can help dispel cold in the body and prevent respiratory diseases.

In addition to the above basic methods, TCM also provides some tips. For example, we can use traditional Chinese medicine to prevent and enhance resistance, such as choosing some traditional Chinese medicine that has the effect of warming yang and dissipating cold, invigorating blood and removing blood stasis, to soak our feet, such as mugwort leaves and safflower.

To prevent high incidence in spring, Chinese medicine experts come to help

Traditional Chinese medicine also massages the temples, Fengchi, Fengfu, Quchi, and Hegu acupoints, all of which help to relieve various symptoms such as dizziness, headache, nasal congestion, cough, and wheezing caused by respiratory diseases.

Of course, if you feel unwell, especially if you have a severe fever or cough, you should seek medical attention in time and follow the doctor's advice for treatment.

To prevent high incidence in spring, Chinese medicine experts come to help

Spring is a period of high incidence of respiratory diseases such as colds and allergies, but as long as we master the correct knowledge of traditional Chinese medicine and pay attention to warmth, exercise and dietary conditioning, we can effectively prevent the occurrence of diseases.

All-media reporter: Yin Zhenghua

To prevent high incidence in spring, Chinese medicine experts come to help

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