
Comprehensively investigate the establishment or disguised establishment of key classes, fast and slow classes

author:Southern Metropolis Daily

For the first time, the Ministry of Education has made comprehensive and systematic arrangements for the enrollment of compulsory education nationwide in the form of special actions. Nandu data map

Optimize enrollment policies and measures, strictly regulate enrollment behavior, strengthen enrollment information disclosure, optimize enrollment and enrollment processes, and ensure the enrollment of special groups......

On April 11, a reporter from Nandu learned from the Ministry of Education that in order to comprehensively strengthen the management of compulsory education enrollment and promote educational fairness, the Ministry of Education decided to organize and carry out a special action for compulsory education sunshine enrollment (2024) (hereinafter referred to as the "special action"). It is reported that this is the first time that the Ministry of Education has made a comprehensive and systematic work deployment for the enrollment of compulsory education nationwide in the form of a special action.

Nandu reporters investigated and found that as early as a year ago, the Guangdong Provincial Department of Education carried out a special rectification action against the "chronic disease" of compulsory education enrollment, and resolutely dealt with the problem of violations. In the past 10 years, the Guangdong Provincial Department of Education, the Guangzhou Municipal Education Bureau and other departments have also issued a number of policy documents, strictly prohibiting passing examinations and using various competition certificates as the basis for "pinching enrollment".

In fact, in recent years, Southern Metropolis Daily has continued to pay attention to the enrollment of students in the compulsory education stage. Some experts told the reporter that improving the system and strictly implementing the system is the key.


Latest Actions

Provincial and municipal education administrative departments are required to set up special action work teams

Nandu reporter saw from the "Notice of the General Office of the Ministry of Education on Carrying out the Special Action on Sunshine Enrollment in Compulsory Education (2024)" that in terms of strictly regulating enrollment behavior, the Ministry of Education requires local education administrative departments to carry out a comprehensive investigation of compulsory education schools in the region according to the "Ten Strict Prohibitions" on enrollment and enrollment in primary and secondary schools, and resolutely correct all kinds of violations to ensure full coverage and no omissions.

In addition, in terms of ensuring the enrollment of special groups, the Ministry of Education has also asked local education administrative departments to strengthen the work of ensuring the enrollment of special groups such as children who have dropped out of school, children of migrant workers in urban areas, left-behind children, and children with disabilities, including consolidating and steadily increasing the proportion of children of migrant workers in public schools.

The "Notice" pointed out that the Ministry of Education will set up a special working group composed of relevant departments and bureaus within the ministry, personnel of local education administrative departments, national school inspectors, and experts of the Basic Education Teaching Steering Committee to strengthen the supervision and guidance of the whole process of enrollment and enrollment in various places. Provincial and municipal administrative departments for education should set up special action work teams to strengthen work deployment, overall guidance, and supervision and inspection.

"May to July is the compulsory education stage of registration, admission, and now carry out special actions, the purpose is to lay the foundation for the future sunshine enrollment and create conditions. Huang Yuexiong, director of the development planning department of Guangzhou Huashang Business School, who has long been concerned about Guangdong education, told the reporter that the special inspection of sunshine enrollment was carried out at this time, the purpose of which was to further implement the measures and break through the difficulties and difficulties, which was a move to consolidate the results and further enhance the satisfaction of the people.


Local experience

Guangdong has carried out special rectification actions for illegal enrollment behaviors many times

Nandu reporters combed and found that Guangdong and Guangzhou have always had strict regulations and related actions in terms of "compulsory education sunshine enrollment".

As early as 10 years ago, the "Notice of the Guangdong Provincial Department of Education on Printing and Distributing Six Provisions on Regulating the Conduct of Compulsory Education" was promulgated. The contents mentioned include the strict prohibition of entrance examinations, the strict prohibition of running key schools, the strict prohibition of key classes, the strict prohibition of illegal make-up classes, the strict prohibition of illegal fees, and the strict prohibition of issuing admission targets.

In 2022, the Guangdong Provincial Department of Education held a video conference on the enrollment and enrollment of ordinary primary and secondary schools in the province, requiring basic education, enrollment examinations, supervision and other departments to take their own responsibilities and jointly carry out a special action to rectify illegal enrollment behaviors.

Last year, the Guangdong Provincial Department of Education held a video conference on standardizing the enrollment of basic education in the province and the deployment of key work in 2023. The meeting emphasized that it is necessary to carry out special rectification actions for illegal enrollment in the province, improve the enrollment and enrollment supervision mechanism, establish an exposure mechanism and notification system for violations, and thoroughly implement the "Sunshine Project" for enrollment to ensure that the enrollment process is open and transparent, and the results are fair and just.

Guangzhou, too, has long made it clear that it is strictly forbidden to pass the examination and conduct "pinching enrollment" on the basis of various competition certificates.

On April 26, 2021, the Guangzhou Municipal Bureau of Education issued the "Guiding Opinions on the Enrollment of Compulsory Education Schools in Guangzhou" (hereinafter referred to as the "Guiding Opinions"), which includes the section on "Illegal Enrollment Behaviors and Their Handling", emphasizing the discipline of enrollment work, and attaching the "Negative List of Compulsory Education School Enrollment".

Nandu reporters checked the "Negative List of Compulsory Education School Enrollment in Guangzhou" and found that it has listed many behaviors that will be resolutely corrected and investigated in the key tasks of the 2024 compulsory education sunshine enrollment special action. Including: the selection of students by means of examinations, interviews, human-computer dialogue, etc., the enrollment of students in various names such as key classes, fast and slow classes, "international department", "international curriculum classes", etc., and the basis for enrollment and admission by various competitions and examination certificates.

In April last year, the Guangzhou Municipal Bureau of Education also issued the "Guidelines for Open Day Activities in Primary and Secondary Schools (Trial)" (hereinafter referred to as the "Guidelines"), requiring schools to issue a statement at the same time before the activities are carried out and when issuing the notice of the open day activities, including: strictly implement the national, provincial and municipal enrollment policies, do not hold any form of tests, assessments, interviews, interviews, surveys, do not collect any information of students and parents in various ways, and do not collect students' resumes and other materials; Examinations, competitions, etc.


Expert opinion

Education departments and schools should announce the results of enrollment and admission to the public

"The Ministry of Education's special action on sunshine enrollment in compulsory education will further promote educational equity, create good conditions for the growth and development of more students, and will also help social fairness and justice, and promote the healthy development of society. Gu Xiaoqing, a professor at East China Normal University and chairman of the Information Technology Education Committee for Primary and Secondary Schools of the Chinese Society of Education, said.

It is true that the implementation of the special action will further strengthen, deepen and refine the sunshine enrollment, and effectively improve the transparency, convenience and satisfaction of compulsory education enrollment. However, there is still a long way to go in the enrollment of compulsory education sunshine, and all parties need to coordinate and take multiple measures at the same time.

In order to solve this "stubborn disease", Huang Yuexiong believes that improving the system and strictly implementing the system is the key, and re-enforcing the system is the way out. Therefore, he suggested that government departments should increase investment, strengthen prediction, and plan in advance, starting with providing more and better quality degrees, and at the same time do a good job in training high-quality teachers in advance, so as to truly realize the transition from "having a school" to "going to a good school". At the same time, the relevant departments in various localities should also strengthen supervision, implement the "Ten Strict Prohibitions", and focus on cracking down on donating money to enroll students, and recruiting students in violation of regulations in the name of borrowing and affiliation, so as to further demonstrate the determination and courage of government departments and form a clean and upright atmosphere and environment. In addition, the education department and the school should announce the enrollment and admission results to the public, and also announce the results to the public for the relevant illegal enrollment problems.

Professor Hu Xiaoyong, Executive Vice President of the Institute of Educational Artificial Intelligence of South China Normal University and Secretary-General of the Teaching Guidance Subcommittee of the Ministry of Education, pointed out that in the special action organized by the Ministry of Education, many important tasks and core links have places for education digitalization.

He said that the enrollment management service platforms in various places have transferred the cumbersome process of traditional offline enrollment business to online, and used digital technology and sunshine standards to support the integrated handling of registration, material review, admission and other processes in enrollment work, which will help effectively solve the problems of complicated certification materials and many school review links in traditional enrollment work. Make good use of the "digital desk" of the enrollment and enrollment service platform, which helps to realize the rapid entry, search and verification of student information, effectively avoid problems such as information conflict and information loss, and realize the intelligent statistics of enrollment number and progress, the automatic identification of duplicate information and error information, and the real-time monitoring and adjustment of enrollment dynamics, so as to effectively standardize the enrollment order, prevent black box operations, and ensure transparent and convenient enrollment services.


These behaviors will be investigated in primary and secondary school admissions

The notice of the Ministry of Education requires that local education administrative departments should carry out a comprehensive investigation of compulsory education schools in the region for key links in enrollment and enrollment.

The key points include: whether primary and secondary schools use the results of various cultural course examinations, training certificates, subject competition results, and examination certificates organized by social training institutions as reference or basis for enrollment; whether they collect or indirectly collect "donations to subsidize students" and "co-construction fees" that are linked to or related to enrollment; whether they use high material rewards and false publicity; Solicitation of students by improper means such as verbal promises or signing of admission pledges; whether they organize various tests and interviews for the purpose of selecting students on their own or jointly with social training institutions; whether there is mixed enrollment and class arrangement between public and private schools; whether they set up or covertly set up key classes and fast and slow classes to recruit students in the name of recruiting students.

Co-ordinator: Nandu reporter Lin Yun

Written by: Nandu reporter Sun Xiaopeng, Yang Xiaotong, intern Chen Shufei