
Kobayashi Pharmaceutical's survey results announced, what is Fanconi syndrome in most patients?

author:Great Wall Net

Japan's Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare announced on the 10th that according to the report of Japan's Kobayashi Pharmaceutical Company, as of April 9, 5 consumers who took Kobayashi Pharmaceutical Company's health care products containing red yeast ingredients have died and the number of hospitalizations has increased to 219.

Most people who are healthy and have Fanconi syndrome develops

Recently, the Japanese Society of Nephrology said that a survey conducted on some consumers who took Japan's Kobayashi Pharmaceutical Company's problematic health products showed that most of them had symptoms of Fanconi syndrome, and most patients improved their symptoms after stopping taking it.

Kobayashi Pharmaceutical's survey results announced, what is Fanconi syndrome in most patients?

Yao Fenghua, Director of the Department of Nephrology, the Fifth Medical Center of the PLA General Hospital: Fanconi syndrome is that after the kidneys are damaged, it cannot maintain the acid-base balance and electrolyte balance in the body, and then the patient will have an acid-base abnormality in the body, an abnormality of a large number of electrolytes, and finally obvious osteomalacia, even severe osteoporosis, and severe bone pain throughout the body, which is Fanconi syndrome.

During the interview, experts told reporters that the kidneys are the organs of the human body that excrete toxins, and also maintain the body's acid-base balance and electrolyte balance.

Kobayashi Pharmaceutical's survey results announced, what is Fanconi syndrome in most patients?

Yao Fenghua, Director of the Department of Nephrology, Fifth Medical Center of the PLA General Hospital: Everyone knows that the kidney can eliminate a lot of toxins, but at the same time, it can maintain the acid-base balance and electrolyte balance in the body.

Experts say that in layman's terms, Fanconi syndrome is that after the kidneys are damaged, the acid-base balance and electrolyte balance in the body are broken, resulting in the excretion of some nutrients in the body, and the waste in the body such as acids should be excreted, but the excretion is reduced.

People with Fanconi syndrome may have multiple bone pains

People with Fanconi syndrome may have subtle symptoms in the early stages, but as the condition continues to progress, multiple bone pains may occur throughout the body.

Kobayashi Pharmaceutical's survey results announced, what is Fanconi syndrome in most patients?

Yao Fenghua, Director of the Department of Nephrology, Fifth Medical Center of the PLA General Hospital: When Fanconi syndrome has obvious symptoms, patients will feel pain in a bone in many parts of the body, such as the cervical spine, lumbar spine, thoracic spine, hip joint, The bones of the lower limbs, as well as the dorsum bones of the feet, which bear gravity, will have obvious bone pain, and some patients may even have limited activities, and they will walk with a duck gait, at this time they need to go to the hospital for bone scanning, or bone density examination, bone scan will find abnormal bone metabolism, bone density examination can find severe osteoporosis, which is already a more obvious symptom of Fanconi syndrome.

According to experts, patients with Fanconi syndrome often choose orthopedics when they go to the hospital for treatment, but in fact, such patients also need to go to the nephrology department for further tests of urine and blood.

Kobayashi Pharmaceutical's survey results announced, what is Fanconi syndrome in most patients?

Yao Fenghua, Director of the Nephrology Department of the Fifth Medical Center of the PLA General Hospital: In the early days, it was mainly discovered through physical examination. During the physical examination, the urine in the urine is positive for glucose, there are a large number of amino acids in the urine, and there is a large amount of phosphate, which are abnormal, and you should go to the nephrology department for treatment. Obvious hypophosphatemia, hypocalcemia, and hypouricemia in the blood indicate that a large amount of nutrients in the blood have been lost, and you also need to go to the nephrology department for treatment.

How Fanconi syndrome is treated

How should Fanconi syndrome be treated? Experts in interviews said that such patients should first find the cause and treat the cause, and then treat the symptoms through drugs.

Yao Fenghua, Director of the Department of Nephrology, the Fifth Medical Center of the PLA General Hospital: There are many reasons that can cause Fanconi syndrome, the most common cause, the first is drugs, there are some Chinese herbal medicines with unknown ingredients and some painkillers and health products, which can cause kidney damage. The second is that there are some diseases, such as Sjögren's syndrome, amyloidosis, which can damage the kidneys and cause Fanconi syndrome. The third word is some heavy metals, such as mercury and lead poisoning, which can also cause Fanconi syndrome.

In terms of treatment of the cause, experts recommend that in daily life, try not to take health care products and painkillers with unknown ingredients, and symptomatic treatment is to supplement drugs according to the actual symptoms of the patient to restore the acid-base and electrolyte balance in the body.

Kobayashi Pharmaceutical's survey results announced, what is Fanconi syndrome in most patients?

Yao Fenghua, Director of the Nephrology Department of the Fifth Medical Center of the PLA General Hospital: If you usually have the habit of eating health care products and Chinese herbal medicines, you should pay attention to whether the drug will damage the kidneys, and if there is damage, stop the drug as soon as possible. The second is symptomatic treatment, if there is obvious fluid acidity, alkaline drugs can be supplemented, if there is obvious hypophosphatemia and osteoporosis, neutral phosphate should be supplemented, and symptomatic treatment for osteoporosis can be given.

(Source: CCTV News Client)

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