
Epic Games Store 即将进行重大改进


Text/Uncle Wang next door [ of the Aircraft Club (please indicate the source for reprinting)]

Epic Games Store 即将进行重大改进

The Epic Games Store is adding several features that make it easier and better for users to install, shop, and discover new games. The Epic Games Store has revealed that some features that users have been craving are being added, as well as some additional benefits.

Launched in 2018 as a competitor, the Epic Games Store is poised to challenge digital distribution platforms like Steam and Origin. One way they choose to gain attention and new users is by giving away free games to anyone who signs up for the service on a regular basis. The company also attracts developers by offering competitive revenue shares and low commissions. However, due to a variety of factors, including some features that are missing from other platforms - the Epic Games Store has yet to reach the same level of popularity as its biggest competitor, Valve's Steam.

Now, the Epic Games Store has revealed new features that will be added to the service in the future. The news was announced at GDC 2024, when Epic announced that the storefront would receive an improved download manager, expanded store navigation, improved homepage content, and landing page carousel. Users will be able to have more control over where they install their games, allowing them to choose the folder of their games, as well as ways to monitor the available space and which games to prioritize when downloading.

Epic Games Store 即将进行重大改进

The store itself is in the process of adding category options, which should greatly improve the experience of trying to find new and interesting games to buy and play. These improvements will also include featured hubs and game collections, as well as adding information about updates and news about players' games, just like Steam is doing now. Homepage headers and landing page carousels are designed to help draw attention to specific headlines, sales, and any new features in your store. While the last two features may be more exciting for developers and publishers than users, the overall improvements should result in an easier user experience that is more in line with what players expect from other digital distribution platforms. This is especially important for mobile Epic Games Store users.

Unfortunately, Epic Games has not yet announced when these will be added to the service. With big gaming events like the Summer Game Fest on the horizon, as well as discount events during the hottest months of the year, users may not have to wait long to get these features. It remains to be seen if it will be enough to entice users back to the Epic Games Store, but it should lead to a better experience for those currently using the platform.

Epic Games Store 即将进行重大改进

Subscription accounts

Epic Games Store 即将进行重大改进
Epic Games Store 即将进行重大改进

Epic Games

Synopsis: EPIC Games is one of the most prestigious game production teams in the last decade, largely because of its best-selling Gears of War series. The Unreal Engine 3 developed by the team has been used by countless game production teams. In 2011, Gears of War 3 was released by EPIC Games to critical acclaim. His representative works include "Bullet Storm" and "Fortnite".

Founded: 1991

总部:美国北卡罗莱纳州卡里市(Cary, North Carolina)

代表作品:《Bullet storms》、《Gears of War》系列、《Fortnite》堡垒之夜、《One must fall: 2097》