
"Raise 5 flowers at home, not rich and ruined", is not superstition, but the experience of the ancestors

author:Yan Xiaoxiao

In modern life, indoor flower cultivation has become a popular way of decoration, providing people with beautiful and emotional pleasure.

However, some flowers are considered unsuitable for growing at home because they can have a detrimental effect on the home. This is not superstition, but the experience of our ancestors.

"Raise 5 flowers at home, not rich and ruined", is not superstition, but the experience of the ancestors

1. Fuso Flower

Hibiscus is one of the common ornamental flowers, but it was considered unlucky by the ancestors because of its homonym for "mourning". In traditional Chinese culture, the association between a name and an object is very important, and any association associated with "mourning" is considered unlucky. The contradiction between the beautiful appearance of hibiscus and its name makes people hesitate to choose whether to raise it at home.

Despite the bright colors of hibiscus flowers and their high ornamental value, many people still choose to avoid growing hibiscus at home in order to avoid possible negative effects.

"Raise 5 flowers at home, not rich and ruined", is not superstition, but the experience of the ancestors

2. Geraniums

Geranium is a common flower variety that is loved by people for its bright flowers and rich aroma. However, the smell of geraniums is often considered too strong, and some people even find it unbearable. This smell may cause discomfort to family members and affect the harmonious atmosphere of the family.

In addition, long-term exposure to this odor can also adversely affect the health of people, especially those with allergies. Therefore, the experience of our ancestors teaches us that when choosing to breed geraniums, special attention should be paid to the effect of their smell on family members.

"Raise 5 flowers at home, not rich and ruined", is not superstition, but the experience of the ancestors

3. Sunflower

The sunflower is an adaptable and easy-to-grow flower, but it is not shade tolerant. If the lighting conditions in the home are insufficient, it will be difficult for the sunflower to grow normally, and it is easy to wilt and yellow. This situation not only affects the ornamental value of the flowers, but can also have a negative impact on the atmosphere of the home. Lack of sunlight can make people feel a lack of vitality and vitality in their lives, which in turn can affect the mental state of family members.

Therefore, when choosing to breed sunflowers, it is necessary to ensure that the light conditions in the home are suitable to avoid plant problems caused by insufficient light.

"Raise 5 flowers at home, not rich and ruined", is not superstition, but the experience of the ancestors

4. Tiger Piran

Tiger piranium is a common houseplant with unique leaf morphology and beautiful markings. However, the tiger pill orchid has a strict need for water, and too much or too little watering can cause growth problems. If you water too much, it is easy to rot the roots, and if you lack water, it is easy to wilt.

This unstable growth trait can be detrimental to the family, as not being able to raise this flower well can be irritating. In addition, tiger pirans are difficult to breed, which may make some beginners encounter problems in the process of raising flowers.

"Raise 5 flowers at home, not rich and ruined", is not superstition, but the experience of the ancestors

5. Cactus

Cactus is one of the houseplants that many people enjoy, but it requires caution when growing it at home. The cactus plant is covered with needles, which can easily puncture the skin, especially if there are children or pets at home.

In addition, the maintenance requirements of cactus are relatively high, and attention needs to be paid to moderate watering and sun exposure. Long-term farming of cacti can be potentially dangerous for family members.

"Raise 5 flowers at home, not rich and ruined", is not superstition, but the experience of the ancestors

In summary, all five species of flowers can have a negative impact when raised at home. These effects include not only bad luck in traditional culture, but also various inconveniences and dangers in real life. Therefore, the experience of our ancestors reminds us that when growing flowers at home, we should carefully choose the right varieties to ensure the peace and harmony of the family.