
After Ma Ying-jeou returned to Taiwan, he boldly expressed his stance and was "stabbed in the back" by several Kuomintang bigwigs


According to media reports, Ma Ying-jeou and his entourage of more than 20 young people have returned to Taiwan, and during their visit to the mainland, they met with important figures in the East Hall of the Great Hall of the People. Ma Ying-jeou has repeatedly expressed his support for the "'92 Consensus" and his opposition to Taiwan independence on the mainland over the past few days, and when he returned to Taiwan to give an interview to the media, he also openly mentioned the "'92 Consensus." He said that all of us are descendants of the Yan and Huang people, and that the history and culture of the two sides of the strait cannot be separated and separated by politics.

After Ma Ying-jeou returned to Taiwan, he boldly expressed his stance and was "stabbed in the back" by several Kuomintang bigwigs

Unlike Ma Ying-jeou, who received unanimous praise on the mainland, the KMT initially seemed indifferent to Ma Ying-jeou's visit to the mainland, and even treated it coldly, with KMT bigwigs such as Han Kuo-yu and Chiang Wanan remaining silent. When asked by a reporter how Kuomintang Chairman Zhu Lilun viewed Ma Ying-jeou's visit to the mainland, Zhu Lilun avoided answering the question that "Zhu Lilun may be invited to visit the mainland." He said that the party planned to arrange for Kuomintang Vice Chairman Lien Shengwen to visit the mainland in June.

After Ma Ying-jeou returned to Taiwan, he boldly expressed his stance and was "stabbed in the back" by several Kuomintang bigwigs

The turning point occurred after the meeting between important mainland figures and Ma Ying-jeou, and Zhu Lilun's attitude changed subtly, and he made a rare public criticism of the DPP authorities, saying that they undermine cross-strait relations and promote political goals such as "opposing China," "resisting China," and "Taiwan independence." After Ma Ying-jeou returned to Taiwan, Kuomintang Secretary General Huang Jianting came to pick up the plane, and there were also Kuomintang "legislators" Lai Shih-bao, Luo Zhiqiang, Tu Quanji, and others. It is said that Huang Jianting's pick-up was specially arranged by Zhu Lilun, and a large number of security personnel patrolled the scene to maintain order and prevent the "independence" groups from taking advantage of the opportunity to cause trouble and sabotage.

After Ma Ying-jeou returned to Taiwan, he boldly expressed his stance and was "stabbed in the back" by several Kuomintang bigwigs

It seems that the Kuomintang is very sure of Ma Ying-jeou's trip to the mainland, but in fact it is not, because some members of the Kuomintang have begun to backstab Ma Ying-jeou, and the backstabbing is none other than several Kuomintang bigwigs. Kuomintang Taipei Mayor Chiang Wan-an openly stated that when relations between the mainland and Taiwan are tense, it is necessary for someone to mediate and the two sides of the strait need to exchange ideas under the principles of dignity, reciprocity, and goodwill.

After Ma Ying-jeou returned to Taiwan, he boldly expressed his stance and was "stabbed in the back" by several Kuomintang bigwigs

Unlike Jiang Wanan's naked statement, another Kuomintang bigwig is much more tactful, but his methods are even more aggressive. Shortly after Ma Ying-jeou returned to Taiwan, the Kuomintang office issued a press release on the contents of a conversation between Kuomintang Vice Chairman Xia Liyan and Rosenberg, "Chairman of the American Institute in Taiwan," during his visit to the United States, which touched on the cross-strait situation and the relations between the Kuomintang and the United States.

The strange thing is that the time of the meeting between Xia Liyan and Rosenberg was April 9, but the time of the release was April 11, which happened shortly after Ma Ying-jeou returned to Taiwan. In this case, if you still insist that it is a coincidence, it is estimated that Xia Liyan himself will not believe it. What is even more entangled is that Ma Ying-jeou has frequently stressed on the mainland that Taiwan should adhere to the '92 consensus and oppose Taiwan independence; Xia Liyan in the press release has repeatedly mentioned "being pro-US, friendly to Japan, and peaceful with the mainland," saying that this is the foreign policy of the Kuomintang and will continue to be implemented for a long time.

After Ma Ying-jeou returned to Taiwan, he boldly expressed his stance and was "stabbed in the back" by several Kuomintang bigwigs

And I don't know whether it was intentional or unintentional, but not long after Xia Lingyan's visit to the United States, the Kuomintang office announced the schedule of Xia Liyan's visit to the United States, which was neither to visit Taiwan businessmen nor to exchange and study, but to participate in a war game exercise held by the "Center for Strategic and International Studies" to deduce the question of how Taiwan would win if a conflict broke out between the mainland and Taiwan.

All kinds of indications reveal that Xia Liyan wants to "carry it hard" with Ma Ying-jeou, so it can basically be concluded that the release of the content of Xia Liyan's remarks in the United States was deliberately done by the Kuomintang; first, it can curb the fiery momentum of Ma Ying-jeou's return to Taiwan, otherwise it will appear that the Kuomintang figures on the stage are too incompetent; second, they are cautious about the mainland, and hint to the mainland that what Ma Ying-jeou has done and said is only the words of his family and cannot represent the entire Kuomintang.

After Ma Ying-jeou returned to Taiwan, he boldly expressed his stance and was "stabbed in the back" by several Kuomintang bigwigs

By the way, Xia Liyan. Xia Liyan is a capricious person in his bones, jumping left and right on the issue of one China, turning his face and denying it. Xia Liyan will visit the mainland three times in 2023 and twice in 2024, and each time he said beautiful things wildly on the mainland, he immediately denied it after returning to Taiwan, and there was no shortage of slanderous remarks.

For example, in 2023, he said that the Kuomintang recognized the '92 consensus', and in an interview with the media after returning to Taiwan, he denied that he had said that he also said that the Kuomintang "does not support reunification and is not close to the mainland". Not only members of the Kuomintang suppressed Ma Ying-jeou, but the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) would not let go of this rare opportunity. Ko Wenzhe, chairman of the People's Party, said unashamedly that he was sure that the "consensus of '92" advocated and supported by Ma Ying-jeou would not be supported by the Taiwan people, and this was contrary to the mainstream public opinion.

After Ma Ying-jeou returned to Taiwan, he boldly expressed his stance and was "stabbed in the back" by several Kuomintang bigwigs

According to media reports, the person in charge of the administrative organ is Zhuo Rongtai, the secretary general of the Security Council is Wu Zhaoxie, and the person in charge of defense is Gu Lixiong. If Lai Qingde comes to power, with the current state of the Kuomintang, how much voice can he have?

#马英九返台重提 "92 Consensus" #

Original: Potatoes