
Enjoy sports and walk with love

author:Xi'an eTV

The most beautiful April day in the world, living up to the spring and the times. In order to promote the construction of school sports, art and culture, and promote the all-round development of Lixin teenagers, on April 10, the 5th Xiangyangsheng Spring Athletics Meeting of Far Eastern Experimental Primary School in Lianhu District was opened. The purpose of this sports meeting is to guide students to grow up physically and mentally with sunny psychology, happy sports, and healthy physique.


Class phalanx entry

Listen! The rousing "Athletes' March" has been played. Under the leadership of the national flag school flag team, 53 class teams with different styles made their debut, bringing a wonderful visual feast to all teachers and students with loud slogans, firm steps, high-spirited self-confidence and energetic performances, and pushing the atmosphere of the venue to a climax!

Enjoy sports and walk with love

Year 1 "Love to Learn" Creative Performance

Every child is a natural performer, and if they are given a small stage, they can shine the most beautiful light. The theme of the first-grade phalanx is "Love to Learn", and the children motivate themselves with confident smiles and express themselves with joyful dances, conveying full of sunshine and positive energy.

Enjoy sports and walk with love

Year 2 "Love Yourself" Creative Performance

The theme of the performance of the second-grade phalanx is "Love Yourself", and the children show their own "highlight moments" on the stage, full of healthy, lively and upward atmosphere, showing the unique vigor of children in the new era!

Enjoy sports and walk with love

Grade 3 "Love Others" Creative Performance

The theme of the third-grade performance is "love others", express our gratitude, let us follow in the footsteps of children, listen to their voices, be grateful, may you, may me, and may everyone walk with love!

Enjoy sports and walk with love

Grade 4 "Love Hometown" creative performance

In everyone's heart, there is one of the most beautiful places, and that is hometown. The theme of the fourth-grade performance is "Love Hometown", the beautiful scenery of the hometown is countless, the poems of the hometown are sung in ancient and modern times, the food of the hometown is praised, and the story of the hometown is told by "I". The children showed the beautiful ancient city of Xi'an!

Enjoy sports and walk with love

Grade 5 "Love the Motherland" creative performance

Home is the smallest country, and the country is tens of millions. The theme of the fifth-grade performance is "Love the Motherland", a popular song, a beautiful and colorful dance, a touching melodrama, sonorous and powerful, sincere emotions, expressing the children's deep love for the motherland, conveying the ambition and pride of "please rest assured that the party is strong and the country has me".

Enjoy sports and walk with love

Year 6 "Love Nature" Creative Performance

From the majestic Yangtze River and the Yellow River to the majestic Mount Taishan, from the beautiful water towns in the south of the Yangtze River to the vast Northeast Plains, every inch of land contains rich historical and cultural heritage, and every scenery shows its unique natural charm. The theme of the Year 6 performance was "Love Nature". The children dance in nature, stimulating the vitality of nature and showing infinite vitality.

Enjoy sports and walk with love

Opening Ceremony

Enjoy sports and walk with love

After the class entered, the representatives of the athletes and referees took the oath, and the school leaders delivered speeches and announced the opening of the sports day.

Club Display

In the basketball drill performance full of passion and vitality, the club performance kicked off! The children interpreted the charm of sports with enthusiasm and sweat. Every movement, every rhythm is full of power and passion.

The perfect connection between the feet and the ball of the young players in the football performance fully demonstrates the excellent control of the ball, making people feel the power and infinite vitality of youth!

Enjoy sports and walk with love

The Chinese martial arts, which have a long history and are broad and profound, are brilliantly presented under the interpretation of the students. A sword, a fist, a gun and a stick all interpret the tenacity and unyielding spirit of "grinding thousands of blows and still being strong, and letting the wind blow from east to west, north and south". The audience applauded their wonderful performance!

Enjoy sports and walk with love

The opening ceremony ended successfully

Enjoy sports and walk with love

The stadium under the warm sun

Accompanied by the laughter of children

Left behind the childhood life

Unique and precious memories

It is the most beautiful scenery in spring

The boy is like the wind and moves forward bravely

May the children have sunshine in their hearts and be clothed in rainbows

On the playing field

Continue to stage a different kind of wonder

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