
The limit out of the library is solved with one click, and the digital chassis of the lizard of Zhiji L6 is too arrogant!

author:Drink coffee without added sugar

The limit out of the library is solved with one click, and the digital chassis of the lizard of Zhiji L6 is too arrogant!

The limit out of the library is solved with one click, and the digital chassis of the lizard of Zhiji L6 is too arrogant!

The release of the Zhiji L6 caused a sensation, and its Greylizard digital chassis technology became the focus of the audience. More than just a step forward, this technology has revolutionized the way traditional automotive chassis hardware is managed, revolutionizing the driving experience.

The limit out of the library is solved with one click, and the digital chassis of the lizard of Zhiji L6 is too arrogant!

At the press conference, the scene of demonstrating the extreme delivery of Zhiji L6 was impressive. Through the precise control of the Skinkler's digital chassis, the Zhiji L6 can shuttle freely in a small space, and is no longer limited by the size of the parking space. One click to solve the parking problem, which makes people sigh. This technology not only improves the convenience of driving, but also improves driving safety, allowing the driver to be more relaxed in narrow environments.

The limit out of the library is solved with one click, and the digital chassis of the lizard of Zhiji L6 is too arrogant!

And the first-generation light-year solid-state battery equipped with the Zhiji L6 is even more jaw-dropping. The long range and fast charging speed give drivers an unrivalled driving experience without worrying about running out of power. The application of this technology not only improves the convenience of users, but also greatly improves the overall competitiveness of the vehicle.

The limit out of the library is solved with one click, and the digital chassis of the lizard of Zhiji L6 is too arrogant!

Although the hiccup at the press conference was unexpected, Zhiji Auto made timely corrections and apologies with a positive and responsible attitude, which won wide acclaim. This attitude of daring to admit mistakes and correct them in a timely manner demonstrates the integrity and responsibility of Zhiji Auto, and also further demonstrates the quality and strength of Zhiji L6 as a high-end smart car.

The limit out of the library is solved with one click, and the digital chassis of the lizard of Zhiji L6 is too arrogant!

On the whole, Zhiji L6's Skinktrap digital chassis technology is undoubtedly a revolutionary innovation, which is not only a scientific and technological progress, but also a deep understanding and satisfaction of user needs. With the advent of the Zhiji L6, it is believed that it will become a dark horse in the market, bringing users a new driving experience and creating a new era in the automotive industry. #智已汽车新一代纯电智能轿跑![Ador]#

The limit out of the library is solved with one click, and the digital chassis of the lizard of Zhiji L6 is too arrogant!
The limit out of the library is solved with one click, and the digital chassis of the lizard of Zhiji L6 is too arrogant!
The limit out of the library is solved with one click, and the digital chassis of the lizard of Zhiji L6 is too arrogant!